Flourless Cocoa Cookies Recipe (2024)

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Delicious! I only used 2 cups of sugar and they were perfect. Can't imagine what they would taste like with 3 cups! The cookies have a very rich chocolate flavor. The outside "crust" tastes kind of like a macaron, but then the inside is very gooey -- almost fudge-like. Very unique cookie, different from any I've made before. They are very easy to make! I used bittersweet chocolate chips and they worked just fine for the recipe.

Adriana Cardoso

Too much sugar!!!!

Brooklyn Bread Baker

These are best for a gluten free crowd. More like eating a piece of chocolate than a cookie. I used Valhrona cocoa powder and dark chocolate (62%). I think this is key to avoid them being too sweet. No problems with dryness, slightly crisp on outside, fudge-like on inside. Imperative to add the cinnamon and flaked salt--also added a little bit of espresso powder. The cinnamon hit a final note and offered a nice spicy finish. They took a wee bit longer than 13 minutes to be done.


My copy of The Fearless Baker arrived and the recipe for these cookies calls for 1-1/4 cups of cocoa (not 1-1/2 cups).

Elizabeth Barry, Canada

Just eat the chocolate. Forget all that cocoa, sugar et cetera. You won't have to cook, either. This is what I do! I find it saves a lot of trouble, time, work and the stove and dirty dishes. Also you can keep it to yourself, in your pocket or your top drawer or your desk. Or your handbag, your car or another secret place. Not only tastier - cookies are sometimes very dry with no butter. So think of all the saving and - yes - think of your health.

Kerry Montgomery

For those freaking out over the amount of sugar, I suggest that you are reading/using table sugar, and not confectioner's sugar? I agree, if I had used table sugar it would have been horrendously sweet, but I followed the recipe to a T and the sugar seems perfect.


I made these with two cups of powdered sugar, 1/4 tsp of cardamom, and some diced walnuts, and I'm thrilled with how they turned out. Thanks!


Confectioners (powdered) sugar is far lighter than granulated sugar. Three cups of it roughly equals a cup of granulated sugar.

Lisa Z.

Made the recipe as is-and the cookies were delicious. Used a scale to assure accurate measurements of dry ingredients (helps a great deal with cocoa and powdered sugar). Batter is very stiff at the end-I added a splash of amaretto which helped the mixing. My cookies required a slight flattening at 10 minutes. Perfect for gluten-free and dairy-free diets. The chocolate chunk size doesn't matter-they melt in. Unsweetened cocoa (not Dutch processed) worked well.


I cut the sugar by a third, thinking it would be too sweet, but that was a mistake. Perhaps 3 cups is too much sugar, but 2 cups is too little. Next time I'd try 2 3/4 cups and see how that goes. Aside from that, great recipe and extremely quick and easy!


Which type of cocoa powder does this recipe call for? Thank you very much.


Are the chocolate chunks added as-is or chopped? I've never used them and don't know their size. Also, Google sites tell me there's no standard for labeling chocolate semi- or bitter- sweet; it advises not to trust labels but taste, not always possible. Does your staff have percentages of cacao to rely on?

Ellen Fuss

This recipe appeared just in time to be a Passover dessert. The recipe is best when weighing the ingredients as the original recipe for this only calls for 11/4 cups of cocoa powder but the gram weight remains the same. These came out flat but the taste was incredible. I used Valrhona cocoa powder and bittersweet chocolate chunks and opted for the cinnamon as well as the flaked salt on top. Perfection.


I used only 2 cups powdered sugar and then added 1.5 cup almond flour as my batter seemed very wet. I also found that chilling the dough before cooking improved the results. They turned out great!!


I made this recipe with just a tad over 2 cups confectioners sugar as another person had written - it turned out great and still very sweet. Everything else was followed as written. I have a gluten free daughter and I am allergic to rice so this recipe was a wonderful find. My cookies were not crispy as typical cookies but still wonderfully delicious. I used “enjoy life” brand semi-sweet Mega Chunks.

Monique Gendre

These are simply Amazing! I followed the recipe and they are perfect: chewy, dark and not to sweet. I was worried because the dough was so thick, but am very happy I did not make any adjustments. I use extra brute Barry cacao powder. These will for sure go into heavy rotation on my baking list. Yum!


The texture is awful, and the cookies are way too sweet. Never baking them again!


These do not spread so they bake into whatever shape you put on the pan


I’m disappointed by the strange cakey texture. It’s not chewy or crisp at all. The flavor is great though. I added a little espresso powder but I was looking for soft in the middle and chewy on the outside. I won’t sift next time.

Ted S

Excellent and fudgy - made as written. Probably underbaked a bit - I had to use Silpat, which may have been the culprit, but they visually matched the recipe description before I took them out. SO wet in the middle, even after an hour of cooling, that I struggled to move them to a cooling rack without them smooshing. Next time I'll also try refrigerating the dough a little before baking, as they were very flat.

Ze Baker

I couldn't mix all of the sugar and cocoa mix into the three eggs, so I added a fourth. Waiting to see the results... Not the quick and easy recipe I was expecting!

Ann E.

Delicious, with a deep, dark chocolate flavor. I used a one tablespoon cookie scoop; shortened time in the oven. Turned out great.


Cooked as directed. Made exactly 24 both times. Added the espresso powder and chilled batter a bit before putting it on the parchment. These are the best, I won't be making other cookies. Raves from many people.


These were tooth-achingly sweet, which (for me) negated any real sense of richness. Also, I don't know what I did wrong, but they spread out so fast on the baking sheet that they were super thin. Just really didn't enjoy any aspect of these, unfortunately.


Loved these. Rich velvety flavor without being thick. Made the mistake of undercooking them so I stuck them in the freezer once they were cool enough and might I recommend the same happy accident. the texture is fantastic.


My batter became extremely thick and hard to handle. Did anyone else have this problem?


These were so delicious and brownie-like! It’s not just for a gluten-free crowd, everyone I have made these for has loved them. Unlike what some comments say, I did not find the experience as similar as simply eating chocolate, it was so much more satisfying!


Made these for the first time & they turned out fine. Used 2 1/4 c sugar and baked 14 minutes. They came out well with good texture and not over baked, although I think my cocoa was a bit stale (my bad, haven’t used any for a long while). Nonetheless a welcome treat for my GF friends. When I make these again I will use all of the sugar (3 c) and fresher cocoa, an add finely chopped nuts. Kinda can’t wait.

Lisa -

I like these with less sugar. I tend to bake them too long.


These cookies spread quite a lot, so I suggest spacing them 2 inches apart. Be prepared to use 3 sheets and bake in shifts. They are kind of like a cookie bark. Be sure not to overbake and let them cool on the sheet. Once cool, they will peel off the paper with some care.

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Flourless Cocoa Cookies Recipe (2024)
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Author: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.