*** The value of the Zagreb Derby increased from 50.000,- €to €62,000!***
Dear sports colleagues, here is great news for all of us, especially for our competitors. After the very successful Olympiad Maastricht 2024, where we got in touch with many of our participants, from whom we received a lot of praise, a lot of new bookings and also due to the introduction of a new Grand Prix category, we decided to create a new competition category in our Derby called “Olympic Ace Pigeon “. In this way, we will raise our standards even more and make our Derby even more interesting and raise it to an even higher level! This category is just an addition to our already existing program. The Olympic Ace will be scored according to the FCI Grand Prix rules, which are valid for your pigeon to come to the Olympics and for you to rise to the top of the world together with it!
It means that we understand each other well, our entrance price to the Derby remains the same 100,-€ per pigeon, 5+1 free, but our value has increased to 62,000,-€ !! For now, we have increased our prize fund year after year, thanks to what we do … we love pigeons, we love the publicity of our competitors, we love to be good at everything, we love everything to be very transparent and fair, and we love you the most satisfied with us… because together we go towards everything better! let’s move on !! Because we are “Home of the champions”
For all information about the new category, feel free to contact me…at any time! Kind regards.
-with the ultimate goal, the sale of pigeons through auctions to achieve their maximum value as well as their descendants in further breeding.
1. Derby Zagreb 2024 is the participation of carrier pigeon breeders organized by Lexman team d.o.o.-Tihomir Lekić, post office, 10370 Dugo Selo, Hrebinec, Hrebinečka cesta 30, tel: 091-2047254, email;
2. The loft for training, education and testing of young pigeons is located at Hrebinec, Hrebinečka cesta no. 30, (5 km from the center of Dugo Selo, or 20 km from the center of Zagreb), Croatia.
3. Loft’s professional staff is the organizer Tihomir Lekić
4. Veterinarian on duty is Dr. Goran Grafina and dr. Vesna Ostrožnjak.
5. Participation in the Derby Zagreb 2024 program is conditional on ACCEPTANCE of the rules and conditions of participation in Derby Zagreb 2024 and acceptance of the decisions of the organizers.
1. Pigeons must be delivered in the period from March 1, 2024 to May 25, 2024. years. Each participant can submit an unlimited number of pigeons, until the loft is filled according to the system “first come – first accepted”. The loft has a capacity of 2050 pigeons. The address to which the pigeons are delivered is; Hrebinec, Hrebinecka cesta no. 30, Croatia. After 25.05. 2024. pigeons are no longer accepted.
2. After 15.06. 2024, a list of all pigeons received will be published, which will be published on the official website.
3. All pigeons must be ringed with a 2024 valid FCI ring.
4. All pigeons must be delivered in good health and vaccinated against paramixovirus, at least 10 days before arrival. If this is not done, the organizer has the right to reject the pigeon.
5. The organizer advises that the pigeons be brought at least 6 weeks old.
6. Pigeons must be delivered with an owner card. The pigeon pedigree must be submitted no later than the final, otherwise the value of the pigeon is deducted from the sale of the pigeon, and the organizer retains the entire value.
Pigeons without an ownership card will be rejected by the organizers.
7. The delivered and received pigeons are managed only by the organizer.
8. All delivered pigeons will be ringed with chip-electron rings no later than July 31, 2024.
9. If the pigeon gets lost around the loft, at training or in some test, the organizer is not obliged to compensate the breeder who registered the pigeon. All pigeons that return late from training or testing will be in a separate quarantine box until it is determined that the pigeon is healthy to return to the main flock. These pigeons will not receive special training treatment, but must follow the program of other pigeons.
10. Pigeons are cared for by the organizer with his team with the best intention and goal for the best possible achievements and health of pigeons.
11. During Derby Zagreb 2024, the organizer will not have any other foreign pigeons in the same loft, but only the pigeons of the participating breeders will be present.
1. Receipt of pigeons starts on March 1, 2024. and ends on 15.05.2024.
2. PRICE PER PIGEON is 100,00- €, FOR EVERY 5 PIGEONS FROM THE SAME PARTICIPANT, 1 PIGEON IS GENERATED FOR FREE. The organizer reserves the right to charge for the transport of pigeons to the loft.
3. If the payment for the pigeon has not been made and registered by 15.06.2024. year, and otherwise not agreed with the breeder, the pigeon is removed from the loft and has no right to participate in further programs.
4. If a pigeon gets lost, dies from an illness or suffers an injury, the breeder will not be refunded the money paid for participation.
5. Replenishment of the conditions of participation is always possible from the organizer, provided that the organizer takes care of the health and welfare of pigeons.
6. Provided that some bad conditions are created that the organizer cannot influence (weather disasters or some state bans, etc.), the organizer has the right to repeat or cancel the Derby Zagreb 2024. season.
7. If the breeder has received his pigeon at the Lexman team loft, this means that the breeder agrees to all the rules and conditions of participation
8. The reservation for the participation of pigeons in the 2024 season is made as follows:
The breeder must register on our official website ( and under “Applications for participation” register a certain number of pigeons with which he wants to participate and fill in the necessary information. After registration, it is necessary to pay into our official giro account Lexman Team, IBAN; HR4023600001102957938, half or 50% of the total participation amount. If 50% of the amount is not paid, the reservation will not be valid. If the breeder cancels the reservation, the organizer has the right to keep the amount paid.
1. In the event that the program of the 2024. season is interrupted and cannot be continued, all money paid for participation will be returned to growers less the cost already incurred until the day of interruption. All pigeons present at that time will be sold through an auction on the official website of the organizer. In that case, 50% of the amount sold goes to the breeder and 50% belongs to the organizer.
2. The organizer is not responsible for the way in which he will divide the values of the pigeons for the achieved results and he cannot be punished in any way, but he is obliged to respect all set values which will be calculated after the online auction of all pigeons deal.
3. The total amount of value for the pigeons achieved results is based on the active 1750 pigeons and the total is € 62,000,- The amount of value can be reduced or increased in proportion to the number of pigeons participating in the program.
4. The exact amount of the value and its distribution by category shall be published no later than
5. For the best pigeons breeders will be informed personally by the organizers.
6. All 3 best pigeons in all categories will receive diplomas on the day of the final test and appropriate medals from the World Organization – FCI.
7. All achieved values of pigeons will be paid in euros after the final auction through a bank transaction. The organizer has the right to make a final settlement for breeders and other participants in the auction after the final online auction for all pigeons sold and bought, and issue one invoice. When paying the value to breeders, the organizer has the right to request the completion of the necessary documentation for payment and the conclusion of a contract on mediation for the sale of pigeons. Only after filling in the necessary documentation, the organizer will make the payment to the bank account of the breeder.
8. Funds from the participation fee will cover all costs of food, veterinary care, training, education, testing, costs of Lexman team employees, all costs of maintaining the farm and loft. Breeders do not have any other costs.
1. FCI FINALE will be held from the city of Hejkourt Hungary, (420 km). In case the weather conditions or some other objective reasons do not allow the release of pigeons and the holding of the finals from that place, the organizer has the right to move the date, place and distance of release. Also, if weather conditions do not allow the organizer to conduct the training program as planned, the organizer has the right to change the distance, place and date of release to provide the safest possible conditions for pigeons.
2. Pigeons were trained with 10 shorter (10-80 km) and 4 official trainings, 110, 185, 240, 307 km so-called. Hot spot training (4 “As pigeon HOT SPOT”) after which the final from 420 km. The first official training (1st “As pigeon -HOT SPOT”) will be held on 10.08.2024. yr.
3. Pigeons at the Hot spot trainings and finals were transported and released separately from any other training and pigeons outside the organizer’s loft.
4. The achievements of the pigeons in each “As pigeon-Hot spot” and the final will be published on the official website. All releases and arrivals of pigeons from training and finals will be recorded by cameras and CCTV system and published on the official website.
5. The date of the FCI FINAL is 14.09.2024. years. The organizer has the right to change the place and day of release under certain conditions.
6. The finals end at 20.00 the day after release. Also Ace pigeon list is closed at the same time.
7. The release time depends on the weather conditions and the weather forecast for the day.
8. At the time of packing the pigeons for the finals, the selected veterinarian on duty shall have the right to refuse the pigeon to participate if that pigeon shows signs of illness or any injury that would prevent it from participating consistently. The veterinary decision cannot be rebutted.
9. All pigeons on the packaging for the FCI finals will be marked with the appropriate official FCI stamp.
10. The list of packed pigeons for the finals will be published on the official website before the pigeons are released from the place of release.
11. “Speed Ace pigeon” competition is calculated according to the Benzing OLR program – average speed.
12. “Olympic Ace pigeon” competition is calculated according to the FCI Grand Prix Olympic regulations.
13. In case more than 350 pigeons remain after the 420 km final, the organizer has the right to organize the Super final according to the following rules;
Super finals can be organized from 500-600 km away.
The 100 first pigeons and the best 20 Ace pigeons from the 420 km FCI Final will not participate in the Super Final, but will go directly to the auction – online sales. All other pigeons can participate in the Super Final but only at the request of the breeder. Only the owner-breeder can confirm participation in the Super Final for their pigeons. Participation in the Super Final is divided as follows; To participate in the pigeon values, each breeder needs to pay €50 per pigeon. If the breeder does not want to participate in the values and wants to send a pigeon to the Super Final, it can be done at the organizer’s expense. Other pigeons that do not go to the Super Final Race go on sale directly through the auction. For the best pigeons in the Super Final, the organizer will distribute trophies, and the main purpose of holding the Super Final is even greater testing of pigeons and achieving greater value, ie the price of pigeons at auction! Pigeons that did not prove to be the best in the 420 km final will have another chance to show their worth at an even greater distance!
1. All pigeons will be auctioned through our website
2. 50% of the achieved value of the auction amount belongs to the organizer and 50% goes to the breeder, less 10 € for making a photo of a pigeon.
3.Buyer of the pigeon pays 25% VAT on the amount achieved on the auction.
4. If problems accidentally occur on the day of the online (web) auction, which are beyond our control, and appear within 30 min. until the auction closes, the online auction will be extended for another 30 minutes.
5. In the event that the pigeon is not sold through a web auction, and did not achieve the requested price, the breeder has the right to take back his pigeon within 7 days, otherwise the pigeon becomes the property of the Lexman team.
6. All the values of the pigeons achieved at the auction can be distributed according to the wishes of the breeder and according to the agreement with the organizer. The values are reduced or increased for the purchase of other pigeons from the same or another breeder or are reduced for the values of testing young pigeons in the next season.
* One month (30 days) after the end of the web-internet auction on the Lexman team website, the breeder was paid 50% of the achieved price of the auctioned pigeon. In the event that a month has passed and the buyer of the auctioned pigeon has not yet paid the price achieved, the sale of that pigeon will be canceled and the same pigeon will be auctioned again on the website. In that case, the breeder will not receive 50% of the achieved auction the first time, but will receive 50% of the achieved auction the second time, assuming that the pigeon is paid from the new buyer. If there are problems with the payment of the same pigeon, the organizer will reach an agreement with the breeder. *
We look forward to spending time together and wish you a lot of pleasure and happiness.
1. Ace pigeon -HOT SPOT -10.08.2024. (Sunday) Zalakomar, Hungary – 110 km
2. Ace pigeon – HOT SPOT – 17.08.2024. (Sunday) Siofok, Hungary – 185 km
3. Ace pigeon- HOT SPOT – 24.08.2024. (Sunday) Pentela, Hungary – 240 km
4. Ace pigeon SEMIFINALE – 31.08.2024. (Sunday) Ceglid, Hungary – 307 km
5. FCI FINAL – 14.09.2024. (Sunday) Hejokurt, Hungary – 420 km
6. Super final (option 500-600 km) -01.10.2024.
The organizer reserves the right to also organize a category for the selection of the most beautiful pigeons. In that case, the organizer will organize an exhibition of the same and reward the most beautiful pigeons according to his abilities.
Thank you for your trust.
All information and reservations please call: 091-2047254, email: facebook inbox; Tihomir Lekić
Organizer and owner of Derby Zagreb
Tihomir Lekić-Lexman team d.o.o.