What Is 713.49 Written As A Standard Form (2024)

Mathematics High School


Answer 1

It’s one hundred seven thirteen and forty nine hundreds

Related Questions

If 2x − 9 = x, then 12x =____?


Change the photo then i'll anser it

The answer would be

hey! please help i’ll give brainliest



Anxeity (Option 4)

Step-by-step explanation:

They would most likley be anxious and nervous about what they scored on their test while waiting for the results


I think its C

hope this helps

have a good day :)

Step-by-step explanation:

reflect C over the y axis​



C' (- 3, 2 )

Step-by-step explanation:

Under a reflection in the y- axis

a point (x, y ) → (- x, y ) , then

C (3, 2 ) → C' (- 3, 2 )

Mrs. Rashad is baking 3 pies. She needs 16 cups of strawberries for each pie. How many cups of strawberries does she need in all?
Make an equation to solve the problem. Move numbers and a symbol to the blanks to make the equation. If there is no whole number in the
answer, put a 0 in the box after the equals sign.




Step-by-step explanation:

1 pie = 16 cups

you need 3 pies

add 16 three times


A card is drawn from a standard deck of cards. What is the probability
that a spade is drawn, then replaced, and a red card is drawn second?


The probality is 69 420

Three friends take a road trip to Florida. They drive a total of 1,042 miles. Doug drives 400, Ben drives 342, and Chris drives 300. What percent did each one drive on the trip?
A. Doug 40.4%, Ben 33%, Chris 26.6%
B. Doug 38.4%, Ben 20.8%, Chris 40.8%
C. Doug 38.4%, Ben 32.8%, Chris 28.8%
D. Doug 41.1%, Ben 40.2%, Chris 18.7%




Step-by-step explanation:

Doug: 400/1042 = .3838 = 38.4%

Ben: 342/1042 = .3282 = 32.8%

Chris: 300/1042 = .2879 = 28.8%


Doug 38.4%, Ben 32.8%, Chris 28.8%

what is the value of r if 3r =243?​



243 divided by 3 equals 81 so r=81

Step-by-step explanation:



Step-by-step explanation:

Simplify the equation. 3r=243, so divide 3 on both sides, and you get r=81, hence 81 is the answer.

Jack and Jill collect coins. Jack has 56 coins, and Jill has 80 coins. Both recently joined a coin-collecting club. Jack's club will send him 12 new coins per month, and Jill's club will send her 8 new coins per month. After how many months will Jack and Jill have the same number of coins?



So, after 6 months, they both have the same number of coins.

Step-by-step explanation:

Jack has 56 coins

Jill has 80 coins

Jack collect 12 coins per month

Jill collect 8 coins per month

Let after m months, they both have the same coin.

56 + 12 m = 80 + 8 m

12 m - 8 m = 80 - 56

4 m = 24

m = 6

So, after 6 months, they both have the same number of coins.

The school's basketball team lost 4 times as many games as they won. They also tied 5 fewer games than they won.
If they played 43 games, how many did they lose?
B. 32
C. 28
D. 24
E. 20




Step-by-step explanation:

tie is not sure of winning or lose

so,5 tied may consider as lose too


(02.01)The figure shows a pair of parallel line segments on a coordinate grid:

I added the pic.

The line segments are translated 2 units to the right to form E'F' and G'H'. Which statement describes E'F' and G'H'?

Line segments E'F' and G'H' do not intersect and are closer together than EF and GH.
Line segments E'F' and G'H' intersect at (−2, 0) and are two times farther apart than EF and GH.
Line segments E'F' and G'H' intersect at (0, −2) and are two times closer together than EF and GH.
Line segments E'F' and G'H' do not intersect and are the same distance apart as EF and GH.


Answer:If you have two parallel lines and shift both to the left by the same amount, that does not alter the distance between the lines. Thus, c is correct.

Step-by-step explanation:

A triangle on the coordinate plane has vertices (-8,3), (3,9) and (9,3). What is the area, in square units, of the


Answer: 51 sq units

Step-by-step explanation:

after plotting the vertices, the height of the triangle is 6 and the base is 17

A = 1/2(6)(17)

A = 51 sq units

2. Liam and Sam shared a chocolate bar Liam ate 3/5
and Sam ate 4/ 10 Who ate more? How much


Liam ate more
first convert one of the fractions to the same denominator as the other one. personally, I chose to simplify 4/10 to 2/5. this leaves us with a common denominator of 5, and it makes the problem much easier/simpler to look at.

3/5 - 2/5 = 1/5
Liam ate 1/5 more chocolate than Sam

What is the shape of this distribution


Answer is B. Hope this helps
Could I please get brainliest answer?

An article is bought for Rs 8600 and is sold at a profit of 20 %. Find its selling price.


Selling price = 8600 + Profit

Selling price = 8600 + ( 8600 × 20/100 )

Selling price = 8600 + ( 86 × 20 )

Selling price = 8600 + 1720

Selling price = Rs 10,320

A thin wire inform of an equilateral triangle of side 11 cm find the area of a circle whose circumference is equal to the length of the wire



86.70 cm^2

Step-by-step explanation:

circumference = 11 x 3 = 33

circumference of a circle = nD

33 = 3.14 X D

D = 10.51

r = 10.51 / 2 = 5.25

Area = nr^2

3.14 x 5.25^2 = 86.70 cm^2

solving equations





Step-by-step explanation:

x-1 = 19

Add 1 to each side

x-1+1 = 19+1



x = 20

Step-by-step explanation:

x - 1 = 19

Add 1 to both sides

x = 20

a five-question quiz is taken in which the first and second questions have four answer choices the third and fourth questions have three answer choices and the last question has five answer choices a student randomly marks an answer for each question, what is the expected number of questions he will answer correctly




Step-by-step explanation:


Si a los lados de un cuadrado se le aumenta en 3 y 5 m respectivamente la superficie del nuevo rectangulo es 440m .Encontrar el lado del cuadrado inicial



El lado del cuadrado inicial es 17 m.

Step-by-step explanation:

El área de un rectángulo se calcula a partir de los dos lados diferentes. Siendo a y b el valor de ambos lados, el área de la figura es el producto de los dos lados contiguos del rectángulo.

A los lados de un cuadrado se le aumenta en 3 y 5 m respectivamente la superficie del nuevo rectángulo es 440 m². Siendo x el lado del cuadrado inicial, entonces el área del rectángulo se puede expresar como:

(x+3)*(x+5)= 440 m²


x*x + 5*x + 3*X + 3*5= 440

x² + 8*x + 15=440

x² + 8*x + 15 -440= 0

x² + 8*x -425= 0

Una función cuadrática de la forma a*x² + b*x + c= 0 se puede resolver mediante la expresión:

[tex]\frac{-b+-\sqrt{b^{2}-4*a*c } }{2*a}[/tex]

En este caso, a=1, b=8 y c=425. Reemplazando:

[tex]\frac{-8+-\sqrt{8^{2}-4*1*(-425) } }{2*1}[/tex]


[tex]\frac{-8+\sqrt{8^{2}-4*1*(-425) } }{2*1}= \frac{-8+\sqrt{64+1700} }{2*1}= \frac{-8+\sqrt{1764 } }{2}= \frac{-8+42 }{2}= \frac{34}{2} = 17[/tex]


[tex]\frac{-8-\sqrt{8^{2}-4*1*(-425) } }{2*1}= \frac{-8-\sqrt{64+1700} }{2*1}= \frac{-8-\sqrt{1764 } }{2}= \frac{-8-42 }{2}= \frac{-50}{2} = -25[/tex]

Como las longitudes no pueden ser negativas, el lado del cuadrado inicial es 17 m.

Jessica's family took a 7-hour-and-27-minute trip on a train. They left at 7:00 a.m.
What time did Jessica's family arrive?


Jessica’s family arrived at 2:27-230

hELP help help help help​



the answer is not here

Step-by-step explanation:

because for it to 5 decimal place there need to be 5 numbers after the point

Which of the following statements is true?

A blue star is hotter than the sun.
Both stars and planets are capable of generating their own light.
A star with a magnitude of 0.2 is brighter than a star with a magnitude of -0.2.
The Big Dipper is the largest constellation in the winter sky.




Step-by-step explanation:

Do you put the x or y axis first


X! Hope this answer helped. (Mark me please)


x hope this helped you a lot

Blaine's take-home pay is $2,500 each month, and he has created a monthly budget to become more aware of where his money goes. His budget is shown below. Blaine finds that he can join a cheaper gym for $40/month, reduce his spending money to $200, and find a phone and internet package for $175. How much will these choices save him each month?



Amount Blaine save = $250

Step-by-step explanation:

Total take home pay = $2,500

Original budget:

Rent + electricity bills = $990

Food/groceries = $525

Gas + insurance = $320

Spending money = $235

Cellphone + Internet = $250

Gym membership = $180

Total = $2,500

New budget:

Rent + electricity bills = $990

Food/groceries = $525

Gas + insurance = $320

Spending money = $200

Cellphone + Internet = $175

Gym membership = $40

Total = $2,250

How much will these choices save him each month?

Amount Blaine save = Total take home - new budget

= $2,500 - $2,250

= $250

Amount Blaine save = $250

He sum of two numbers is negative twelve​, and one number is five​ less than the other. Using the variables mm​ and nn​ to represent the two numbers, write a system of equations that describe the situation. Enter the equations below, separated by a comma.



mm + nn = -12

mm - nn = 5

Step-by-step explanation:

two equations can be derived from the question

Raul ordered 1 small photo enlargement and 4 medium photo enlargements for $29. Patricia ordered 5 small photo enlargements and 2 medium photo enlargments for $28



m = $6.5

s = $3

Step-by-step explanation:

Raul ordered 1 small photo enlargement and 4 medium photo enlargements for $29. Patricia ordered 5 small photo enlargements and 2 medium photo enlargments for $28. determine the price of the small photo enlargements and medium photo enlargments

two equations can be derived from the question

s + 4m = 29 equation 1

5s + 2m = 28 equation 2


s = small photo enlargements

m = medium photo enlargements

multiply equation 1 by 5

5s + 20m = 145 equation 3

subtract equation 2 from 3

18m = 117

m = 6.5

substitute for m in equation 1

s = 29 - (4 x 6.5)

s = 3

Which answer do I pick .


the answer to this question is 8

Find the volume of each figure. Simplify your answers.

Please help ASAPPPP
thank you so much!!!!




Step-by-step explanation:

The volume of a rectangular prism is given by [tex]V=l\cdot w\cdot h[/tex], where [tex]l[/tex] is the length of the prism, [tex]w[/tex] is the width of the prism, and [tex]h[/tex] is the height of the prism.

Substituting given values, we get:

[tex]V=2.5\cdot 4.25\cdot 9.25=98.28125\approx \boxed{98.28\:\mathrm{ft^3}}[/tex]

Since "Simplify your answers" is very subjective, I've rounded to the nearest hundredth as that is reasonably universal, but you may need to adjust the rounding as desired.

What is the area of a rectangle whose side lengths are o and g?



Area=Base length x Height

Area= O x g.

Which inequality represents x is at least - 4?


x is greater than or equal to -4



x is greater or equal to -4

[tex]x \geqslant - 4[/tex]

i need the answer!!! please



sinx = e/f

cosx = d/f

tanx = e/d

Step-by-step explanation:

soh cah toa

sin= opposite/hypotenuse

cos= adjacent/hypotenuse

tan= opposite/adjacent

What Is 713.49 Written As A Standard Form (2024)
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Name: Otha Schamberger

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Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.