US Patent for Wireless electronic check deposit scanning and cashing machine with webbased online account cash management computer application system Patent (Patent # 10,521,781 issued December 31, 2019) (2024)


This application is a continuation of U.S. application Ser. No. 14/299,456, filed Jun. 9, 2014, pending, which is a continuation of U.S. application Ser. No. 13/495,971, filed Jun. 13, 2012, abandoned, which is a continuation of U.S. application Ser. No. 10/918,898, filed Aug. 16, 2004, abandoned, which claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/532,416, filed Dec. 23, 2003, and claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/515,912, filed Oct. 30, 2003, wherein the entirety of U.S. application Ser. Nos. 13/495,971 and 14/299,456 are hereby incorporated herein by reference.

BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 1. Field of the Invention

The present invention generally relates to a method and apparatus for Wirelessly depositing paper checks that are deposited from home computer, desktop office computer, mobile device that is Internet capable, laptop computer, Internet capable pda (personal digital assistant), and/or any other working device that allows one access to the Internet through wireless solutions—which is wirelessly scanned and delivered through the Wireless Check (deposit) Scanning Machine—where the endorsed check image is captured, and wirelessly transmitted to a wireless computer network, that is linked and delivered to the online account management system (OMS), which acts as a virtual teller by receiving and confirming the check image data on the user's/depositor's account (ie. routing number, checking account number on the endorsed check image, dollar amount of the check, date of the check, check owner's name, and bank name, etc.)—where user logs on to enter the dollar amounts and figures into their online account management system Account, to initiate and begin process of check deposit request; verifying check data through user/depositor online data verification; submitting request to move funds (for written amount of the endorsed check image) from check owner's bank checking account into user's/depositor's bank account—serving as an electronic funds transfer. This web-based cash management application solution program controls the processing of the check using a secure format (OMS), while the Wireless check scanning Device wirelessly securely transmits the data to the wireless computer network that links to the user's online account (operated and controlled by the OMS). This enablement opens the door for Global Banking, with a limitless variation of transaction (ie. business, personal, international) capacities. The check (once wirelessly delivered to the system) controlled for deposit in the online account management system converts the check image into an electronic banking transaction (appearing as an electronic banking funds transaction—for expedited processing and wiring of check deposit funds made available in user/depositor checking account); in addition allowing the user/depositor the capability of Cashing and Printing orders through the OMS process—once image has been received and delivered to the OMS through WEDS, the user is then able to verify document type (ie. Personal check, Business check, Money Order) for request to deposit, or cash the check/money order. The deposit takes process through user logon and verification of check depositor and check owner's banking data and authorization, along with the system authenticity of document and user check. The check cashing option occurs when user has web cam hooked up, and destination of the user's ISP (Internet service provider address and local computer network to detect where communication from user's computer is coming from) so user can be located, and his/her destination at time of transaction request can be located. User's picture is taken through a live image captured during the user's request; which shows the user's action throughout the time of the transaction. Upon approval and verification of the check data and user data within the OMS system, the OMS live teller allows the funds to be electronically transferred into user's account (EFT) at the point of transaction, which makes cash available to user immediately. The image of the check/money order is recorded, and voided out, and notification is sent to the user's and check owner's bank/financial institution, and/or place where OMS purchased money order on behalf of user—and documented into a web-based OMS national system, so all check cashing stores, banks, and post offices can be aware of all checks and money orders cashed through WEDS.OMS system.

2. Background Description

With the booming Internet Information Age, the number or online users are increasing both in the United States and overseas. There are more than 32 million online banking customers in the U.S. and over 100 million in Europe. As an effect of the high volume of users, people are looking toward the Internet as an avenue to increase both personal and professional productivity, more particularly in the field of banking.

Banks in the U.S. spend $8 billion in processing checks, and the Federal Reserve processes 42 billion checks per year. As the use and need of checks continue to grow and remain vital for business transactions and services, depositing alternatives are greatly needed, so is the desire for speedy availability of those funds in a convenient environment. The cost and time associated with processing and depositing paper checks manually decreases productivity and financial expenditures and labor spending levels. Small, medium, and large Businesses would increase office productivity as well as save money in labor, and clear checks quicker by excluding the use of manual check processors (to deposit and scan checks for payment and/or deposit) and save time and money manually or processing a check deposit for individual customers and/or businesses banking at the branch(es) and at check processing centers, check cashing centers, and brokerage firms. Individual consumers will save money in check processing fees and be encouraged to start and/or grow a banking relationship should an alternative method of banking be made available to them at a lower cost, and without the inconvenience of waiting in line to deposit at the branch or ATM, then waiting again for the funds to clear the bank. Should a new capability be developed where a computer system can wirelessly scan and wirelessly deliver the check image to a wireless network (such as this invention), that is linked to an online access point where the user/depositor can set preferences for online check deposit request, and be serviced online (in a virtual teller environment—such as this invention), where the endorsed check image delivered is verified and deposited in a secure manner (processed as an EFT—electronic funds transfer, to expedite processing time frame for check deposit)—there will be less room for manual error, and longer than necessary waiting time frames for deposit of check, and release of funds, in addition to excluding the need for travel time for those wishing to deposit, or rely on obtaining funds immediately.

Online banking is an increasing market, where users are now capable of going online to view their checking and savings account, transfer funds, and set up payment schedules online. However, their banking options are limited, which give users less power to get things done without the need of going to a branch or visiting an ATM machine, when they'd rather spend lunch eating, and spend their weekends at home with the family and loved ones.

Allowing deposit and cashing of checks online through Wireless scanning (WEDS) and wireless navigation (OMS) enables the user to finally take control over their finances. With this invention, users are now able to perform the task of scanning a check for online deposit in a wireless environment. The user may now wirelessly scan the endorsed check image, which is wirelessly delivered (WEDS) to a wireless network, which is linked to a main access point for the user to navigate commands online (the Account Management System or OMS). There is no longer a need for a serial cable or any other wire cable connection in order for the endorsed check image to be transmitted and delivered. This greatens the user with the ability to bank with mobility; to bank while in transit. Users once unable to transmit endorsed check image without computer connectivity port accessibility, are now able to exercise the option of use through USB cable, firewire cable, and (most important and convenient) Through Wireless Transmission of data (endorsed check image) for delivery, receipt and processing; in addition to the OMS providing the capability of paper/substitute-check cashing and money order cashing through a secured connection and picture capture of live web cam image of the user once user is logged onto his/her account on the OMS.

Although electronic financial transactions are commonly operated and maintained by giving the average banker power over their money, both businesses and individual banking customers/clients have limited power due to the limited online banking options available to the online banking user. In a survey conducted by International Data Corporation (IDC), 42% of users found processing transactions in the online banking world not very useful, or user friendly. Banks and financial institutions ultimately destroy banking/financial relationships because the customer is limited to the online banking transactions he or she can accomplish, due to a lack of diversified banking solutions and limited web-based solutions offered to the user in a “user friendly” atmosphere-one of the many harvests (or fruits) brought to the world are new, innovative technological advancements and evolutions are going from non-dial up options, to cable modem options, to broadband, to wireless fidelity (Wi-Fi) options to expand user Internet capabilities. Because of the wireless wave of technology, consumers are now able to accomplish more on their laptops and wireless devices (ie. mobile and pda devices)—faster, and more efficient than ever. Being able to deposit a check through the home and office provide the online user with advanced options, but having to connect to a computer (ie. Pc and/or mac compatibility) in order to accomplish the initial task of scanning ties the user to one particular spot in order to begin the process, ultimately excluding their options of mobile banking. There are over 5 million Wireless Banking Consumers in the U.S. and 48 million in Europe; which will increase to 79 million by the end of 2004. As a result, users' are seeking expanded banking solution options, to cater to the freedom of Mobile Life Productivity while in transit. The benefit of this invention (wireless electronic check deposit scanning machine with web-based computer application [controller] system) will enhance which enhance the quality of service that banks can provide to their customers and offer to prospective and new customers. Once people realize that their user power has increased, and their finances can be watched, controlled, and initiated at any time by the push of a button, Wireless banking will increase for corporations and individual banking consumers all across the world.

This invention allows bankers all across the continent to lessen their labor expenditures and manual operating costs, while increasing service options to their customers. Banking productivity will increase due to less paper processing. With the new Law, Check 21 century act (as of October 2004), substitute checks will allow banks to decrease paper trails, by allowing substitutes of the checks to be accepted. This invention will allow users and the banking industry to quickly adapt and make a comfortable transition using this tool as a “banker's handyman”.

In the world of business, checks—be it paper or substitute will always be used, be it a businesses way of compensating a per project seasonal worker or contractor, brokerage firm using a check for account owner request of funds, or compensating temporary workers (ie. Payroll checks) Financial institutions will have the need to use checks as a source of compensation for services, and Check Processing Centers will be there to record, document, and process checks. Collection agencies and Insurance companies seek immediate compensation for debts and cost of services in the form of checks. These type of transactions exist all over the United States and overseas—which increases the need for a higher more advanced, time efficient and effective tool. A tool that would allow one to wirelessly scan and wirelessly transmit the endorsed paper and/or substitute check image (using the WEDS tool and OMS system), so that payments can be processed and deposited at a faster rate, without enduring the growing number and need of labor (previously needed and required) to individually process and deposit individual and bulk checks by hand. In addition, this serves as a great tool for individual user's who haven't the time or transportation to wait in line at a branch or ATM to make check deposits, then wait longer for the time frame for the funds to be available. The WEDS machine with OMS web-based cash management computer application system will change the way online banking business is done, by diversifying user capabilities and options of online banking, based on the user need of productivity and mobility by wirelessly transmitting paper check images, substitute checks, and/or money orders for cashing or depositing purposes (through WEDS—Wireless Electronic Check Deposit Scanning and Cashing Machine), and providing on that same user system as a user platform for online, wireless navigation options and online banking processing of commands and requests (using OMS—Web-based Online account cash Management computer application System).

For general reference on online banking and online banking options, see for instance, Article: ZDNet: Internet banking proves popular Down Under (Source: Jupiter Research) “Europeans trust online banking services”.

For general reference on mobile banking, see for instance Http://, Article: “European mobile phone users say yes to 3G” (Source: Taylor Nelson Sofres).

For general reference on electronic payment, “Electronic Payment Systems”, by Donald O'Mahony, Michael Piercem and Hitesh Tewari, Artech House, Boston 1997.

For general reference on wireless banking and wireless banking options, see for instance, Article: “Users of Wireless Financial Services” (Source: Celent communications), and, keyword: wireless banking.

For general reference on Check 21 Century Act (permitting use of substitute checks), effective, October 2004, see for instance http://www.epaynews, Article “FDIC Advises Banks to Prepare for Check 21 Act” (Source: Information Week), and, Article: Banks Can Use Check 21 to Regain Payments” (Source: Yahoo! News).

For general reference on Check truncation Act of 2003 (receiving check images instead of paper checks), see for instance Article: “Your canceled check is in the trash” (Source: BankRate).

Problems to be Solved

In order to deposit a check from an office computer, home computer, laptop, (Internet enabled) mobile device, (Internet enabled) pda (personal digital assistant), or nay other Internet enabled device (while in transit) the endorsed check image must be scanned and wirelessly transmitted to the wireless network it is linked to (in a secure manner), that is linked to a main access point where users can navigate and set preferences for commands.

During this process of image recognition and wireless endorsed check data transmission, delivery to wireless network, and linking to main access point, several security factors may arise. Security factors such as site security, transmission of data security, user identity security are recognized as main concerns.

The main problems to be solved can be formulated as follows:

1. Secure wireless transformation of ordinary (personal/business) paper and/or substitute checks into endorsed digital format and secure transmission delivered from the wireless computer network, linked to the main access point (online account management system) to process check verification, and request to deposit of funds online (electronically) into user/depositor account. Wireless endorsed check scanning device will be linked to the wireless network, using TCP/IP, AppleTalk. IPX/SPX or a comparable language tool will be used to enable the wireless check scanner device to wirelessly communicate with the computer network for receipt and delivery to the OMS (for processing). The endorsed check image will be encrypted during transmission of data, and only retrievable once delivered from the computer network to the main access point, which is authorized and accessible only through the secure site (online account management system) where user must log in to view, verify, and complete request for online check deposit transaction.

2. Multiple deposit (ie. fraudulent activity) of the same check (without prior written consent by check owner for payment schedule authorization) should be an extremely difficult task or execution. The online account management system will monitor, and log every check image received, requested for deposit, and transaction cleared for deposit. OMS will have a preinstalled tracking system, which will recognize similar deposit requests and transactions that are requested, to prevent fraud.

The data from the image received and transmitted requires a variety of specified details (user login) to be recognized, confirmed, and verified (through the bank)—to the level where it is difficult to make unauthorized online check deposit checks that do not meet the verification, and have not been authorized by OMS through authentic bank verification test.

During the transmission, the data is encrypted, and wirelessly sent from a computer network to a secure site (OMS) to where it is then delivered and accessible to user/depositor through log in prompt which allows access to their online account where the check information is then verified by the user/depositor (check amount, check date, check routing number, checking account number, bank on check) where the OMS gains permission to move the money (for the check amount listed) from the check owner's bank account, deposited into the user/depositor checking bank account (through the Federal Reserve, and/or bank authorization)—which appears in user/depositor's checking account as a wireless/electronic transfer (to expedite deposit processing time frame).

In relation to the security industry, difficult task, meaning the cost and time consumption of surpassing or defeating the system would extend far past the benefit.

Cashing, and/or depositing of money orders and/or checks online through the use of the OMS (through immediate EFT—electronic funds transfer) is unavailable to unregistered Software Device System users. Users must be registered for WEDS (in order to send and deliver image to main access point and WEDS computer network) through online OMS (for actual processing of request to cash and/or deposit money order or check), and must log onto OMS system network before scanning and/or faxing the paper check/substitute check/money order for immediate funds availability cashing, and must be connected to a live webcam, in order for OMS to accept request and begin processing and capture image of user (equivalent to picture taking conducted at a check cashing center). In order for immediate funds to be available for EFT (equivalent to check cashing, because funds will be transferred and made available immediately) user must process the entire transaction in front of the live cam, so the system can recognize and document the user, before request is processed and funds are made available to user.—OMS will have a detector that will verify that user is connected to and using a live webcam, in addition to 24-hour network security monitoring the system.


Wireless Electronic Check Deposit Scanning and Cashing Machine (also known and referred to as WEDS) with web-based computer application cash management software System (known and referred to as OMS; virtual teller), enables endorsed paper and/or substitute checks and money orders to be deposited as well as cashed and made available through an EFT (electronic funds transfer). Images are to be wirelessly scanned and delivered from the Wireless electronic check deposit scanning machine and/or through a unique fax number which is linked to the computer network—is wirelessly delivered to a wireless computer network (which serves as a access point for delivery to the OMS), where it is delivered to the OMS for receipt of image(s), delivery to user/depositor's casher's account for processing (user faxes paper check, money order, substitute check for OMS account image delivery for check cashing and/or deposit processing—may or may not require web cam “live request” for user to be able to process request to deposit and/or cash check—thru OMS wire funds/electronic funds transfer on user OMS account) and controlled through the OMS—online account management system, where the user is able to view, navigate, and process requests to deposit and cash checks (paper checks and/or substitute checks) and money orders online (through the web-based computer application software controlling system—OMS). It enables Endorsed check images to be wirelessly scanned and delivered to a computer network which is linked to the main access point (OMS), where funds (for the amount for the check/money order) are moved from the check owner's bank checking account, and deposited (electronically) into the user/depositor's account. Where the OMS (online account management system) acts as teller, by Either: la) obtaining verification from the Federal Reserve Bank to move funds from one location (check owner's bank account) to another location (into user/depositor's bank checking account) as an electronic funds transfer (EFT) transaction; 1b) verifying authenticity of money order with place of purchase and/or post office system and/of financial institution; 2) Moving funds from one location to the other (from check owner's banking account, to user/depositor's account, for the amount of the check) through bank authorization (or in the case of money order verifying authenticity and validity of money order in government money order documentation system during processing in order to make funds available to user cashing the money order). This transaction once complete will reflect as an electronic/wire transfer (EFT), where the funds are electronically deposited (through a wire) into the user/depositor's checking account, to expedite the check processing (or check cashing/money order cashing) time frame (eliminating time once required to be spent at the banking branch and check cashing centers; decreasing check posting and check depositing time frame, and excluding the need of a connectivity serial port, and replacing it with a device that will enable wireless check scanning of the endorsed check image—in addition to eliminating check cashing fees). The machine's computer network receives notification of wireless scan image, which is delivered to the web based program, that records on the system, and electronically notifies and verifies data with Either: 1) Federal Reserve Bank (—in order to act as a liaison to gain permission to move funds from one account to another, in an EFT transaction processing format/environment) or payor and payee's banks through OMS (or in the case of money order, verifying with money order documentation system to verify that serial tracking number on money order is valid and matches the dollar amount and date on the money order, in addition to place and time of purchase) to confirm funds to make to transfer funds from one account to the other; or 2) verified with check owners (and user/depositor's) bank. Once verified, the online account management system (that is linked to the computer network and recognizes, identifies, and delivers check image from computer network [once received wirelessly from the device]) confirms and records communication with the bank, and deposits funds into user's/depositor's account. The online account management system's web-based (which is a cash management solution for the online banking customer—individual and/or business) application software acts as a virtual teller (with the option for online live teller assistance) which wirelessly receives the endorsed check image sent from the computer network (which in turn received it wirelessly from the wireless electronic check deposit scanning machine into the computer network) where it is linked and delivered to the OMS user account queue/inbox of new images in order to allow user to verify check data, before the OMS begins processing consisting of verification and transfer funds, along with notifications, and system/transaction monitoring, etc. The request for online check deposit cannot begin (nor can the image be viewed), until the user/depositor has logged onto the online account management system, and has initiated commands (i.e. for deposit, and/or delay of deposit—for post dated checks, notifications and alters, change of password, change of user/depositor banking information, setting user preferences, etc.). All parties are given the option to be notified of transactions, in addition to attempted transaction notification via email or through messages delivered to their desktop, laptop computer, mobile phone, and/or any device with Internet capabilities. In addition, parties are able to control the processing status and/or control upon delivery of their wireless check scan image to their web based (online) account (OMS account), for check image storing purposes, deposit purposes, delayed and/or specified deposit dates requests, setting user preferences and alterations, (optional) printing of image purpose, image forwarding (via email, or fax), etc. With this invention, user does not have to be “tied down” to desktop computer, and no longer has to be bound to a serial cable to have endorsed check images sent to their online account (OMS). User can work offline by transferring data images to software database installed on their computer (for advance hard copies—through login onto software installed on computer/mobile/pda device), and transfer online for processing (at user's convenience—using a USB cable, or firewire cable for advanced transmittal operation). Most importantly, user can work online without the need of being at a desktop/laptop computer to transfer the endorsed check image, and submit requests and log on to process online check deposits. Through this invention, the user is able to wirelessly transfer and deposit endorsed check images through this device without the need of connecting to another unit; enabling the user to navigate through a mobile phone, personal digital assistant (pda), and/or any other Internet enabled device and/or wireless environment, using this method of wireless data transmission and navigation.

Wireless check scan, transmission, delivery, and processing of document image for OMS processing may or may not confirm with the check owner's bank and deposits funds into the user's/depositor's account. The online account management system acts as a virtual teller which wirelessly receives the check image, verifies check information with depositor, and initiates (optional) communication with the Federal Reserve Bank to gain authorization to move available funds from the check owner's bank account into the user's/depositor's bank account—which will act as an electronic funds transfer (to expedite processing timing).


The foregoing and other objects, aspects and advantages will be better understood from the following detailed description of a preferred embodiment of the invention with reference to drawing, in which:

FIGS. 1A and 1B are a representation of scanner, showing both the front (FIG. 1A) and back (FIG. 1B) of the Wireless Electronic Check Deposit Scanning and Cashing Machine device;

FIGS. 2A, 2B and 2C shows an alternative (version) front (FIG. 2A) and back (FIG. 2B) view of the Wireless Electronic Check Deposit Scanning and Cashing Machine device;

FIGS. 3A and 3B show front and back view of a paper check, and/or paper check image and how it would appear in the system;

FIGS. 4A and 4B show the print options, where check owner sensitive data is blocked and unreadable during the print option feature, and/or any security feature, which causes the need for sensitive check information to be unreadable;

FIGS. 5A and 5B are flow charts which shows the wireless transmission of data concept, along with the cycle process of data delivery and communication scan—from wireless delivery to receipt for check image (online check/money order deposit) processing;

FIG. 6 shows wireless transmittal connection (two device operational variations) in connection and addition to wireless connection signal being received (delivered and connected) onto the wireless computer network, which is linked to the OMS for user/depositor transaction and request processing;

FIGS. 7A and 7B show the protective image slide security feature option for online pre-installed on the software program;

FIG. 8 displays the process of wireless transmittal signal, where the endorsed check image is wirelessly scanned and delivered to the (wireless) computer network, which is linked to the Online account Management System, which is viewable and operable through any Internet capable device—figure reflecting various ways the endorsed check image can be viewed through the OMS;

FIG. 9 shows the representation of the infrastructure containing wireless check scanner which is linked for joint operation ((a) Wireless Electronic Check Deposit Scanning and Cashing Machine (WEDS) and (b) web based computer application controller system=joint operation) with web-based OMS (online account management system) through wireless data transmission into wireless computer network, linked and delivered to the OMS, data and command exchange through wireless navigation (ie. web based application program), transfer of funds into user/depositor bank checking account;

FIG. 10 displays the software installation process and concept available for installation on pc, laptop, pda, mobile device/mobile phone, and any other Internet enabled device;

FIG. 11 reflects the fax option, which provides the user with a unique fax number where the check/money image is sent to, wherein the fax number that carries the image is connected/linked to the computer network that (WEDS) that delivers the image to the OMS for processing;

FIGS. 12A, 12B and 12C show the adjustable clamp connectivity option for offline scanning through mobile phone (future deposit option);

FIG. 13 displays the representation of the infrastructure containing clearing and cashing and/or deposit of funds authorization process options (through OMS), through wireless transmittal of endorsed check image, along with authorization of funds options/alternatives—Option 1. Verifying of funds with Federal Reserve Bank for funds transfer, Option 2. Verifying of funds to check owner's bank authorization to verify and transfer/wire funds into user/depositor checking account as an electronic funds transfer (EFT), Option 3 (in the case of money orders and checks to be cashed)—Verifying with money order US Postal Service money order database, and check cashing center systems database that check hasn't been cashed before continuing processing for check cashing, and notifying money order system and/or check cashing center system of checks cashed through the OMS, to prevent fraud and future attempts to cash the same check/multiple checks; also reflects recognition, receipt and verification of fax document image being received through WEDS and processed through OMS for verification and deposit of funds.

FIGS. 14A, 14B and 14C display the front (FIG. 14A), side (FIG. 14B) and rear (FIG. 14C) view of heavy duty version of the WEDS (with feeder that opens for multiple scans), for higher amount of image reading and processing; Front view showing check before and after it has been scanned through the device and transmitted through WEDS, command buttons; Side view shows the feeding and scanning process from feeding to actual point of delivery sending through the device; Rear view shows the ports and switch identifier options to designate scan to specified bank area, predetermined by user on OMS account system.

FIGS. 15A, 15B and 15C show portable view of wireless device in smaller frame, reflects extendable antenna, Front view (FIG. 15A) showing window opening option with magnetic strip and swipe head reader (for multiple simultaneous use); Processing view (FIG. 15B) shows starting point to feed check(s) (and/or money order(s)) through for imaging and transmittal, shows attachable, extendable holder that feeds checks into device (as alternative insert into device option); Rear view (FIG. 15C) showing automatic backup, multi bank identifier options (A indicating first bank account, B for second bank account, and C for third bank account).


The present invention builds on a pair of technologies that we briefly discuss here. They are (1) a secure cryptographed, encrypted wireless check deposit scanning and cashing machine for image verification and data transmittal to a secure wireless network (WEDS) (2) where data is securely retrieved, verified, processed, through online navigation and setting of user specified commands (OMS).

It is therefore an object of the present invention to provide and apparatus an method that allow to deposit ordinary/paper checks FIG. 3A, FIG. 3B, show the front and rear view of an ordinary check (personal, business check); 44 check owner's name and address, 43, date of check and check number, 45 check owner's bank name and address, (ie. personal and business, money orders) to be scanned, wirelessly and securely delivered to an online management system (received through the computer network) to receives and verify endorsed check image for processing. 46 showing routing number and check account number; 47 check owner's signature, check 48 check depositor's endorsem*nt area to sign before check scanned image can be accepted, 49 Federal reserve bank stamp of validity along with their preprinted stipulations and rules found on every cashable check. Once the user has logged onto the system (OMS), the endorsed check image is viewable and processing request is available. through the OMS. FIG. 6, 58, showing the wireless signal of data received in order to deliver it to the network for OMS processing. 59, showing the wireless delivery onto the network into 60 the OMS as a final destination for processing and user navigation. The data can be Wirelessly transmitted from the wireless electronic check deposit scanning machine from home computer, office desktop, laptop, pda, Internet enabled mobile device, or Internet capable device while solving the above mentioned problems. FIG. 13 shows the representation of infrastructure containing clearing and deposit of funds authorization process and options through the OMS; 100 representing the transfer of data using WEDS (for receipt and delivery of check, substitute check, and/or money order image) being delivered to wirelessly to wireless network so OMS may act as virtual teller, to receive, store, and process check and/or money order image requests for deposit and/or cashing; 98 OMS processing for storing and recording images, to process data images for deposit and/or check cashing requests; data stored and copied to database systems (i.e. OMS database and user database as OMS account transaction history; US Postal service money order database as money order cashed and/or purchased; Check cashing database as check cashed through OMS) processing and documentation/recordkeeping purposes—showing two alternatives for verification upon receipt and confirmation of check data—to either 99 contact and verify check information with the federal reserve bank to deposit funds into user/depositor checking account, for electronic funds transfer/wire, or to contact the check owner's bank to deposit funds into the user/depositor checking account for electronic funds/wire transfer; 99a reflecting the requirement to contact the federal reserve bank for deposit of funds and transfer of monies approval for 99c electronic funds transfer (EFT); 99b reflecting money order verification and documentation database (record of transaction data) for approval of EFT; 101 showing check before scan, 102a send button, 102b infrared beam (for printing option) 103 print image option button, 104 showing where check (and/or money order) is after scan, 105 extendable resting unit to hold larger scan amounts after scan, 106a opening where checks are delivered to after feeding and before it rests in the extendable unit (after scan), 106b rolling prongs that receive (by sucking in) checks after scan for quickly scan the next check at an expedited rate, 107 void check button (to activate voiding options, press once for void and scroll for voiding type), 108a power button, 108b enter button, 109a counter (adds total checks scanned, calculates total cash worth of images—total check and/or money order paper value being transmitted), 109b number pad to verify dollar amounts, 110 feeder, 111 clear button, 112 cancel button, 113 feeder process, 114 scanning and image capturing process, 115 point of delivery (to extendable resting unit) process, 116 switch to indicate bank transmittal on OMS selection/command (all device versions have), 117 media card, 118 AC poser adapter, 119 USB ports (2), 120 firewire ports (2), 121 bank identifier options A, B, and C, 122 extendable antenna, 123 magnetic strip and swipe header (which all device versions have), 124 window opening to scan larger amount of checks simultaneously, 125 power button, 126 scan button, 127 cancel button, 128a status button, 128b infrared beam (for printing, etc.) 129 void check (feature) button, 130 swipe head reader, 131 start area (to begin feeding of check(s) and or money order(s)) for transmittal—where feeder of check(s)/money order(s) is placed to begin, 132 window opening for (multiple) simultaneous scan, 133 attachable, expandable holder that feeds checks into device (interchangeable to be attached on either side of the device) and/or feeds checks, 134 attachment clip connectivity area that connects 133 to device, 135 scanning direction for transmittal (open or closed window—open window for multiple simultaneous scans, and closed window area for single or few scans, 136 internal swipe head reader (on all device versions), 137 automatic backup area, 138, bank selector switch indicator, 139 AC Power Adapter, 140 USB ports (2), 141 firewire ports (2), 142 multi bank identifier options A, B, and C (pre registered and determined through OMS user account login and specification of account number and destination requests).

According to the invention, the Wireless Electronic Check Deposit Scanning and Cashing Machine (WEDS) And web-based Online account cash Management computer application (OMS) System allows users the ability to deposit and cash both personal and business (paper/substitute) checks and/or money orders through the Internet, using a desktop computer, laptop computer, personal digital assistant (also known as a pda device), mobile phone, or any Wi-Fi Wireless Fidelity (known as Wi-Fi), and/or Bluetooth enabled device FIG. 8 showing 77 wireless connection and communication representation from device onto wireless network (vice versa); 70A showing two optional device designs, 70Bm showing delivery signal from wirelessly scanned and delivered (front/back) endorsed check image, 71 OMS infrastructure serving as main access point for user—where 72 mobile phone (Internet capability), 73 fax machine, 74 pda with Internet capability, 75 laptop, 76 computer—Reflecting Five options for user navigation and delivery of endorsed check images for processing. FIG. 1A, FIG. 1B showing a wireless electronic check scanning device; 1 is the optional retractable antenna (to increase wireless signal capabilities); 2 and 10 being a side crease fold-in option (with button), that allows greater mobility of the device, by decreasing it's size; 3 and 16 being the powerlight; 4, 6, and 8 being the data connection unit to allow hardware to deliver the data while working offline; 5 being the status light to inform user of check image data transfers successful and in progress, with built in cancel, save, and void button; 7 being where the check scanning begins; 9 and 13 the opening of where check can be inserted and scanned. 11, and 12, 14, 15 being the bottom and top blade cutters (incision makers)—from raised cutters, to top crisscross cutters, to raised bottom cutters—to make proper incisions into the paper as an option during the check voiding process; 17 being cutter area resting location where cutters lay flat to not interfere with check scanning process when cutting feature/option is not in effect; 18 USB ports, 19 firewire connection port, 20 and 26 secure layer to separate cutters from port locations; 21 (pc) serial port B, 22 cell phone and pda serial cable connectivity port; 23 back up power port to insert power cable into; 24 button that initiates lifting and activation of cutter/incision process. 25 (pc) secure cable port A; 27 starting point opening where check is inserted to begin the scanning process. FIGS. 2A, 2B and 2C show an alternative view option of the device, 29 and 32 being the opening slit to slide check through for image scan; 30 for infrared beam option (to beam scanned image onto printer, also allowing device to beam/transfer to another Bluetooth, 802.11 (wireless fidelity) enabled device (ie. mobile device, pda device, printer) for viewing, printing, forwarding, etc. purposes; 31 power status light to inform of transmission status—green light for successful transmissions, red light for unsuccessful transmission, amber light for reading error, 32 extendable antenna that allows the device to reach and connect with nearby wi-fi locations, Provides increased signal access for wireless transmission and connection to the computer network for OMS receipt and user processing, 33 send button that commands the scanned image to be (wirelessly) transmitted to the computer network for OMS processing, 34 media storage slot (for media card. ie. smart media card to store images onto, in addition to back up pre installation feature), 35 store button that commands the device to continue to temporarily keep the scanned image and deliver it to the media card being inserted into the media storage slot, 36 media storage ejector button which ejects the media storage card, 37 4-8 hour re-chargeable battery opening area, 38 internal battery area/section, 39 is the power chord connectivity port, 40 being the pda connectivity slot, 41 firewire ports, 42 USB ports. Measurement options 6½″-7″ long; 3½″-4″ high; ½″-3″ wide (adjustable length and height). Light weight ½ pound-2 pounds.

According to the invention, a System is created where once check transmitted to bank for deposit has processed, the OMS virtually voids the check (through documenting the check data in the system) to prevent future deposits of the same check. The physical check into be destroyed by the depositor/user. In addition, check owner's bank has the option to cancel the check/mark the check paid upon withdrawal of funds for check amount, and notification from the OMS that the transaction has been processed/the check has been cashed for deposit by user/depositor, to prevent future unauthorized use of the same check, and/or any type of fraudulent acts (An exception to not allowing the same check to be used, is when check owner has pre-authorized—in writing that the check may be referenced for regular deposits, as an electronic transfer of funds from check owner's into the user/depositors. This makes online check deposit less time consuming, and allows the user to use the same check image for future payments, for the dollar amount, and date check owner has agreed upon).

According to the invention, a unique wireless electronic check cashing and depositing scanner is used to scan and deliver endorsed check images to be wirelessly transmitted to a computer network that is linked to the OMS for processing. The image of the endorsed check is encrypted during transmittal for receipt of the image to the wireless computer network, to be linked to the OMS for processing. Before the image is transmitted, it goes through an (optional) coded conversion process, where a coded protective plate is chosen at random, to distort the view or image of the check. Once the transmittal is received, the bank releases the programmable code protective plate by 1. entering a security code to release the plate from the check, making it visible. 2. device software installed at the bank, where the system recognizes the program's unique protective plate patterns, and automatically extracts the plate that distorts the image, to make the image recognizably readable and visible. The code protective plates distort the image received, and release the plate through image extraction of the plate, to allow image to be visible—which are shown in FIG. 7A, and FIG. 7B; which 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68 shows protective image 111, a slate that covers check information through unique design cover that blocks visibility of the scanned check image; 69 showing the same as the above 61-67 mentioned with the inclusion of barcode appearance; 64 shows the same as the above mentioned 61-68 with the inclusion of number and character scramble combination; 66 showing the same as the above mentioned 61-68 with the inclusion of background static appearance to make the check image unrecognizable. This is programmed into the software program and is a vital part of the security foundation of this invention, upon endorsed check scanning and wireless transmittal and delivery of the check is processed so through virtually partitioning the digitized version of the check into a plurality of regions, which may be in stripes, zones, and/or designated areas (decided upon by the bank) is an added feature option. Each region is extracted and encrypted before transmittal to the bank. Upon receipt of the check from the bank, designated areas of selected regions are voided. The check image, once recognized, is submitted into verifying system, which is accepted, validated, and processed through the bank, data is sent through a secure site and system that receives, recognizes, delivers, receives verification of data and initiates deposit confirmation and approval. FIG. 4A, FIG. 4B shows the data sensitive check data image (front and back) that is unreadable during data transfer, shows the image data block, that makes check owner data unreadable, and un-viewable during request to print and forward to another party, without completion of transfer, and without user log in; 77 is check owner data encryption, 78 is routing number and 80 checking account number data encryption, 79 signature blocking, 81 user/depositor signature block.

According to the invention, a unique feature of WEDS through OMS (WEDS.OMS) processing of allowing checks and money orders to be cashed and deposited; online, wireless check cashing made available through web cam photo capturing (of live image user), which is required in order for request to be verified, confirmed, and processed for immediate availability of fund (for amount of check/money order) made available into user/depositor/casher's account through EFT (electronic funds transfer)—also giving OMS the option to make funds available for immediate cashing (on checks) by borrowing monies against user's banking account (for either amount of check, or half the amount of the check—depending upon requirements and processes of the bank). The Wireless Electronic Check Deposit Scanning and Cashing Machine (wireless data transmission) with web-based cash management computer application System Controlling (wireless navigating) permits wireless transmission of data (endorsed check image and/or money order image) through WEDS and wireless navigation and control of that data through the OMS wireless computer network (where it is transmitted to) and web-based computer controlled application system (where it is controlled and linked to) so the OMS acts a 24 hour, 7 day a week virtual teller that receives, verifies and processes requests to expedite deposit transactions and cash checks and money orders for immediate funds availability in an Online, Wireless Environment; WEDS functionality of the invention allows the wireless data transmission from the device to be transmitted and delivered to the (wireless) computer network, which is where processing begins through the OMS, the online account navigation system. The user can log in, set preferences, and begin OMS processing (Infrared beam, on device to allow stored images from device to be beamed onto printer or wireless, Bluetooth 802.11 enabled device, with Intel inside); processing wireless check cashing capability where user scans front and back of the endorsed check, and/or substitute check (or money order) and wirelessly delivers to OMS using WEDS. After logging on, user must use his or her web cam (web camera) which identifies and records user's actions and request for check and/or money order cashing (also can be used for check deposit requests) by capturing and storing the face image, live image of the user, to verify that face feature imprint is identical to picture of customer/user taken at the bank, and recorded for fraud protection as a picture and data transaction file, in addition to system recording user's ISP (Internet service provider) address (in addition to LAN—local area network for computer network communication processing area) to locate (an approximation of) where user was at, time of request, and what device user was using (i.e., Internet connection from dial-up, or cable modem desktop, dial up service provider on cell phone/pda, etc.), and user id (identification) used to log in to process and request transaction through OMS account access, which is navigated on a secure website, and user is (optional) pre-fingerprinted at bank before use of check cashing option (substitute check is valid through Check 21 Century Act, effective, October 2004); OMS recognizes live web cam connection, and captures image of user to record proof of user transaction for security; System can detect whether the live cam is activated, and whether or not a live individual is present at time of transaction in order to allow user to submit request—during processing of request, system captures image (picture) of user requesting to cash check and/or money order and verifies validity of the picture (i.e., That is was a moving image, before capture of image, and that image is shape and color texture/cells, and skin scales that comprise human flesh) before request can be complete.

According to the invention, a unique scanner is used to scan endorsed check images and wirelessly transmit the check image to the OMS to process check deposit. Some encrypted indicia may be printed on the check (in addition to other security features and options listed and discussed below). Upon endorsed check scanning and wireless transmittal and delivery of the check is processed so through virtually partitioning the digitized version of the check into a plurality of regions, which may be in stripes, zones, and/or designated areas (decided upon by the bank) is an added feature option. Each region is extracted and encrypted before transmittal to the bank. Upon receipt of the check from the bank, designated areas of selected regions are voided. The check image, once recognized, is submitted into verifying system, which is accepted, validated, and processed through the bank. Data is sent through a secure site and system that receives, recognizes, delivers, receives verification of data and initiates deposit confirmation and approval.

According to the invention, the scanner has an pre-installed security feature, where upon successful image conversion and recognition—the scanner imprints unique ink imprints and/or unique incision patterns into the check, to immediately void the check before it has been released from the scanner (once check image has been verified and received for processing). This feature is optional (and is dependent upon user's/depositor's needs).

According to the invention, the option for adjustable clam connectivity feature, where the check image can be copied onto mobile device and/or pda device while working offline, and/or for future deposits (due to the Check 21 Act, banking consumers are less likely to be able to post date a check due to electronic processing, but the OMS allows user receipt of check images using WEDS for post dated check cashing and deposit options, so checks can be written for a future date, pre-stored on user's OMS account, and set by user to command OMS to process request for deposit on user specified date). FIGS. 12A, 12B and 12C show an adjustable clamp connectivity option—90 is the clamp that is adjustable to the size of the mobile/pda unit, 91 USB connectivity port, 92 power button, 93 cell phone connectivity port to transfer data from clamp option unit onto mobile/pda device, 94 showing the mobile/pda unit capability to connect and transfer the image, 95 showing the opening where the check can be scanned through, 96 showing check capability to be scanned through the adjustable clamp connectivity option

According to the invention, factor in security feature of this invention are the pre-installed (thin very sharp) blade option feature that cut the check into threes using a multitude of cutting or shredding processes. Cross-cut feature where blades cut from left to right (located internally in the center of the device—which lay flat and raise up during cut feature option selection), from right to left, and up and down (located at the bottom of the device—which lays flat and rises upward once the cut or incision feature has been selected to be executed)—forming a cut pattern that ultimately destroys the physical check; straight horizontal cut feature and straight vertical cut where the light, thin, sharp blade cuts from top to bottom and from bottom to top simultaneously as it successfully scans.

According to the invention, the secure cryptography generator is pre-installed in the user device; which enables the digitized version to be securely transmitted wirelessly and sent to the (wireless) computer system network, which is linked and delivered through a secure site (web-based online account management application program controller system), and processed for deposit. Once the bank receives and converts the wirelessly transmitted data into a readable format through a translation software system, also referred to as the online account management system (which may also be referred to as OMS) (delivered through an encrypted processing format) the check information is verified, and the user request to deposit is received and information confirmed. Once approved for deposit, the bank system records the check data received in the encrypted check image (and sends notification to online account management system) to deposit the funds into the depositor's account (which acts as a wireless transfer for immediate availability), through the online account management system's secure site—(bank, routing number, account number, date of check, amount of check, payor's signature, payee's signature to endorse the check)—which is linked to the bank's system to verify check depositor, check owner information, check amount, and user information—from the check depositor payor and payee, to keep record of the transaction (to immediately void out the paper check, to prevent fraudulent deposits, while keeping endorsed check image on file {12-48 months—which may vary depending upon user request, and banking policies and regulations} for future reference—ie. should check need to be re-deposited, reissued, should a discrepancy occur)—from initial request to bank verification and identification process, all the way to the final approval and check deposit execution. Check image can also be stored for check owner authorized (in writing), for re-occurring deposits, which can be used for individual and/or business users who receive regular payments in the same dollar amount increments on a monthly, weekly, quarterly, etc. basis from selected users (businesses and/or customers/clients who have a consistent payment pattern that repeats itself). In addition, check image may be stored on the user's online account through the web-based user's online account management program application controller system to process the deposit as a wire once the front and back image of the endorsed (signed) check has been captured and recorded.

According to the invention, wireless electronic check scanner comprised of TCP/IP, AppleTalk, or comparable language tool to enable the wireless electronic check scanning device to communicate with the wireless computer network, in order for check image to be delivered to the linked OMS, and sent to user/depositor account for processing—furthermore, allowing commands to be set forth using a computer, mobile phone and/or any Internet enabled device.

According to the invention, comprised of durable variations of plastics and metals to produce the (foldable) scanner that is foldable in certain areas of the device for increased user device mobility options.

According to the invention, scanner furthermore comprised of pre-installed connectivity ports (such as USB, firewire, serial cable), antenna, power button, backup battery, rechargeable battery, carrying case (for travel), refillable ink and blade slots (optional), send button, preinstalled Wi-Fi/Bluetooth chip to enable wireless capabilities (to allow device not only connectivity to the wireless computer network, but enablement to scan the endorsed check image wirelessly without the need for a connectivity port or cable).

In addition, old of this invention consists of the process of scanning, and depositing a check online (using a serial cable).

According to the invention, newness of the invention consisting of process of scanning and depositing an endorsed check image online through Wireless Transmission, onto a wireless network, that links to an OMS, where the user can log in, set preferences, and begin processing.

According to the invention, newness of the invention consisting of wirelessly scanning front and back image of the endorsed check image, and delivering to a Wireless Computer network, where user can log on to view, and navigate.

According to the invention, newness of the invention consisting of user ability to navigate using the OMS via desktop computer, laptop, Internet enabled mobile device, and/or any other Internet enabled device.

According to the invention, newness of the invention consisting of Wireless Electronic Check Deposit Scanning and Cashing Machine (WEDS) And web-based Online account cash Management computer application (OMS) System which is a multi functional, multi dimensional secure, data encrypted System where WEDS allows successful transmission of data and images through the wireless fidelity (802.11b Bluetooth) device, and through fax image option securely delivered to wireless computer network (through unique, customer identified fax number that links OMS account user's fax number to wireless network, which receives the fax image(s), and sends to the OMS for processing) to securely receive and deliver data to a specified access point—the OMS—which is the wireless navigation feature of the system which allows the system to act as a live teller, processing check deposit and cashing requests for users online in a wireless environment—where the OMS gains permission, verification, authorization from Federal Reserve Bank (in the case of check deposit, check cashing), Financial Institution (in the case of check deposits and check cashing,), Post Office Databases and Banking Systems (in the case of money order depositing and cashing).

According to the invention, newness of the invention consisting of pre-installed microchip that stores data in the event of connection error, low battery, and unsuccessful transmittal.

According to the invention, newness of the invention consisting of online money order print option, where user can log on to OMS account and request to purchase of money order, which will allow user to then print out money order once it has been printed—money order will have watermark, and special coding which will provide as validity to the content of the money order, in addition to the OMS automatically documenting the money order and bank database to advise of transaction processed and serve as proof of purchase, in addition for OMS documenting it's own system for recordkeeping purposes.

According to the invention, newness of the invention consisting of tracking system on the OMS, which recognizes transactions that request similar deposit or check/money order cashing requests, and requests for multiple deposits through the OMS, and/or through the check cashing center Databases, and/or through the financial institution databases—verifies the validity of user out of state checks before processing requests.

According to the invention, newness of the invention consisting of the ability to give OMS users the option to utilize the service for check referencing—this will allow user to deposit the same check every month, to cater to return customers/clients the user may use—this service requires user authorization signature, in addition for documentation reflecting check owner is requesting this service as well, which reflects check owner's signature and bank information—where OMS verifies with check owner, and with check owner's bank that they have signed up for service, verifying how long they want the service, and being informed that if they need to make changes, they are to contact the vendor which they signed up through.

According to the invention, newness of the invention consisting of protective plates being chosen at random to distort the view or image of the check—also the option to enter a security code to remove the protective plate upon delivery to computer desktop for future deposits—protective plate is feature of software that is available to the bank to ensure security.

According to the invention, newness of the invention consisting of the OMS feature for automatic tax preparation through expense processing, spending and receivables itemization—system recognizes Spending from Revenues (money being added, deposited, accrued in interest) and provides and itemized chart and workflow sheet, in addition to ways they can save, and traditional IRS filing documents that may be tailored to that account—system also includes total spending and revenue each quarter, annually, along with total dollar amount of donations, and lists things that can be written off, and recognizes them on user account (ie. Church donations, business expenses, etc)—through this IRS grouping feature—feature also gives the user to enter donations that haven't been recorded on their bank statement (ie. Cash donations, clothing donations, etc.); finances grouped and automatic expenditure is processed based upon how user groups transaction history and data provided on his/her account.

According to the invention, newness of the invention consisting of OMS feature virtual bookkeeper, which itemizes and keeps user abreast of personal and business transactions and Spending throughout the year; informs user of balance status, frequent or uncommon deposits and/or withdrawals on user's account (fraud prevention) and alerts user when balance reaches a certain dollar amount (set by the user), also shows user how much money they are paying their bank for banking account services and profiting on interest on banking/financial institution accounts.

According to the invention, newness of the invention consisting of the Wireless Electronic Check Deposit Scanning and Cashing Machine (WEDS) having pre-installed wi-fi capabilities, which is able to communicate and deliver data to a wireless network, that is in return linked to, and able to send the data to OMS for user/depositor/cashing request processing. FIG. 9 representation of infrastructure containing (wireless) check scanner linked for joint operation with web-based OMS; 82, showing wireless transmission of data from the wireless device, onto the (wireless) computer network, 83, showing computer network being linked to the OMS, for processing and user navigation—where in 84, the data command exchange and wireless navigation is confirmed and by the OMS from the check owner's bank (through bank verifying of funds or federal reserve bank); 85 showing transfer of funds from check owner's bank into check depositor's/user's bank account, where the user, check owner confirmation and alert notification of the transaction is copied and logged onto the database for recordkeeping and secure documentation purposes. 86 showing once the check deposit request has been processed, user has documentation and delivery options, where the user can opt to have images and records for that transaction saved to his/her account (for a term of 12-24, or 12-48 months), can opt for printing of transaction confirmation sheet, and have verification of check deposit transaction forwarded to a user specified area/location.

According to the invention, newness of the invention consisting of check images ability to be stored for future deposits (ie. in the case of post dated checks), where the system can be set to deposit a check (or an unlimited number of checks) on a specific date for processing—in addition to reminder cue feature option, which reminds user/depositor of checks stored in the system that are waiting to be deposited, reminding user/depositor of time frame before check is no longer valid (ie. 15 days left, 20 days, 30 days, 60 days left, etc.).

According to the invention, newness of the invention consisting of endorsed check image capability of faxing the endorsed check to a designated phone number, which is connected to the wireless network, to deliver the image from the phone number that connects to the computer network for OMS delivery, and/or delivery from the fax machine that is sent to a specified fax number that is connected to the computer network, and emailed to the OMS for user delivery. FIG. 11 shows representation of infrastructure containing fax option image delivery to wireless network; shows 87 the fax machine connecting (wirelessly) to the wireless computer network, which receives, confirms, and delivers the paper check, substitute check and/or money order image to the OMS (using WEDS), that 88 connects to the OMS and processes data for user/depositor/casher's image delivery to user's OMS account for processing funds availability.

According to the invention, newness of the invention consisting of wireless electronic check deposit scanning machine operating as a wireless transmission of data resource and the web-based computer application controller system software it is linked to working as a navigation tool that allow both to intertwine together as a whole.

According to the invention, newness of the invention consisting of the ability for check to be voided through ink prints and/or thin blade/cutting incisions.

According to the invention, newness of the invention consisting of USB, firewire, ports for offline backup of image storing when wireless transmission operation not in use.

According to the invention, newness of the invention consisting of alert notification, where both user and check owner have the option through their bank to be notified through an alert via email, mobile phone alert, and/or regular mail correspondence of all online check deposit transactions, and/or attempts for that transaction.

According to the invention, newness of the invention consisting of the ability for OMS (online account management system) to act as a liaison between check holder, user/depositor to verify funds, and gain permission to move funds (for the check and/or money order amount) from the check owner's banking account (or in the case of money orders, deducted from the payables database and funds of US Postal Service money order cashing and/or deposit approval) to the user/depositor account as a wire/electronic transfer (to expedite deposit time frame), through authorization and confirmation with the Federal Reserve Bank, check owner's bank, check cashing center database, and/or US Postal Service money order database.

According to the invention, newness of the invention consisting option where non-check documents that fit the size capacity can be scanned and wirelessly transmitted to the computer network, linked to the user account for document service option.

According to the invention, newness of the invention consisting of wireless scan that captures both front and back of the endorsed check image.

According to the invention, newness of the invention consisting of software program that allows wireless electronic check deposit scanning machine to execute commands set forth by online user/depositor (ie. receive check images through scanning device it communicates with, and is linked to, verification of the endorsed check image data through user log in and typed verification input, confirm data with check owner's bank, alert options and settings, record of transactions, and endorsed check images and deposit info. on file, live teller option feature, liaison capability to verify transfer and disperse of funds for electronic deposit EFT, set language capacity—English, Spanish, Greek, Chinese, Japanese. FIG. 10 shows an example of computer program installation process; area “A” of the diagram is 1st screen that sets user preferences (ie. language, file type selection for images to be sent and viewed in, selecting where the data is sent, stored, and scanned), area “B” of the diagram is 2nd screen that copies, installs and saves program onto computer system (ie. save option onto user Internet enabled mobile device, Internet enabled pda device, desktop, laptop, and/or any other Internet enabled hardware device; area “C” of the diagram is registration screen, where user registers his/her hardware (using the serial number to link the user to an account set up for future log ins), technical support option, updates to email option, account set up with user personal (verifiable) data, in order to set up the account for use of the device. Upon successful installation, user sees icon in their startup menu, and on their desktop/home screen. Upon successful (online) registration, user receives verification email.

According to the invention, newness of the invention consisting of system setting user log in and preference setting capabilities, along with user levels of security and system and account notifications scheduling via email, text messaging.

According to the invention, newness of the invention consisting of verification and documentation of product registration.

According to the invention, newness of the invention consisting of detection and transfer of images securely while offline, where image is stored, but inactive for processing, until user manually links the data to his/her account (OMS).

According to the invention, newness of the invention consisting of OMS system communication (option) with banks to gain authorization to verify and remove funds for check amount from check owner's account, into user/depositor's checking account. FIG. 5A, FIG. 5B shows the data transmission concept Cycle (through the use of diagrams and arrows—indicating a cycle); 56 shows the physical check sliding through the device, 57 which ultimately reflects on the computer system (ie. desktop, laptop, Internet enabled mobile device/pda) operable for user through the OMS; FIG. 5B, A shows device, 5B, B shows scanning of device, FIG. 5B, C shows the image wirelessly transmitted, recognized, and delivered to the user computer for view, verification, and processing; FIG. 5B, D shows receipt of image and transfer of data onto user's account. FIG. 5B, E shows check deposit request. FIG. 5B, F shows payee's financial institution approval of deposit, FIG. 5B, G shows complete transaction verified and confirmed, FIG. 5B, H shows immediate void option being executed after pre-programming for operation of that feature.

The motivation of my invention was to allow secure deposit and cashing of paper checks, substitute checks and or money orders in a secure wireless, online environment from home (using wireless fidelity technology, wireless networking technology, web-cam technology, Bluetooth 802.11 technology, Intel technology), office (such as, through desktop Internet enabled computer and/or through fax—delivered to WEDS for OMS processing), cell phone, pda device, or any Internet capable device to provide users with the freedom and mobility of expanded online banking options; however, the invention is applicable to the prevention of fraud in a variety of commercial paper and documents. Thus, while the invention has been described in terms of preferred embodiments, those skilled in the art will recognize that the invention can be practiced with modification within the spirit and scope of the appended claims.

US Patent for Wireless electronic check deposit scanning and cashing machine with webbased online account cash management computer application system Patent (Patent #  10,521,781 issued December 31, 2019) (2024)
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Article information

Author: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Views: 6187

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Reviews: 92% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Birthday: 1994-06-25

Address: Suite 153 582 Lubowitz Walks, Port Alfredoborough, IN 72879-2838

Phone: +128413562823324

Job: IT Strategist

Hobby: Video gaming, Basketball, Web surfing, Book restoration, Jogging, Shooting, Fishing

Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.