Turmeric Ginger Tonic or Shots Recipe - Tickling Palates (2024)

Published: · Modified: by Radhika · This post may contain affiliate links · 2 Comments

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Turmeric Ginger Tonic or Shots Recipe - Tickling Palates (1)
Turmeric Ginger Tonic or shots Recipe. This tonic acts as an amazing gut cleanser, builds up your immunity, improves digestion and also helps to increase your metabolism.

Drink a glass of this first thing in the morning in empty stomach. Though you can follow it immediately with your regular coffee, tea or breakfast, I would that you wait for atleast ½ hour before you drink or eat any other thing.

I will be very upfront about this turmeric ginger tonic. This is not some fancy co*cktail or mocktail that you can take enjoyable, small sips at leisure. This smells pungent and tastes extremely sharp, so you have to just close your eyes and gulp it down as quickly as you can.

Turmeric Ginger Tonic or Shots Recipe - Tickling Palates (2)

Earlier when my nutritionist shared this turmeric ginger tonic, I was making a glass for myself every morning. To save time, I then started making this to last me for 3 or 4 days and store it in the refrigerator.

I do not use any sweetener but now that I have convinced my children to drink atleast ½ cup, I add either honey or cane sugar to their glasses to make it more palatable to them.

You can mix all the ingredients, including ACV in advance but trust me its a mistake that you will regret as the smell and taste turn more pungent. The more the ACV rests in a drink, the more pungent it becomes. That is why I add that separately every morning just before drinking.

Points to Note:

If you can get hold of organic spice powders, then this gets even more better as you can be assured that whatever you are drinking has clean ingredients.

Also if you are going to make this tonic for 3 to 4 days, make sure that you store it in glass bottles because of their acidic nature.

Turmeric Ginger Tonic or Shots Recipe - Tickling Palates (3)

What else to use instead of Lemon juice?

Basically you can use any juice that is rich in Vitamin C. I have used Pineapple, Amla (Goose Berry), Orange Juice in place of lemon juice.

You can also use kiwi and cranberry juice. But whatever juice you are using, make sure that its unsweetened and freshly extracted and not out of a tetra pack.

You may also use fresh grated ginger instead of ginger powder, but you will have to filter it out every day. To make it easier I add ginger powder.

While lemon is good for your skin and hair, ACV is so good for your metabolism, which means you will keep on burning more energy (read as calories) through out the day. It is also keeps away bad breadth and helps keep your skin and hair glowing.

Combine it with this Debloat Salad and this Golden Glow Soup for atleast 2 or 3 days a week and I’m sure you will start feeling light yet getting strong if you are on a weight loss journey provided you are also following an exercise regime.

Turmeric Ginger Tonic or Shots Recipe


Turmeric Ginger Tonic or Shots Recipe - Tickling Palates (4)

Turmeric Ginger Tonic or Shots Recipe

Turmeric Ginger Tonic to keep your gut clean and to build up your immunity.

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Prep Time : 5 minutes mins

Total Time : 5 minutes mins

Servings : 4 glasses

Course : Drinks

Cuisine : Indian

Author : Radhika


  • Filtered drinking water - 4 cups
  • Lemon - 2
  • Apple Cider Vinegar ACV - 4 tablespoon (divided)
  • Honey - 4 tsp divided (optional)
  • Turmeric powder - 2 tsp
  • Ginger powder - 1 tsp
  • Black pepper powder or Cayenne - ½ tsp


  • In a jar, take filtered drinking water.

  • Squeeze in lemon juice, add turmeric, ginger and black pepper powder.

  • Stir well and fill in clean bottles and refrigerate.

  • When you are ready to drink in the morning, shake the bottle well.

  • Fill 1 cup of tonic in a glass.

  • You can either drink it as cold or warm it up either on the stove or in a microwave.

  • Add 1 tablespoon Apple Cider Vinegar and 1 teaspoon honey, if using to the glass.

  • Stir well and drink it up immediately.

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  1. Samira

    Turmeric Ginger Tonic or Shots Recipe - Tickling Palates (9)
    Wow!!! This drink looks so tempting... 😉 But with ACV in it I wonder how it'll taste.. Will try it for sure... Thanks for sharing...


    • Radhika

      Hi Samira, like I said, it will be very pungent and strong smelling. Just close your eyes and gulp it down like a bitter medicine.


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Turmeric Ginger Tonic or Shots Recipe - Tickling Palates (2024)


What are the benefits of ginger and turmeric tonic? ›

Some studies suggest that ginger and turmeric could help decrease markers of inflammation, relieve chronic pain, reduce nausea, and improve immune function.

What are the benefits of ginger turmeric and cayenne pepper tea? ›

There's ginger for digestion, turmeric to cleanse the liver, cayenne to warm the body and amp up metabolism, and cinnamon to serve as an anti-inflammatory. It's a nice way to jumpstart your body at the beginning of the day, because a “detox' regimen doesn't have to cost $400 and deny you of solid food.

What happens when you drink turmeric and ginger everyday? ›

Ginger and turmeric tea makes for a delicious and hydrating beverage that gives your health a boost too. Ginger turmeric tea benefits the body by increasing circulation, decreasing inflammation, and providing a rich source of antioxidants. Perfect to have as a household drink for the winter and beyond.

Who should not take turmeric and ginger? ›

People who should not take turmeric include those with gallbladder problems, bleeding disorders, diabetes, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), infertility, iron deficiency, liver disease, hormone-sensitive conditions, and arrhythmia. Pregnant women and those who are going to undergo surgery should not use turmeric.

How long does it take for ginger and turmeric to work? ›

However, you should usually expect to start noticing improvements in around 4-8 weeks when taken daily.

What is the best time to drink turmeric and ginger tea? ›

The best time to drink ginger and turmeric tea is in the morning or before meals to aid digestion and boost metabolism. Additionally, it can be beneficial before bedtime to promote relaxation and enhance sleep quality. Find a time that fits your routine and enjoy the health benefits!

What happens to your body when you drink turmeric and ginger tea? ›

Turmeric ginger tea has been found to be very useful in treating depression and mood disorders. The curcumin in turmeric has can stimulate the production of serotonin and dopamine which have antidepressant effects. Ginger too has a similar effect because of the presence of geraniol which can protect against stress.

Can I mix turmeric and ginger and cayenne pepper together? ›

Add 5-6 pieces of 1 inch slices of ginger and let simmer for 10 minutes. I love the flavor of ginger so you may want to play around with this depending how strong you like it. Add 1 teaspoon ground turmeric, pinch of black pepper, and 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper.

What is a ginger and cayenne shot good for? ›

This is a great shot for when you're hungover or feeling ill. It's similar to the ginger and lemon shot above but with a special little extra- cayenne pepper! This is a classic juice shot that cleanses the body, detoxifies the organs, and boosts metabolism.

What does apple cider vinegar turmeric and cayenne pepper do? ›

Ginger helps with respiratory viruses (like clearing a cough and sniffles), turmeric is a straight-up immunity superhero (but specifically helps with clearing respiratory infections and boosting overall immunity), apple cider vinegar helps thin out mucus and balance your body's pH levels, cayenne pepper also thins out ...

Can turmeric and ginger burn belly fat? ›

Herbs like turmeric, ginger, green tea, chilli pepper, cumin and lemon might help you burn the fat accumulated in the belly. Doing regular physical exercise and maintaining a healthy diet are other ways to help you reduce belly fat.

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