The charismatic Charles Wade Chapter 2581-2600 - EthicLearner (2024)

Chapter 2581

Before the word “bath” for Meiqing to take a bath was finished, Jacob was stunned by the scene before him.

At this time, Meiqing had got out of bed and was standing by the bed.

She had already taken off the down jacket on her body. She was only wearing a single at home, not to mention, the sleeves on both sides were struck above her elbows.

And at this time, Meiqing, how could the whole person still look like the sickness just now?

She can be said to be in excellent condition, energetic, ruddy, and shiny…

What’s even more exaggerated is that at this time, Meiqing was stretching her arms vigorously. She might feel that it was not enough to relieve her hatred, so she simply jumped on the spot twice.

Jacob was stunned, and he was shocked for a long time before returning to his senses. He stammered and asked, “That…beautiful…Meiqing…you…what are you… Are you down?”

Meiqing said in full aura: “Jacob, I feel like I am completely better! Thanks to your bowl of millet porridge!”

Jacob felt that the whole world seemed to have become magical, and blurted out: “It’s just a bowl of millet porridge, where is such a magical effect…”

While moving her body, Meiqing said earnestly, “But now I do feel that my whole person is completely healed, not only is completely better, and the condition is much better than when I was not sick before. Not only I don’t feel cold at all. , And it’s still very hot, and more importantly, I feel like I’m having endless energy…”

“This…” Jacob was almost crying, and said with a gloomy look: “This…what’s going on? I live such a big life, I never heard that millet porridge is so big. The effect of this is not reasonable, this…”

Meiqing pinched her waist with one hand, raised her hand high, and stretched it to the side, and said without changing her face: “I also think it’s very magical as if you put some elixir in millet porridge…”

Jacob sighed, “I…Where did I get the elixir…”

As he said, he hurriedly asked, “Meiqing, then…are you still soaking in the bath?”

Meiqing shook her head and said hurriedly, “Jacob, what time do you plan to go home?!”

Jacob asked depressedly: “Meiqing…you should chase me away when you get better…”

Meiqing hurriedly said, “Oh, where did you want to go? Am I that kind of person? I want to call you to exercise together, but I am afraid that it will delay you too long, and it will be difficult to explain to your wife after you go home.”

“Exercise?” Jacob subconsciously became a little fanciful, and hurriedly said, “It’s okay, it’s okay! No matter what time I go back, I have no problem! I have to have two or three hours!

Meiqing said excitedly, “That’s great!”

Jacob asked subconsciously, “Meiqing, you…what exercise do you want to do?”

Meiqing blurted out: “I want to go for a run by the river! You first wait for me at the door, I’ll put on sportswear and then we will go!”

“What?!” Jacob said with a look of shock, “Going for a run by the river at night?!”

Meiqing nodded and said, “Yeah! I feel like I am full of energy right now, so I especially want to go out for a run, and have a good run!”

After that, she looked at the time and said, “That’s not too late. It’s just seven o’clock. Many people who like to run at night usually start at this time and run until half-past nine.”

Jacob’s desire is gone.

“What the hell is going on? When did the fever get better so quickly? Under normal circ*mstances, isn’t the body extremely weak after a high fever? But right now, it doesn’t seem to be in line with common sense at all. …..”

Just when Jacob was full of depression and surprise, Meiqing urged a little anxiously: “Jacob, are you willing to go? If you want to leave, I can’t help it! “

Jacob is too embarrassed to say it?

“If I don’t go, Meiqing will go for a run. I can’t stay at someone’s house, right? Even if I stay at her house, what can I do by myself? I can’t go to her bathroom for a bath, right? His fate is too weird…”

Chapter 2582

Thinking of this, Jacob could only say with a sad look: “Okay, since you want to run, then I must accompany you!”

“That’s great!” Meiqing hurriedly said, “Then you go out first, I’ll get dressed quickly and we will set off immediately!”

“Okay…” Jacob, who was so depressed, could only agree, turned around with a sullen expression, and left the door.

This bedroom, in his eyes, was the tender hometown he had been away from for nearly 30 years.

But now, he can only stand outside the door, waiting for Meiqing to change clothes inside.

The key is that after she changes clothes, she has to take him to run…

Depressed, Jacob sighed, covering his face with one hand, and holding his head with the other, before squatting down at the door of Meiqing’s bedroom.

When he squatted down, he was still wondering: “Where is the problem? Is it possible that millet porridge really has such a magical effect?!”

Three minutes later, the bedroom door opened.

Meiqing stepped out. At this time, she put on a full set of tight running clothes and tied her long hair in a ponytail. She looked like a fifty-year-old woman, and there were many people who said she was thirty, and later seemed true.

She saw Jacob actually squatting on the ground and hurriedly asked, “Jacob, why are you squatting here for?”

Jacob quickly stood up and said awkwardly, “It’s okay, I’ll rest for a while…”

After that, he took a closer look at Meiqing, who was wearing tights, and that perfect figure almost made him see his eyes off.

He really didn’t expect that Meiqing would still maintain such a good figure after being so old.

Because this kind of tights is very revealing of the pros and cons of the body, if the body has a little fat, you can see clearly under this kind of tights.

But Meiqing’s figure can hardly fault her.

Seeing Jacob in a daze, Meiqing felt a little bit ashamed, but she didn’t care too much, and hurriedly said, “Let’s go out, I’m almost out of the heat!”

Jacob could only nod angrily and followed her downstairs.

The villa area where she lives is not far from the riverside. After going out from the front door of the community, after passing a green area and crossing a road, you will be directly on the riverside road.

Over the years, the state has been encouraging people to strengthen physical exercise. Therefore, the City built a 20-kilometer-long road along the riverside, half of which was a track paved with rubber particles, specifically for citizens to run.

Meiqing lives here since she moved here, and basically, she has to run a lap every day. The reason why she has such a good figure is that she has continued to exercise for decades.

On the other hand, Jacob, although his body is not bad, is the standard of an ordinary middle-aged person. He rarely exercises. Apart from drinking tea, bead beads, and walnuts, the biggest exercise is to chat with others in the Calligraphy and Painting Association. , The lips are more neat than the legs.

Therefore, as soon as he ran with Meiqing, he was a little out of breath and couldn’t keep up within three minutes.

But on the other hand, Meiqing is almost as if she was beaten up. With such a small amount of exercise, let alone panting, there is no change in her complexion.

Soon, Jacob really couldn’t hold it anymore, panting and saying, “Beautiful…Meiqing…that…that…I really…… I really can’t run, let’s… shall we rest for a while?”

Not only did Meiqing not feel tired, but she felt that she hadn’t even begun to enter the state.

So she hurriedly said: “Jacob, why don’t you walk slowly by yourself, I will run for a while and then come back to find you? I don’t know what’s wrong with me, I feel that my strength is useless, I can only rely on two The legs are exhausted, so I can’t stop at all…”

Jacob gritted his teeth and said, “Then…then I will be with you…”

After speaking, he quickly used the strength of the milk and followed desperately…

Chapter 2583

When Jacob broke his leg with Meiqing on the riverside, Charlie was only the last few kilometers away from Song’s manor in the outskirts of the City.

At this time, in the banquet hall of the Song Family Manor, the father and daughter of the Ito family, Emi Ito and Koichi Tanaka, were accompanied by Warnia, chatting with Mr. Song.

Although the Song family’s cooperation with Nippon Steel relied on Charlie to cure Nippon Steel’s chairman Shinwa Watanabe, it was also thanks to Ito Takehiko’s matchmaking.

Moreover, after Warnia had an accident in Japan and was rescued by Charlie, it was also thanks to the care of the Ito family.

Therefore, Mr. Song was very kind to the guests of Ito’s house.

As for Nanako, she was busy chatting with Warnia and it was all the whispers between women. The two kept whispering, often laughing out of control as if they were good sisters.

And the Akita dog that Nanako brought was lying on her feet obediently, staring curiously everywhere with round eyes.

Just in time, Qin Gang took Aoxue his daughter, and Charlie arrived at Song’s house one step at a time.

As soon as the father and daughter entered the banquet hall, Warnia hurriedly got up and waved to Aoxue, “Aoxue, come here!”

Aoxue saw Warnia and Nanako, and quickly waved at them.

Seeing Nanako, Aoxue felt a little bit embarrassed in her heart. After all, she inadvertently injured Nanako very badly in the previous game. In addition, she was a lot weaker than Nanako. Charlie’s pill was only able to counterattack, so she felt even more ashamed.

Immediately afterward, she saw the Akita lying at Nanako’s feet. She was immediately attracted by the puppies’ naive appearance and screamed, “Wow! Is it Momotaro?! My goodness, it’s so amazing. So cute!!!”

As she said, she ran over.

Her bluff attracted everyone’s attention.

Qin Gang suddenly said with a little embarrassment to Old Man Song and the rest of the Ito family: “Sorry everyone, this girl has no rules and always makes a fuss…”

After speaking, he was about to reprimand Aoxue twice, but Aoxue had already run to the Akita dog, squatting down and reaching out to tease the dog.

Qin Gang shook his head helplessly, and Mr. Song said with a smile at this moment: “Mr. Qin Gang, come and sit down and let me introduce you to Mr. Ito from the Japanese Ito family.”

Qin Gang hurried forward and shook hands with everyone in the Ito family one by one, and said apologetically, “I’m really sorry for just now. The little girl likes to tease cats and dogs all day long. Please bear with her.”

Ito Xiuhiko smiled and said, “Mr. Qin doesn’t have to be so polite. Little girls are like this. Your Aoxue is about the same age as our Nanako. Although they are in their early twenties, they are still little girls. I can’t understand this state better.”

Qin Gang nodded and smiled: “Indeed, the children of our two families are all about the same age, and they both love martial arts. Hey, sometimes I get worried. You said this little girl doesn’t like piano, chess, calligraphy, and painting. They like dancing knives and guns, kicking sandbags at home every day, and kicking two of them a week, do you think you can stand this…”

Takehiko Ito smiled and said, “I used to like to supervise children. Not only did they let them learn martial arts, but also let them learn piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and even tea ceremony flower arrangement. I always wanted to cultivate her into a real fine lady.”

Speaking of this, Ito Xiuhiko sighed, and said, “But now I think about it. As long as the child is happy and doesn’t go wrong, it’s enough. Let her explore the rest. .”

“Yes.” Qin Gang nodded and said with a smile, “I can’t control her now, so I don’t bother to control her either.”

Here, Aoxue’s attention was almost completely attracted by the Akita dog.

Chapter 2584

While stroking Akita’s head, she looked expectantly at Nanako, and asked, “Nanako, is this dog really for me?”

“That’s right!” Nanako nodded and smiled and said seriously: “It’s called Momotaro. He is a little boy. Although he is a boy, he has a good temper and good learning ability. From now on, I will ask for your care!”

Aoxue was extremely excited and gratefully said, “Nanako, thank you so much!”

Nanako smiled and said, “Everyone is a friend, what are you doing so politely.”

Aoxue blushed and said, “I…I’m sorry…I hurt you like that in the game before, and I haven’t had a chance to say sorry to you…”

Nanako hurriedly said, “Since it’s a competition, there will be winners and losers, and some people will be injured. Everyone is playing fair. Sorry, don’t take it to your heart.”

Aoxue said embarrassedly, “But…but…but I was…I was…”

Suddenly, Aoxue didn’t know how to explain it.

After struggling for a while, she gritted her teeth and blurted out: “But I didn’t rely on my own ability to win you at the time. I relied all on Master Wade’s help…So after all, I couldn’t win that match… …”

Nanako smiled slightly and said seriously: “Aoxue, everyone has their own different chances. It’s like some people master higher-level fighting skills, while some people master better ways to strengthen the body, so there is nothing to win or lose, besides, thanks to you wounding me, Mr. Wade will be thinking about helping me heal the injury. It is precisely because of Mr. Wade’s concern that my entire family and I will be saved by him. After all, I thank you that it is not too late…”

“Ah?!” Aoxue asked in surprise, “Is there anything like this?!”

Nanako nodded: “It sounds outrageous, but it is true. If Mr. Wade had not come to Kyoto to heal me, I would have been dead now.”

When Warnia heard this, she felt a little sour in her heart.

Before she knew Nanako, she thought that she was the only one who allowed Charlie to travel thousands of miles to rescue.

But it turns out that Charlie did the same to Nanako.

While sighing with emotion, Warnia also recovered, and she couldn’t help reminding her: “Warnia, Warnia, how can you be jealous with a little girl… After all, Master Wade has a wife, his sweetheart is Claire, not Nanako, nor you Warnia…”

Thinking of this, she couldn’t help sighing, her heart depressed.

Nanako heard her sigh and hurriedly asked, “Sister Warnia? Why did you suddenly sigh? Is it in a bad mood?”

Warnia hurriedly waved her hand to deny: “No, I just thought that I almost died in Japan back then. Thanks to Master Wade’s help, I couldn’t help feeling a little…”

Nanako nodded sympathetically.

The reason why she and Warnia get along very well and treat her as a sister in her heart, is because the two are too similar in many ways.

Both of them are the eldest ladies of a big family, but they also encountered the danger of almost losing their lives more than once, and both of them were rescued by Charlie at the critical moment of their lives…

More importantly, Nanako can see that Warnia, like herself, loves Charlie deeply…

Therefore, having such a similar experience gave her a feeling of sympathy deep in her heart.

Chapter 2585

Aoxue felt a little lost when she heard the two talk about being rescued by Charlie.

She held Momotaro in her arms, sat down on the ground, and sighed, “Hey, I suddenly envy you…”

The two couldn’t help looking at her at the same time. Warnia asked, “Aoxue, what do you envy us for?”

Aoxue said earnestly: “I envy you all for having the experience of being saved by the hero like Master Wade. Why haven’t I encountered such a thing…”

Nanako hurriedly interrupted her, blurting out: “Aoxue, don’t talk nonsense! This kind of thing is not a joke!”

“That’s right!” Warnia also said extremely solemnly: “This kind of flag must not stand in disorder! Peace and safety is the most important thing!”

Aoxue whispered: “But…but I really envy you…”

Seeing her hopelessness, Warnia and Nanako couldn’t help but glance at each other and laughed bitterly at the same time.

On the one hand, the two of them were surprised by Aoxue’s amazing brain circuit, and on the other hand, they couldn’t help feeling in their hearts. It seemed that Aoxue, like the two of them, loved Charlie deeply in her heart, otherwise it would not be possible to have such an idea suddenly.

Warnia looked at Aoxue and said with a smile: “You, don’t envy others indiscriminately. In fact, I am quite envious of your experience of Master Wade escorting you at every critical moment. It’s like being protected by a prince all the way. Little princess, don’t need to see the sins in the world.”

Aoxue blushed all of a sudden, and said vaguely, “Ah…Where…I am not Master Wade’s little princess… .”

Warnia nodded, looked at Nanako, and smiled: “It seems that Aoxue doesn’t want to be Master Wade’s little princess. When we turn around, we have to remind Master Wade.”

Nanako nodded in agreement and said, “Yes, when Mr. Charlie arrives, I’ll find a chance to tell him.”

Aoxue was anxious and blurted out: “Oh, don’t get me wrong…I didn’t mean that…”

Warnia deliberately asked her, “Then what do you mean?”

Aoxue replied with shame, “I…I think…I think Master Wade will not treat me as his little princess…”

Warnia smiled and said, “Aoxue, listen to what you mean, don’t you like Master Wade?”

“Ah…” Aoxue was startled, blushing immediately and waving her hand: “I don’t…I really don’t…”

“I don’t believe it.” Warnia smiled: “You must like Master Wade. Look at you, your face is red.”

“Yes.” Nanako also joked: “It looks like a ripe red apple. I can’t wait to take a bite. If Mr. Charlie saw it, maybe he would have the same idea… .”

Aoxue suddenly covered her face with her hands, and said shyly: “Don’t talk nonsense, I didn’t blush…”

Although she said so, she was very worried in her heart. She hurriedly stood up and said hurriedly, “Sister Warnia, Nanako, I…I’ll go to the bathroom, you guys… talk first…”

After speaking, she ran away quickly.

Warnia and Nanako looked at her back and couldn’t help but smile at each other. Warnia said seriously, “Nanako, do you mean Master Wade?”

Nanako pursed her mouth and said seriously, “I don’t know if Charlie is not a flower, but I feel that he is a flower himself, and a flower that attracts bees and butterflies…”

Chapter 2586

Warnia nodded in admiration, and said with emotion: “Apart from him, there may be no other flower that can attract bees and butterflies…”

At this moment, the men in the other corner of the banquet hall also talked happily.

After everyone chatted, Mr. Song looked at Qin Gang and smiled: “By the way, President Qin, don’t you have a lot of exports to Japan recently? You can get in touch with Mr. Ito in the future to see if there is any good cooperation, just set a direction.”

Ito Takehiko asked curiously: “Oh? Mr. Qin also has business in Japan?”

Qin Gang nodded and said truthfully: “To be honest, I was originally in the business of medicinal materials, originally only for China’s domestic market, but recently the export volume from Japan has soared, accounting for half of all my medicinal materials sales, even It’s still growing.”

Takehiko Ito asked in surprise, “How much does Mr. Qin supply to Japan?”

Qin Gang said with a respectful expression: “I am afraid, these medicinal materials are all supplied to Master Wade’s JX Pharmaceutical. Didn’t Master Wade buy Kobayashi Pharmaceutical in Japan some time ago, and then handed over all the supply of medicinal materials for several production lines to me.”

“That’s it!” Ito Takehiko suddenly understood.

Before, he also wanted to invest in JX Pharmaceutical, but he didn’t expect to have a little unhappy with Charlie because of this, so Charlie was scammed by 4.5 billion US dollars.

At first, Ito Takehiko thought that the 4.5 billion US dollars must not be given to Charlie so easily, but then Charlie saved his daughter, avoided the Ito family from being harmed, and even saved his own life. Kindness made him stop thinking about the 4.5 billion dollar thing a long time ago. Even if he thinks about it, he doesn’t feel distressed at all but feels lucky.

In fact, there is another very important reason why Ito Takehiko doesn’t care about the 4.5 billion US dollars now, that is, the Ito family survived the Tokyo chaos almost intact.

On the other hand, the Takahashi family and the Matsumoto family suffered a heavy loss and the other was wiped out.

The Ito family relied on the integration of their resources and markets, and their strength increased rapidly. This huge increase is simply not comparable to US$4.5 billion.

Therefore, not only did Ito not hate Charlie but instead regarded Charlie as the benefactor of the entire Ito family.

Qin Gang is actually the same. He sighed with respect and emotion: “Since Master Wade handed over the supply of medicinal materials for JX Pharmaceutical to the Qin family, the family’s business volume has more than doubled, and the revenue growth ratio has been higher… .”

“More importantly, Master Wade is not like other manufacturers. Other manufacturers like to keep prices down.”

“Of these companies I work with, the longest billing period is over half a year!”

“Take the previous Wei’s Pharmaceuticals, for the raw materials I gave him in January, he has to wait for July to settle the bill!”

“During this period, I will continue to supply the raw materials for the five months from February to June, which is equivalent to being in the hands of their family alone, which has suppressed my half-year payment for goods, and the financial pressure is extremely high.”

“However, now working with Master Wade, Master Wade has never pressured any settlement. As long as the medicinal materials supplied by me have arrived and passed the inspection, the finance will transfer the money to me immediately…”

Elder Song, who was on the side, smiled slightly and said with emotion: “You, me, and everyone, have been greatly favored by Master Wade. If it weren’t for Master Wade, we wouldn’t be in the state we are today…”

After speaking, he looked at Warnia who was chatting with Nanako and Aoxue, and exclaimed, “If it weren’t for Master Wade, Warnia and I would have died long ago, and the Song family would not have us today…”

Ito Takehiko also sighed: “Yeah! If it weren’t for Master Wade, not only would the little girl be killed by the murderer, but the Matsumoto family’s fate might have to be borne by the Ito family…”

Qin Gang hurriedly said, “Since everyone has received the favor of Master Wade, then Master will come later, we must respect him with two more cups!”

At this moment, Charlie just stepped forward under the leadership of the housekeeper. Hearing Qin Gang’s words, he smiled and said, “What? You guys are discussing it well. Do you want to drink for me all night?”

Chapter 2587

Seeing Charlie came, Qin Gang was first to stand up and respectfully said: “!! Master leaves you to come and we are when it comes to You”

Charlie smiled and said: “I heard, you said a little later I drink a few glasses to keep it?”

Qin hastily laughed: “You really want to drink a few glasses, but certainly did not want to fill you mean.”

Charlie smiled, then said to Father Song said: “Mr. Song, how have you been recently?”

Father Song nodded respectfully said: “Mr. Wade, thanks to you, my decrepit body is in very good shape.”

Charlie nodded. At this moment, Ito Takehiko beckoned to Charlie and said respectfully, “Hello, Mr. Wade, we meet again!”

Charlie already guessed Ito Takehiko somehow here, however, the natural surface was normal and he pretended to be very surprised and said: “Oh, it is Mr. Ito, I did not think you were here.”

Then, Charlie looks to his side and Ito, smiled and said: “Ms. Ito, and Mr. Tanaka are also here.”

Megumi Ito quickly stood up, gave a ninety bow, and said: “Hello Mr. Wade!”

Without his lower limbs, Tanaka could only put his hands together and said, “Hello, Mr. Wade!”

Charlie nodded slightly, not far from the Warnia to chat with Nanako, blushed slightly and said: “! Charlie!”

Charlie looked at Nanako, and saw that she was still soft and watery, and said with a smile: “Nanako, I have heard Warnia say that you are coming to Aurous Hill for a concert, but I didn’t expect you to come so early.”

Nanako said shyly, “Charlie, I just happened to be not that busy recently, so I wanted to take this opportunity to come to Aurous Hill to relax and take a break.”

Charlie nodded, smiled, and asked her: “how not tell me ahead of time before coming?”

Nanako pursed her mouth, and said in a low voice, “I…I…I wanted to give you a little surprise, so I didn’t say anything, please don’t be angry… “

Charlie laughed: “how could it be, but next time you may consider telling me in advance, that time I would prepare to give you a welcoming dinner.”

Nanako quickly said: “Ok, next time I will tell you in advance!”

Charlie nodded, aside Warnia said with a smile: “? Mr. Wade, do you think we do not want to take a seat now.”

“Okay.” Charlie said with a smile: “I’m sorry to let you wait for me for so long. The journey was from a bit far away. I just happened to see my father-in-law.”

Father Song then stood up, smiled, and said: “We were just talking about you, as you arrived here.”

Charlie laughed: “Mr. Song, you are the master, of course, that you have to be seated first.”

Father Song would like to shirk, but Charlie insisted: “Come, sit down at your main seat up, you are sitting next to me.”

Seeing Father Song did not refuse, quickly said: “I will follow whatever you order Mr. Wade.”

At this time, Aoxue, who had just splashed her face with cold water, also came out of the bathroom. Seeing Charlie coming, she immediately ran to the front with excitement, and said excitedly, “Master, you are here!”

Charlie looked at her and nodded and smiled: “Aoxue is also here.”

“. Yes,” Aoxue happy to say: “Nanako brought me an Akita dog, I came here to pick it.”

Then, she blushed and said: “Mr. Wade, do you want to play with it?”

Qin Gang blurted out and scolded: “Aoxue! Didn’t you see that everyone is going to eat at the table? You know you are fooling around, and sit down next to me.”

Chapter 2588

Aoxue curled her lips when she was reprimanded, and said angrily, “I know Dad…”

Charlie smiled at this time: “The dog will let the housekeeper take care of him first, and then play with him after eating.”

Father Song hurriedly ordered the housekeeper to take the dog out first.

Everyone sat down one by one.

On Charlie’s left is Mr. Song, and on his right is Ito Takehiko.

As for Emi Ito and Koichi Tanaka, they were originally beaten to death and did not want to be on the table, but Charlie still kept them.

The relationship between master and servant in Japanese society is very clear. Sometimes the title of a predecessor can kill a person, but here it is relatively less rigid, and Charlie is not the kind of person who cares about these details, so he can tell them to sit together..

Emi Ito and Koichi Tanaka are naturally flattered.

After everyone was seated, Mr. Song asked everyone to pour the wine. This time the wine is still the same Moutai. In the upper class, this is the most popular brand and the only choice for foreign guests and envoys at the state banquet.

Moreover, the Maotai collected by Mr. Song are almost all treasures that the rich can’t buy on the market. Just take out a bottle, and it has a history of at least 20 years.

After the servant poured white wine for everyone, Ito Takehiko couldn’t help holding up a glass, sniffed it under his nose, and exclaimed: “It really is China’s national wine! The fragrance alone is enough to be intoxicating.”

Mr. Song asked curiously: “Oh? Mr. Ito also has research on Chinese liquor?”

Takehiko Ito nodded and said earnestly: “You said, in Japan, ordinary people love beer and sake. Young people love whiskey and red wine. Some older upper-class members and members of established families My favorite is actually Huaxia’s baijiu.”

After speaking, he exclaimed: “After all, the cultures in Japan originated from China, and the wine culture is the same.”

“Old-fashioned Japanese families require their children to learn Chinese culture from an early age, so we learned from the records in historical books that ancient Chinese said that “the world’s fine wine is the only one in the world”.”

“A few decades ago, Japanese Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka visited China, and he also expressed this feeling.”

“When we studied Tang poetry and Song Ci, in order to find the uninhibited feeling of ancient Chinese poets, we even went to find a few cups of Chinese white wine. The hearty feeling is really nostalgic…”

Mr. Song nodded and said with a smile, “That’s right, take advantage of today’s opportunity, you must drink a few more glasses! If you like to drink, when you return to Japan, I will have someone prepare a batch for you to take back!”

Ito Takehiko said, “Thank you, Mr. Song! If Mr. Song has time, come to Japan for a few days, and I will entertain you all the time!”

Father Song smiled and said, “Okay, I must come over and disturb you if I have a chance!”

After all, he looked at Charlie and said respectfully: “Master, why don’t you have an opening remark? Let’s toast and meet each other.”

Charlie smiled and said, “You are the head of the family. If I were to say the opening remarks, wouldn’t it be overwhelming?”

Mr. Song firmly said, “You are the great benefactor of the Song family. You are here. This is your home court. We are all sitting there thanks to your care and favor. The opening remarks from you are absolutely suitable. That’s it!”

Charlie was silent for a moment, nodded, and said, “Okay!”

After all, he stood up, holding a wine glass, and said seriously: “First of all, welcome Mr. Ito and his family to Aurous Hill. I have no good impressions of most Japanese companies and entrepreneurs, but Mr. Ito still impresses me.”

“So, I also hope that Mr. Ito can cooperate more with the Song family, with the Qin family, and with JX Pharmaceutical in the future!”

“Everyone strives to achieve resource exchange, resource development, and resource symbiosis. Together, we will find more opportunities and incubate more projects.”

Chapter 2589

As soon as Charlie said this, the expressions of Old Song and Qin Gang became a little excited.

They knew that Charlie was actually helping them match up.

The Ito family is now the strongest family in Japan, and its asset scale is also trillions of yuan converted into RMB. The Song family, but just entered the 100 billion club, Qin Gang is now halfway from the threshold of the 100 billion club.

Therefore, if they can cooperate with the Ito family, it is indeed a high climb for both of them. If the Ito family really cooperates with them, it will definitely bring them more growth opportunities!

Naturally, Ito Takehiko knew Charlie’s intentions, so he said almost without hesitation: “Since Mr. Wade has said so, then our Ito family will naturally go all out to cooperate with Ms. Song and Mr. Qin!”

As he said, he looked at Warnia and said seriously: “Miss Song, have you already started cooperating with Nippon Steel? After your new project is completed and put into production, all the real estate development projects of our Ito family will purchase Song’s in addition to the products of the joint venture between us, several of our shipyards will transfer all steel orders over!”

When Warnia heard this, she was immediately stunned!

The cooperation between the Song family and Nippon Steel will focus on special steel in the future. Ito Takehiko’s words are tantamount to binding a solid high-quality large customer to the steel industry of the Song family.

In the real economy, the most important thing is to find high-quality customers. A foundry company like Foxconn can bind a company like Apple to generate tens of billions of output value in a year. Such customers are the most important resource thing in the real industry.

So, Warnia said with surprise and joy, “Mr. Ito, thank you so much!”

Takehiko Ito waved his hand and smiled: “You don’t have to be so polite. In future cooperation like this, just let Nanako directly connect with you. She will definitely give you as many resources as possible, and we will work together for a win-win situation.”

Nanako Ito took the conversation, nodded, and smiled: “Yes, Sister Warnia, we must strengthen cooperation in the future. If your Song Group wants to develop overseas, you are welcome to come to Japan for a visit, and then we can work together!”

Warnia folded her hands together and said gratefully, “Thank you very much! It just so happens that Nanako and you will be staying in Aurous Hill for many days this time. You can also take a look at some of the current industrial plans of our Song family and see if there are any projects worthy of cooperation.”

Nanako Ito nodded without hesitation and said, “It’s okay. Sister Warnia will work hard to help me introduce the current situation of the Song Group in detail!”

At this time, Ito looked at Qin Gang and said with a smile: “Mr. Qin, I don’t know what business does the Qin family do besides medicinal materials business?”

Qin Gang said hurriedly: “In fact, our previous business lines were quite complicated. In addition to medicinal materials, we also did some retail and trade businesses, including antiques, automobiles, and some heavy industrial and mining equipment.”

Ito Nodded and smiled: “I don’t know much about antiques, but if you do automobile trade and heavy industrial and mining equipment, if you need to import from Japan, you can contact me, Japanese automobile companies, and many well-known heavy industries. The bosses of the companies are very familiar with me. If they don’t cooperate, I can help you match up. If you have already cooperated, I can help you get better terms.”

When Qin Gang heard this, he immediately said excitedly: “That’s really a thank you to Mr. Ito. To be honest, we do still have a few brands that we want to cooperate with. If possible, please help us to connect.”

Ito Nodded and said with a smile: “Mr. Qin, don’t worry, I still have some face in this regard.”

Chapter 2590

After speaking, Ito looked at Charlie and said seriously: “Mr. Wade, the Su family’s ocean shipping license was revoked recently. It is definitely a good opportunity to quickly enter this field. I wonder if you are interested?”

Charlie waved his hand and said with a smile: “I don’t know anything about ocean transportation, and I don’t even have a transport ship, so I’m talking about ocean transportation.”

Ito Takehiko hurriedly said: “Mr. Wade, the ship is actually not a problem. In fact, most ocean shipping companies all over the world rent freighters and oil tankers, just like most airlines are rented. Some companies are good at operations, but not good at heavy asset management and fixed asset planning; while some companies are good at fixed asset investment but not good at operations. This is like many companies that open global chain retail stores, but generally do not choose to buy shops on their own, and those real estate developers who invest in shopping malls often only rent shops to merchants and collect rent themselves.”

“A large part of the world’s ships and airplanes are purchased by leasing companies. They usually place orders with manufacturers early. After the orders are delivered, the ships and airplanes are not enough for themselves, so they just rent them out and start collecting them. Renting makes money.”

“Now a large number of cargo ships of the Su family are idle, and many of them are leased. If they cannot resume normal operations in a short period of time, they are unable to afford so much rent. They are very likely to cancel their leases in batches. At that time, there will be a large number of freighter resources released in the market. You can eat it on a large scale, and then take the opportunity to grab the Su family’s ocean transportation business!”

When Mr. Song on the side heard this, he couldn’t help sighing: “Ocean shipping is indeed a very, very profitable industry. Now the vast majority of international trade logistics rely on shipping, so as long as the countries and countries on the earth are still working normally The ocean shipping industry will continue to grow.”

With that, he looked at Charlie, and said, “Mr. Wade, your JX Pharmaceutical now has the momentum to sell well all over the world. You might as well take this opportunity of a lifetime to start ocean transportation, and in the future, it will be important to the global logistics of JX Pharmaceutical. Transportation also helps a lot.”

Qin Gang couldn’t help but said, “Mr. Song, I have no intention of arguing with you, but Mr. Wade’s JX Pharmaceutical, which produces all medicines, is small in size and light in weight. If it is sold globally in the future, it will be shipped to one country at a time. At most two or three containers are great, but a freighter often has thousands of containers. The demand and supply are not equal…”

Mr. Song laughed and said, “Of course it is not equal to relying on JX Pharmaceutical, but have you ever thought about it, your import and export trade, your car import business, don’t you have to rely on shipping? And all you do are imported cars. In our domestic market, imported cars are nothing more than so few origins. The most recent is Japan, followed by Germany, France, Italy, and the farthest is the United States. As far as I know, one standard container can hold two cars. Imported luxury cars have a huge demand for ocean transportation!”

Qin Gang slapped his thigh and smiled: “Mr. Song can see thoroughly. I only think about Mr. Wade’s JX Pharmaceutical, but I didn’t even think about including my own business!”

Mr. Song continued: “When our joint venture with Nippon Steel is completed and put into operation, we will have a very high demand for iron ore. Iron ore is generally imported from Brazil or Australia, and a ship is loaded with more than a dozen. Ten thousand or even hundreds of thousands of tons, the demand for ocean shipping is also huge. If Mr. Wade runs ocean shipping, it will actually be good news for everyone!”

Charlie hasn’t spoken, but he couldn’t help but feel a little moved in his heart.

“JX Pharmaceutical will definitely go global in the future, but with only one JX Pharmaceutical, it will be difficult for me to catch up with the top old families like the Wade family and the Su family.”

“At the moment, when the Su family is at its weakest, why don’t I take the opportunity to grab the Su family’s business?”

“In this case, I will not only make my assets stronger but also greatly weaken the Su Family!”

“Moreover, didn’t Grandpa Zhongquan always want me to return to Wade’s house? Since he asks me, then I can ask the family not to directly compete with me in the field of ocean transportation!”

“In this way, even if the Wade family wants to take advantage of the Su family’s share, they have to step aside for me!”

“This is not two birds with one stone, but three birds with one stone!”

Chapter 2591

Charlie now has sufficient funds in his hand, and there is also a money printing machine that is constantly making money, JX Pharmaceutical, so it is really not difficult for him to start ocean transportation.

Whether it is setting up a company, docking a dock, or leasing a freighter, there is no problem with funding.

However, the most critical issue is that if you want to start such a large piece of new business, you must have someone with sufficient ability to take care of it.

The first thing Charlie thought of was Doris.

Needless to say, Doris’s ability and his character is absolutely trustworthy.

However, the only problem is that Doris still has to manage the Emgrand Group. If she is asked to take the lead for ocean transportation at the same time, she may be lacking.

After thinking for a moment, Charlie decided to wait for Doris to come back from Hong Kong and talk to her first to see if she had any good ideas, or if she knew other talents who were good at management.

Therefore, he said to everyone, “Thank you for your suggestions. I will carefully consider the ocean shipping.”

Ito Takehiko hurriedly said, “If Mr. Wade wants to do it, I will definitely support!”

Warnia also said without hesitation: “Master, I am also willing to support you unconditionally!”

Qin Gang hurriedly said, “Master, and me! When I go back tonight, I will call Tailai. He is deeply rooted in Haicheng, and it seems that he has also taken a stake in the port of Haicheng. If you choose Haicheng, with his assistance, you will be able to get twice the result with half the effort!”

Charlie nodded and said, “Alright, you can help me ask about Tailai’s situation. After I go back, I will give it a comprehensive consideration.”

Qin Gang quickly agreed, “OK, Master Wade!”

Just as Charlie was at the dinner table and was tempted by ocean transportation, in the other city nearby, at the lakeside villa, Su’s were also eating, and suddenly received a tip.

After listening to the newsletter, he immediately said to Zynn with a dark face, “Zynn, I just got the message that Ito Takehiko of the Ito family has gone to Aurous Hill!”

“What?!” Zynn exclaimed, “Dad, how come Ito Takehiko went to Aurous Hill? The Ito family doesn’t seem to have any business in Aurous Hill.”

The old man Chengfeng said solemnly, “Although I don’t know what business the Ito family has in Aurous Hill, I think things are not simple this time, because a bear is like his sister, and his loyalty All of his subordinates chose to stay at Shangri-La in Aurous Hill!”

“Shangri-La?!” Zynn blurted out, “Isn’t that the Wade family’s property?”

Chapter 2592

“Yes!” Chengfeng Su gritted his teeth and said: “Aurous Hill was originally in the Wade family’s sphere of influence, belonging to the Wade family’s territory. Suddenly Ito Takehiko went to Aurous Hill. It is very strange in itself. He chose to stay at the Wade family hotel. It’s even more dangerous.”

Zynn hurriedly asked, “Dad, are you worried that the Ito family will cooperate with the Wade family?”

“Yes.” Chengfeng said earnestly: “At present, our ocean shipping industry has been suspended across the board. For a while, the entire industry is in turmoil. On the one hand, because of our suspension, there is a huge gap in the demand for international shipping that could not be met. Not counting the increase. On the other hand, the rented ships in our hands will be released to the shipowners. Once released to the shipowners, these ships will become the items that other families and businesses compete with each other for. Among them, the threat is the greatest, it is from the Wade Family!”

Zynn pondered for a moment, and said, “Dad, if Wade’s and the Ito family get on the line, it will be too bad for us! Maybe the Wade family will completely overtake the Su family because of this opportunity!”

Chengfeng hummed, and said gloomily, “So right now there are several tasks that you need to solve urgently.”

Zynn hurriedly stood up and said, “Dad, if there is anything I need to do, please tell me.”

Chengfeng said: “I want you to go to Aurous Hill. First find out what Ito’s motivation for going to Aurous Hill is, and then find a way to establish contact with Ito, and then strive for cooperation with the Ito family. You can also drive higher. First, let the Ito family give up the cooperation with the Wade family, and then slowly establish the cooperation with them. This time we don’t know how long it will punish us. We must prepare for both! “

Zynn hurriedly said, “Dad, if I also go to Aurous Hill, then there will be no one to take care of you in Suzhou. I don’t know if you are in Aurous Hill now, you can’t get away for a while.”

“Don’t worry about me.” Chengfeng said lightly: “No one knows that I am in Suzhou. If they scold me outside, they can’t do anything with me. So you should hurry up and get things done with the Ito family! Even if you can’t talk to Ito. Once the family has reached cooperation, we must not let them hold hands with the Wade family. Once they get together, then we will be in big trouble!”

In Chengfeng’s eyes, the Wade Family had always been his mortal enemy.

The Su Family and the Wade Family are like two bullies in the village. In terms of combat effectiveness, the Su Family is slightly stronger than the Wade Family. However, if the two parties really fight, the Su Family cannot easily win. Therefore, there has been no real major conflict between the two sides.

Now, the Su family accidentally slapped the foot, and the injury will not recover for a while, so the combat effectiveness is a bit weaker than the Wade family, which means that the situation of the two sides has changed, but neither side dares. Fight to the death with each other.

However, at this time the bully in the next village went to the Wade family as a guest. What the Su family was most worried about now was that the Wade family and the bully in the next village would unite to deal with him. If that were the case, the Su family would have little power to resist.

Zynn said at this time, “Dad, if they both reach a consensus, then their next cooperation will be determined. It is difficult for us to influence their choice!”

Chengfeng said indifferently: “It doesn’t matter if they can’t control their choice. The big deal is to find a way to kill Ito Takehiko in Aurous Hill and then throw the pot to the Wade family. Think about how the Matsumoto family did it? They just wanted to kill Zhifei and Zhiyu, and then throw the pot to the Ito family?”

Zynn hesitated and said, “Dad, we have already encountered a lot of problems now. Ruoli, Zhiyu, and Liona are all targets of the outside world against the Su family. If we continue to engage in this kind of action, in case If it is really exposed, the consequences would be disastrous and unthinkable!”

Chengfeng said coldly: “Unthinkable? Let me tell you what is unthinkable! Once the Wade family and the Ito family have reached a cooperation, they will definitely take this opportunity to expand rapidly in the field of ocean transportation. It is likely to be in a few months. Destroy all our foundations. If we lose this business, our strength will be a bit lower than that of the Wade Family. If we lose this business and are picked up by the Wade Family, then this is the case. , We will be more inferior than them!”

With that said, Chengfeng said with a cold expression: “In any case, we can’t throw away the big cake of ocean transportation! Take a 10,000 step back and say, even if Chengfeng can’t eat this bowl of rice, I must smash this Wade family’s rice bowl. Now! I can’t eat this bowl of rice, anyone else can eat it, but the Wade family.”

Chapter 2593

When Charlie finished the banquet and left from the Song family, Zynn had already started to set off for Aurous Hill.

In order to be able to get in touch with Takehiko Ito as soon as possible, he specially arranged for his staff to book a hotel room in Shangri-La with other identities.

He also knew very well that Shangri-La was the property of the Wade family, so he not only couldn’t let the Wade family know that he was staying at Shangri-La, but he couldn’t even let them know that he was going to Aurous Hill.

According to his plan, after he has booked the room, checked in, and received the room card, he will wait near the Shangri-La Hotel. When he arrives, give him the room card, and he can skip the check-in link and enter directly into the hotel room.

Although the hotel clearly requires the real-name system at the moment, the real-name system can only be implemented to the opener.

And the higher the level of the hotel, the more attention is paid to the user’s feelings and s3x. As long as the guests entering and leaving are dressed decently, there will be basically no staff to verify his identity.

Charlie didn’t know that Zynn was on his way to Aurous Hill.

He drove away from the Song’s house and called the old father-in-law Jacob on the road. As soon as the phone was connected, he asked, “Dad, I’m done here, what about you? If you are over, I will pick you up.”

Jacob gasped and said, “Charlie, I…I’m almost exhausted…You hurry up and save me…”

Charlie asked in surprise, “Dad, what’s the matter with you?”

Jacob’s voice said in despair, “Don’t mention it, I was pulled out for a run by your Aunt, and my leg is about to break…”

When Charlie heard this, he couldn’t help laughing.

Meiqing was sick and suddenly took Jacob out for a run, which seemed to be due to excessive physical strength and energy.

From this point of view, the dose of this rejuvenating pill is still a bit large.

Immediately, he smiled and asked Jacob, “Dad, where are you running? Send me the location. I will pick you up.”

Jacob hurriedly said, “Wait a minute, I will send you the position!”

After speaking, Jacob hurriedly ended the call and sent Charlie a location on WeChat.

Immediately afterwards, another text message was sent: “Good son-in-law, come on, my leg is about to break!”

Charlie replied and drove to the location.

At this moment, Jacob was sitting on the curb on the side of the road, sweating profusely all over his body.

He really did not expect to dream today. He wanted to take advantage of Meiqing’s illness to brew the atmosphere, and the sound of a wave would still be there, but who would have thought that he would be dragged by Meiqing and ran on the riverside all night.

And Meiqing’s physical strength is surprisingly good, it seems that she is not tired from running, but her old body has such a foundation, and after half an hour of running, he almost lost half his life when tired.

He wanted to give up a long time ago, but because he didn’t want Meiqing to look down on him, he had to grit his teeth and persist. However, even if he tried his best, he still lags behind her a lot, so she could only run out by herself for a while and then turn back. Jog with Jacob for a while, then run out, and so on.

Jacob ran away crying without tears.

Now he, let alone trying to find a way to keep the sound of the waves with Meiqing, even if Meiqing took the initiative to ask, he is fundamentally powerless, just want to go home quickly and lie down.

Charlie drove quickly to the location. When he saw Jacob, Meiqing was standing beside Jacob, waving at him vigorously to signal him to continue running, while Jacob was sitting on the road gutter with pain on his face. Waved his hands again and again.

Chapter 2594

Charlie pulled over and stopped the car. When Jacob saw him, it was as if he had seen a savior, his eyes gleaming.

However, he still deliberately did not speak to Charlie immediately.

When Meiqing saw Charlie, she smiled first, “Charlie is here!”

Seeing Meiqing wearing tight-fitting sportswear, Charlie secretly exclaimed: “This Auntie is indeed the idol of middle-aged and elderly men. How does this figure, look, and temperament can be said to be of a fifty-year-old?

If she is thirty years old, most people will believe it.

Immediately, Charlie nodded and smiled at Meiqing, and said, “Hello, Aunt.”

After speaking, Charlie was holding back in his heart, and deliberately asked her: “Auntie, I heard Dad say that you are sick, why did you come out and run? And your complexion looks very good, not at all sick. Looks like you are even better than the last time.”

Meiqing smiled and said, “I did have a high fever at first, but your dad brought me a bowl of millet porridge. I just had it!”

Charlie pretended to be surprised and asked, “Is the porridge so magical? This is the first time I have heard of it.”

Meiqing smiled and said, “To be honest, I don’t know the principle, but I am really well, and my body feels endless strength.”

Charlie nodded and looked at Jacob, who was sitting on the floor with a flushed face and sweating profusely. He joked, “Dad, why didn’t you come with a bowl of millet porridge?”

Jacob said angrily: “I want to know that millet porridge has this effect. I must have bought an extra bowl at the time.”

After finishing speaking, he deliberately turned off the topic, pretending to be helpless, and asked him: “Oh, Charlie, why are you here so soon? Didn’t I say that you waited half an hour to pick me up? I still have to Run with your Aunt.”

Charlie was a little bit astonished at first when he heard the words of Mr. Athlete but soon recovered.

Presumably, the old man was afraid of losing face in front of Meiqing, so he said this deliberately, acting as if he was not in a hurry to escape.

So Charlie smiled and said, “My side ended early, so I came here first. If you haven’t run enough, you will continue to run for a while. I’ll be waiting for you.”

As soon as Jacob heard this, he waved his hand quickly: “If you don’t run away, you won’t run away. It’s so late. I’m sorry to keep you waiting for me.”

Charlie smiled and said, “Waiting! I don’t have any serious business all day long. You don’t know. Besides, Claire has a meeting in the Emgrand Group today. I am not in a hurry to go back.”

Jacob gave Charlie a faintly white look and said in his heart: “It’s because I call you my son-in-law every day. At this time, you don’t know how to find me a step-down, and you deliberately demolish my platform.”

Thinking about it, he couldn’t help sighing, and said, “Oh, just remembering, I made an appointment with an old man to pick up something from his house in the evening. It was too late, or let’s go there first.”

After speaking, he looked at Meiqing and said apologetically, “Meiqing, why don’t I come here today and I will run with you when the sky gets down?”

Meiqing smiled and nodded, and said, “Okay, it’s not too early, you and Charlie will go back. It is so hard for you to come and take care of me so far, and you have been running with me for so long.”

Jacob wanted to cry without tears in his heart, but he smiled and said, “These are all trivial things, or you can go with us and let Charlie send you home.”

Meiqing thought for a while, nodded, and said, “Okay, it’s not interesting to run by myself, so please trouble Charlie to drop me.”

Charlie smiled and said, “Auntie, you are too polite. Get in the car.”

Jacob immediately opened the rear door for Meiqing diligently. When Meiqing was about to board the car, someone suddenly shouted in surprise, “Meiqing! Why are you here?!”

Chapter 2595

The trio followed their reputations and found a muscular middle-aged man wearing sports shorts and short sleeves, trotting all the way to the front.

Charlie couldn’t help but look at this middle-aged man. The opponent was almost 1.8 meters tall, had a very well-proportioned figure, and had muscle lines all over his body. He looked only in his early forties.

Moreover, the other party is on such a cold day and wears so little to run, and he knows that his physical fitness is very good.

What’s more rare is that this man is very handsome and has thick short hair, which is really stylish.

When Jacob saw this man, he immediately became vigilant, looking at him up and down, but he couldn’t help feeling a little inferior.

Compared with this man, Jacob is an ordinary fifty-year-old middle-aged man. He usually does not exercise, let alone fitness, and has no systematic diet and exercise habits. His energy and spirit are far behind.

Meiqing was also surprised at this time and said, “Oh, Mr. Watt, why are you here?”

The middle-aged man known as Mr. Watt smiled slightly and said, “Didn’t you come out for a run? I didn’t expect to meet you here.”

The more Jacob looked at the other’s spirit, the more jealous he became, and couldn’t help asking, “Miqing, who is this?”

Meiqing hurriedly introduced: “Jacob, this is my colleague at the University for the Elderly, Mr. Watt, Pollard Watt. Mr. Watt used to be a professor of economics and management at MIT. He also recently returned to China and served as an associate at the School of Economics and Management of Aurous Hill University of Finance and Economics. The dean is also a visiting professor at a senior university.”

When Charlie heard Aurous Hill University of Finance and Economics, he couldn’t help but think to himself: “Isn’t this the school Aoxue attended?”

After speaking, she said to Pollard Watt: “Mr. Watt, this is my former university classmate Jacob, next to him, his son-in-law Charlie.”

Jacob asked subconsciously, “MIT? What MIT?”

At this time, Pollard Watt took the initiative to explain to Jacob: “Gentleman, MIT is the abbreviation of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, which is a university in the United States.”

Jacob’s expression immediately became extremely embarrassed.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology is ranked among the top three universities in the world. Jacob is also a university student, and of course, he has heard of it.

However, he did not know that the abbreviation of Massachusetts Institute of Technology is MIT, so he suddenly showed his timidity.

Looking at this man again, Jacob feels even more inferior: “He’s a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. To be able to be a professor at MIT, he must have at least a Ph.D. degree? And I, just graduated from Zhongshan University. , The rank is one hundred and eight thousand miles worse than that of him, and he looks young with a tendon, sh*t, standing face to face with him, acting as if I were his second uncle… .”

Seeing that Jacob hadn’t spoken for a while, Pollard smiled and asked, “Hello, Mr. Jacob, I don’t know where is Mr. Jacob now?”

Meiqing on the side introduced: “Jacob is the standing director of the Calligraphy and Painting Association. Our calligraphy hobby group at the University for Seniors often interacts with them.”

Pollard Watt nodded and smiled: “Unexpectedly, Mr. Jacob is still in the calligraphy and calligraphy circle. I actually like calligraphy very much. I have practiced some days before, but now I am busy with work, so I don’t have time to take care of it. If I have a chance, there will be more learning from Mr. Jacob.”

Jacob didn’t expect that this guy’s academic qualifications and background would be awesome. When he opened his mouth he was so humble, and suddenly he felt that he had lost a lot of meaning, and he said, “Oh…, There will be opportunities in the future.”

After speaking, he deliberately looked down at the Rolex on his wrist and said, “Brother Watt, it’s a bit late today. We have to go first, sorry.”

Pollard smiled slightly: “It’s okay, Mr. Jacob should be busy first if he has anything.”

Chapter 2596

Then, he said jokingly: “By the way, Mr. Jacob looks like he should be about fifty years old?”

“Yes, fifty.” Jacob nodded.

Pollard smiled and said, “Then you can’t call me old brother. I am a few years older than you. This year is fifty-five.”

“What?!” Jacob asked dumbfounded, “You are fifty-five this year?!”

“Yes.” Pollard Watt said with a smile, “I just passed my 55th birthday in January this year, and I am considered 56 years old…”

Jacob’s expression suddenly became a little ugly.

It’s not anger, it’s mainly inferiority complex.

He thinks Pollard Watt should be around forty-five, but he didn’t expect this guy to be five years older than himself!

Pollard Watt looked at Meiqing at this time and asked her: “By the way, Meiqing, Mr. Jacob has to go first. How about you? Are you going back in a hurry? If you don’t go back, let’s run for a while?”

Meiqing just hadn’t run to the fullest, and she felt that she was still full of energy and strength. When she heard Pollard Watt’s proposal, she almost agreed without hesitation and said with a smile: “Okay, I just didn’t run enough. Let’s run for a while.”

After that, she looked at Jacob and Charlie and smiled: “Jacob, Charlie, then I won’t go back with you. Charlie, you will drive back on the road slowly.”

Jacob was depressed to death and wanted to stop her, but he didn’t know where to cut in.

Charlie complied and said to Meiqing, “Auntie, then we will leave first.”

After speaking, Charlie gave Jacob a hand: “Dad, let’s go.”

Jacob was extremely bored. When Charlie returned to the car, Meiqing had already run forward with Pollard.

He looked at the backs of the two of them and said angrily, “Charlie, the grandson said he was fifty-five years old. How could a fifty-five-year-old person be so young?!”

Charlie smiled and said, “People like sports, just like Aunt. Most of the credit for keeping self so well comes from long-term unremitting sports.”

Jacob smacked his lips and said with a black face: “I think this grandson is interested in your Aunt!”

Charlie casually said, “Aunt is so good, surely many men are interested in her, right?”

Jacob said anxiously, “The point is, this grandson seems to be quite good too! Professor of MIT, this title alone is already very scary, maybe he will become my biggest competitor!”

As he said, he couldn’t help but gritted his teeth and cursed: “Damn, you said this group of men who have gone abroad, since they have all gone out, can’t they just stay in the foreign country? Why run back so blindly?”

Charlie didn’t take it seriously and said with a smile: “Young people leave home and return to the boss. After all, local people still hope that they will return to their roots in the future. Besides, when they return to China to become professors, they are also contributing to the country and at least able to cultivate talents for the motherland.

Jacob said angrily, “Then it’s not a loss to the country! Especially this guy is from the United States! Your Aunt has also lived in the United States for many years. They must have many common things. What about me? I f*cking have never seen anything in the United States.”

Chapter 2597

Thinking of the fact that he had never been to the United States, Jacob hated Elaine unconsciously.

He sat in the co-pilot and said cursingly: “I have been ruined by Elaine’s stinky existence all my life. If it weren’t for her, I must be a top student studying in the United States. Maybe I would also be an MIT graduate. A professor at Harvard in the United States!”

Speaking of this, he complained angrily: “What happened? The result was that he was completely locked up by Elaine, a junk stock right after he graduated from college, and has not been able to solve the problem until now!

Charlie couldn’t help but be comforted: “Okay, dad, there are some things you can’t just think about in the most optimistic way. You see, although your marriage is not happy now, at least you are in good health. Think about it from another angle, if you were destined in the United States to suffer a car accident, or when you arrive in the United States, you got killed in a shooting. If the mom kept you in the country, it is tantamount to saving your life in disguise.”

Jacob said with a gloomy expression: “You don’t fool me here anymore. When we were young, the education we received was materialism and Marxist theory. We didn’t believe in fate. Back then, we sang a Soviet revolutionary song, “There was never a savior. Don’t rely on the emperor, I’ve been sturdily destroyed in Elaine’s hands in my life!”

Charlie smiled helplessly and said, “Dad, or let’s talk about Pollard Watt.”

Jacob hugged his arms and asked angrily, “What does he have to say? Isn’t it just a higher degree, what’s so great? In addition, he looks a little more handsome, a little better, and a little taller. Son, he looks a little younger than me, besides this, what else is he better than me?”

Charlie said embarrassingly, “Doesn’t this take the inside and out?”

Jacob rubbed his temples: “Hey…it’s a headache, hey Charlie, do you think he has a wife and children?”

Charlie thought for a while and said seriously: “A man who came out for a run at night, I think he should have no wife, but he is 55 years old, I think there must be children. According to this analysis, there should be more than one history. Marriage history, but he should be single right now.”

“Damn it!” Jacob said dejectedly: “When I saw his look at your Aunt, I felt that something was wrong. This guy liked your Aunt 80% of the time, and both of them were single. They were still colleagues in the senior college. They have many years of life experience in the United States, and they both like to exercise. According to this analysis, they are the most suitable to live together. This is nothing less than damn me!”

As he said, Jacob vomited annoyedly: “You said, he was a magnificent MIT professor who came to Aurous Hill University of Finance and Economics to teach. Isn’t this sick?”

Charlie nodded and said with a smile: “He’s still a professor of economics and management at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, with a high gold content.”

Jacob asked curiously, “Do you know the Massachusetts Institute of Technology?”

“A little bit.” Charlie said seriously: “Massachusetts are the world’s first in the past two years, but the strongest in Massachusetts is not in economics and management, but in science and engineering, electronic engineering, aerospace, etc., the best in economic management. It should be Stanford and Harvard.”

Jacob asked curiously: “How do you know so clearly? I remember that you have only been in college for one year.”

Charlie casually said, “Hurt! Haven’t eaten pork, haven’t we seen a pig run?”

In fact, when Charlie was very young, he was very eager about American universities.

It is not how much he yearns for the United States, but his mother grew up in the United States and was a high-achieving student from Stanford University.

Moreover, Stanford University is close to Silicon Valley, a famous high-tech industrial base in the United States.

Many Silicon Valley Internet giants first studied at Stanford University and then graduated to start their own businesses in Silicon Valley.

Most of the first-generation Silicon Valley entrepreneurs who graduated from Stanford in the early 1990s and worked hard in Silicon Valley were classmates of Charlie’s mother.

When Charlie was young, he often heard her mother talk about the characteristics of American universities, especially Stanford.

Charlie remembers that when she was five or six years old and followed her mother to visit relatives in the United States, she also took him to Stanford University to visit.

Chapter 2598

At that time, accompanied him and his mother to visit Stanford, there were many famous people in Silicon Valley, but they were not well-known at the beginning. As for now, just mentioning any of them is like a thunderbolt internationally.

If it weren’t for the accident of his parents back then, Charlie’s life path would be to first go to the United States to study, and after finishing his MBA at Stanford, stay in Silicon Valley to start his own career, or return to China to help his father.

It is a pity that the car accident at the age of eight completely changed his life trajectory, and he did not even have the opportunity to finish his undergraduate degree.

Thinking of this, Charlie couldn’t help feeling a little sad.

Jacob, who was on the side, was unsure. Seeing Charlie’s melancholy expression, he couldn’t help asking: “Charlie, what’s the matter with you?”

Charlie came back to his senses, smiled slightly, and said, “I also think it’s a shame not to go to a university like Stanford in the United States.”

Jacob was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said, “Charlie, I didn’t see it, you are quite humorous.”

Charlie smiled lightly and didn’t say more.


In the early hours of this night, Zynn arrived at Shangri-La in Aurous Hill.

Although coming to the room from the hotel lobby? The road was very smooth, but Zynn was still a little dissatisfied.

The reason for his dissatisfaction was that his luxurious suite was far away from the presidential suite booked by Takehiko Ito, and it was not on the same floor at all.

The presidential suite of Shangri-La is on the top floor of the entire hotel. The top floor is divided into two areas, east, and west. The east area is the presidential suite and several rooms assigned to the presidential suite, and the west area is the administrative area.

Ito Takehiko and his entourage took over the entire Eastern District, while the entire Western District was isolated by Issac. Ruoli, Zhiyu, and Liona all lived here.

Zynn’s subordinates couldn’t book a room on the top floor at all. They really couldn’t, so they booked him a luxurious suite.

This luxurious suite is on the second top floor. This is the highest room that can be booked so far and the closest room to Ito Takehiko.

What Zynn didn’t know was that his wife and two daughters were living upstairs.

But now he can’t care about the whereabouts of his wife and children, because he can’t wait to take the Ito family down, so as to further lay the foundation for his future inheritance of the Su family.

So, after he arrived in the room, he immediately called a conference call and pulled in his men under Eastcliff and Aurous Hill, and said coldly: “Listen well, I have two tasks for you now. First, One task is that people in Eastcliff must closely monitor the recent movements of the Wade family members to see if any Wade family members have left Eastcliff and went to Aurous Hill recently, or if any Wade family members have been to Aurous Hill before.”

Zynn felt that to find out if Ito Takehiko came to Aurous Hill to discuss cooperation with the Wade family, the most important thing was to find out if anyone from the Wade family came to Aurous Hill to meet Ito Takehiko.

After all, Ito Takehiko is the head of the entire Ito family. Even if Ito Nanako has begun to take over the family business, his status in the family is the highest.

If the Wade Family really wants to talk to him about cooperation, at least the boss, Andrew, must come over and talk with Ito Takehiko.

Such important cooperation, even if the old man Zhongquan came here in person, it is understandable.

Immediately afterwards, he released a second task: “People on Aurous Hill must keep an eye on Ito Takehiko and find out the trajectory of Ito Takehiko’s activities in Aurous Hill, including where he has been, who he has met, and Tell me as much as possible about who they’ve talked with!”

Chapter 2599

Early the next morning.

The earliest high-speed train from Suzhou slowly stopped at Aurous Hill Railway Station.

In the business co*ckpit, there are two people, one old and one young. These two people are Feng Shui master Dan Mai from the United States and his great-grandson Mike.

When Mike got out of the car, he stretched out his hand to support Dan and asked, “Grandpa, this time we are here in Aurous Hill, have you made a divination in advance and figured out whether it is good or bad this time?”

Mike knows his grandfather very well. He has been striving for stability for so many years, so he has long formed a habit: As long as he is traveling far, he will be good or bad divination before going out.

Dan groaned: “At three quarters to the hour today, I made a hexagram, but this time the hexagram is chaotic and disorderly, and luck and bad are half of them.”

“Each half?” Mike was surprised when he heard the result.

He has been fascinated since childhood and has also studied Feng Shui fortune. In fact, Feng Shui fortune is most afraid of calculating the result that both good and bad are divided because this result is almost no result and has no reference significance.

The reason why Fengshui luck is popular is that it can measure the focus of everything in the future.

Because most things in the world are not really divided between good and bad, there will definitely be a gap between good and bad, but some gaps are large and some are small.

For example, if a businessman wants to invest in real estate next year, a truly capable Feng Shui master will measure the success of the project for him after a field survey.

If it can be calculated that the feng shui is auspicious and the success rate is high, the boss can confidently continue to move forward;

If it can be calculated that it is due to Feng Shui deviation and low success rate, it can also make him act cautiously, and even make him avoid a big hole.

However, when people look for you, they are asking about good and bad things. You can’t tell them that good and bad are equally divided. Then what is the point of asking you to do it?

Therefore, in general, divination and divination account for half of the good and bad results, and most of them are incapable and limited.

Divination equals ignorance.

However, he knew very well the great grandfather’s ability, and this result might not be expected in a few decades, so he hurriedly asked: “Grandpa, if it is really mixed, does that mean everything in Aurous Hill is still unknown ?”

Dan shook his head: “Everything has a pattern. The unknown reason is that I can’t see through it. Therefore, I now feel more and more determined that Aurous Hill is an extraordinary place. There must be some very good people living here! “

“For us, when we visit Aurous Hill this time, we may not see the true face of Mount Lu and return without success; it is also possible to get a great opportunity; it is also possible to accidentally cause disaster… “

“As the saying goes, the blessings depend on the blessings, and the blessings fall on the blessings. Since we can’t see the future trend, then we can only do our best to do our own thing if we want to get good results, and don’t do anything that hurts the world. This is what the ancestors said, but do good things and don’t ask about your future.”

As he said, he looked at Mike, and solemnly said: “We are coming to Aurous Hill this time. You must remember to be low-key, low-key, and then low-key. When encountering obstacles, you should try your best to avoid being impatient or arguing with anyone, do you understand?”

Mike solemnly nodded and said, “Don’t worry, grandpa, I will follow your instructions.”

“Yeah.” Dan nodded slightly.

He still knows his great-grandson very well. Although he was born in the United States, he received an education in traditional culture since he was a child. He is low-key and humble and never makes trouble.

While talking, the grandfather and grandson had already left the train station, and Mike asked, “Grandpa, where do we go for the first stop?”

Dan unswervingly said: “Go to Aurous Hill University of Finance and Economics! Regnar’s son happened there. We start looking for clues from there.”

“Okay!” Mike hurriedly said, “Then wait a moment, I will rent a car across the road.”

“No.” Dan waved his hand, took a step forward, stopped a taxi, and asked, “Brother, how much does it cost to run this car for a day?”

The taxi driver thought for a while: “It depends on where you are going and how many roads you run. I also have to pay for gas and tolls.”
Dan smiled and said, “I will use the car in the urban area. It is estimated that one or two hundred kilometers is the most in a day.”

The taxi driver blurted out, “Then you can give two thousand!”

“Two thousand?!” Mike on the side exclaimed, “Your price is a bit too dark, right? You can’t watch us coming out of the train station, just subconsciously want to kill us!”

Chapter 2600

The old taxi driver blushed, and then he hurriedly said, “How about fifteen?”

Mike still wanted to talk. Dan interrupted him at this time and said indifferently: “Just two thousand, Mike, give me money.”

Mike subconsciously said, “Grandpa, he just said a thousand and five…”

Dan said decisively: “Forgot how I told you? Two thousand, give me money.”

Mike immediately nodded, counted twenty hundred yuan bills from his wallet, and handed them over.

In fact, he is not stingy, nor can he afford two thousand yuan. It’s just that the feeling that other people obviously slaughter him makes him a little unacceptable.

However, when he thought of his grandfather’s words, let him less quarrel with others, he immediately recovered, and then willingly paid for it.

The driver happily took the money, counted it carefully, and said hurriedly, “You two, please get in the car!”

Mike helped Dan into the car, and then he went around to sit on the other side.

The driver asked as he drove in the direction of the station, “You two should be from abroad?”

Mike asked curiously, “How do you know?”

The driver smiled and said, “Whoever is fine in China still takes thousands in cash to go out. We are all on electronic payments, which is safe and easy.”

Mike nodded and said, “This is true. Domestic electronic payment is indeed very good, and it is much more advanced than foreign countries.”

The driver proudly said, “Of course, a cashless society! You see, after we implemented electronic payments, there are fewer thieves than before.”

With that said, he asked, “Where are the two going to the first stop?”

Mike said, “Go to Aurous Hill University of Finance and Economics.”


Charlie has been thinking about ocean transportation from last night to now.

He also realized that this is an excellent opportunity for development, but he has never thought about who will be the trader.

Charlie has self-knowledge, he reads few books, knows little about international trade, import and export trade, and foreign exchange collection and settlement. If he is allowed to manage this project himself, he will have no way of starting.

Therefore, to enter this industry, the first task to solve is to find a suitable person.

Claire didn’t know what Charlie was thinking about. After she washed, she saw that Charlie was still lying in bed in a daze when she woke up, so she couldn’t help asking, “Husband, what are you thinking about in a daze early in the morning?”

Charlie came back to his senses and smiled: “I, I’m thinking about starting a business…”

Entrepreneurship?” Claire asked in surprise, “Do you want to start a business?”

Charlie nodded and smiled: “I have this idea, but I haven’t found an entry point yet.”

Claire hurriedly said, “Husband, I don’t think you should consider starting a business.”

Charlie asked curiously: “Why?”

Claire said earnestly: “Our family is not short of money now. You usually don’t make less money when you show Feng Shui to others. If I implement the Emgrand Group’s project, our family’s money will not be spent, so why pay? Going to work hard to start a business?”

Charlie said earnestly, “But my wife, aren’t you working hard to start a business yourself?”

Claire sat down next to Charlie, held his hand, and said seriously: “Husband, starting a business is really hard, and it’s the kind of bow without turning back, so I don’t want you to be so hard.”

As she said, Claire said with emotion: “In the past few years, you have not only taken care of me, family, and that Aunt in the orphanage, but also been under the direction of my parents and looked down upon by my parents and grandma. It has been hard enough. Now that you can finally relax, why bother to start a business?”

The charismatic Charles Wade Chapter 2581-2600 - EthicLearner (2024)
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Author: Duncan Muller

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Name: Duncan Muller

Birthday: 1997-01-13

Address: Apt. 505 914 Phillip Crossroad, O'Konborough, NV 62411

Phone: +8555305800947

Job: Construction Agent

Hobby: Shopping, Table tennis, Snowboarding, Rafting, Motor sports, Homebrewing, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.