St. Louis Post-Dispatch from St. Louis, Missouri (2024)

4D April 21, 1976 ST. LOUIS POST-DISPATCH! turn 1271 mm 127 nUMTKB ex Oldendorph Wehmeier B7S turn MATH en TO ALL PERSONS WHO WERE POLICYHOLDERS OF MANCHESTER INSURANCE AND INDEMNITY COMPANY ON MARCH 1976: Becker Gronemeier CLASSIFIED AD INDEX The number in tht Mn bdm -refer to Hm clossifkotion nwnbti 'ond not tht coot number. All classification! art Numbtrtd ond Appear Numtrkal Ordtr. I Service Oossrficalior. Numbor 'Announcements 0018 Bids ond Proposals Wanted .9654 Business Directory You cdn sell 3mMwMm anything rnJMlw BTf Business Opportunities IBS Business Personals 0612 Death Notices 0273 Directors Meetings 9613 financial 9571 Fishing, Vacations, Picnics .0570 Fraternal Notices 0232 Greetings 0391 legal Notices 9597 Hoar 9555 lost ond Found Personals 0497 Schools, Instruction Special Notices 0554 Stockholders Meeting 9639 Swaps 0679 Employment Money-Saving Bell Rinm A i I am Employment Agencies ....1776 Help Wanted 1792 uiassmea nwmsemem 2 lines -2 week-days '3" IACH IXTHA IHN ONLY 734 Ml DAY 5a' SAV1 2 lines 4 week-days 2 lines Sun.

Mon. 4 IACM IXTtA UNI ONLY OAT 2 lines Sun. thru Wed. 6W 22 IACH IXTtA UNI ONLY 174 Ml DAY 2 lines Sun. thru Fri.

8W IACH IXT1A UNI UM THAN 724 KR DAY EACH IXTtA UNI ONLY NR DAY 2 lines -i week-days itS UCH IXTAA UM ONLY 5V) Pll DAY SAVT MOM WHIN AD STARTS ON WlfKDAY AND INCLUDfS SUNDAY may cancel anytime) and pay only for days your runs, (consecutive days with no copy change.) 621-6666 To Place Your Bell Ringer Ad in the You ad Call ST. SOWOLS MSntlKTNfl 1571 LOUIS POST-DISPATCH paiiiiiiiBansnran LEARN COMPUTER I PROGRAMMING OPERATIONS I eM tan ftw Mi triad to (I) Matt own PAT MD tUHIHIi tUoiLJ dIAKI MAI iu COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY I Learn to maintain, trouble shoot, and service computer equipment by actually working on the equipment with hands an Training, aeven imntn uaii c. Evening and Day Classes Start Apr. 22 Ponictor Nftw Call 534-8181, CONTROL DATA INSTITUTE I 3694 W. Ptna pucENorr issisTJUKt-Arnoya HELP WANTED 17K AIRCRAFT INSTRUCTORS 1 IRAN EMPLOYMENT Experienced in weapons control sys- terns and Inertial navigotior" terns.

Rush resume to: Ewingrfn Design, 960 Broadway, Hicksviue, N. Y.llBOt ALCOA SUBSIDIARY Now building new operotion. Need workers in Sales Dept. $150 week to start, 428-1142, APARTMENTMANAGER -MATURE COUPLE Complete charge West county 72 unit complex. Duties include minor main tenance ana all aspects or Apartment Mnnnaement.

Prefer retired or semi-retired couple. P.O. Box 11895. Clayton, Mo. 63105.

APARTMENTMANAGER live on site, smoll property. As- sume administrative duties in leasing ot vacant apartments. Duties include grounds work, painting, minor maintenance. Prefer cou0le with. experience.

IKA t. DfcKKY. IHL 7701 CLAYTON StLouis.63117 APARTMENTMANAGER WOMAN OR COUPLE Medium sized project, South! leasing, social activities, supervise mnlntonnnro rnlk Prefer oae 30-45. experienced; need maturity, hundle public, oe sole orienrea, agtirew Iriendly. Consider couple, husband-with minor maintenance ability and do grounds work; no children: Replies confidential.

294-2353, 892" 6489. Mon. -Fri. I0-5PM, Sat. 9- 12noon.

APPLICATORS For Sidina. S30 oer Sa. Must furnish own equipment. 423-9870 ARCHITECTURAL BUSINESS DE-VELOPMENT-MARGETING MANAGER: Reporting to President of es-' toblished and growing architectural and professional service firm. Aggressively expanding services and professional activities.

Responsibility to Include market planning, new business, economic analysis, proiect development and promotional activities. Pleose send resume in confidence to: Richard L. Pearce, Pearce Corporation, One Mercantile Center, St. Louis. Mo.

63101 AS1HTANT MANAGER For large Apartment Complex. West St. Louis County. Experience only. Typing reaulred.

Salary plus Apartment. Apply 10920 Schueti Rd. uite. assistant circulation director. Immediate, opening with national publication, Experience In perlodlcol field helpful.

Some bookkeeping and supervisory background necessary. Sena1 resume to: BOX 304, POSI-UISf AILH 900 N. 12th, 5t. Louis, Mo. 63101 AUTO Mechanic, oll-around, famil.

iar with state Inspection require, ments. 869-6200 AUTOMECHANICS immediate openings for qualified iournevman mechanics with LincolnMercury experience. tact Tony Marx, Service Manager, 487-3900, Tom Smith Lincoln Mercury, 6160 S. Lindbergh, St. Louis, Mo.

63123 AN EXPERT 7 SOI00U NKTtlXTMII 1571 visit er write I Lovli, Mo. 63108 fm vnaus EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES (LIceitsel) 177S RECEPTIONIST. FEE PAID New Company needs person with nlemnnt nhnnp voice! Outaoina Der- sonality! 621-8181, Personnel Services, Inc. REPORT TYPIST I NO FEE) Type 70 w.p.m., train Mag Card II. SALES: Clothing.

Mgml. Trainee. Benefits, bonuses, loiii wjvuji- mi. Fabry 727-4787, 135, Meramec sneltina 8, Snelling Personnel SALES: Draperies. "Shop at experience.

Top compony. HO.OOO Mr. Fabry ni tini, rt Meramec SALES: Retail. Floor covering, lad leswear; experience S7200 Mr Fabry 727-4787. 135 NMeromec aneiung aneiimg rerawiiiei SALES Retail Inside nice surround ings management opportunity comm ssion Hurry Mr.

anerricn oi-uii, jiy n. xn SNELLING SNELLING PtKSUN- NEL SALES To homeowners-Mature ag aressive exDerlenced-too commis sions Hurry! Mr. Sherrlck l-ljll, jivrt. flin SNELLING SNELLING PtKSUN NEL SECRETARY. JUNIOR Medium skills with minimum experi enced needed to progressive uayion firm.

Agency lee paid, iosomw. KAY WILLIAMS PERSONNEL 25 So. Bemiston, Cloyton Phone 721-7188 SECY. $750 CREVE COEUR (NO FEE) Good shorthand, light bookkeeping, good benefits. QUALITY SLKVItt, SPECIALIZING In the employment of PROFESSIONAL WOMEN SECRETARIAL ACCOUNTING AUTOMATION r.cuCD&l TFCMNICAI Must have previous employment his tory, of to 2 years, tor: FEE PAID POSITION I 644-3535 SEARCH OF ST.

LOUIS 6636 Clayton Rd HBHBU OLBENDORPH. ANNA C. (nee dear momer of Muriel Pteifler ond Edna Dunn, dear sister, grandmother, mother-in-law, slster-ln- snw. aunt and cousin. Funeral 10:10 a.m.

from O'SULLIVAN-MUCKLE MOrtu- U06 Jennings ko. oi noro Tntermeni SI. Jam's Cemt- Orlando ORLANDO, ANDREW JOSEPH MM''irnin uahi Mather Church, bekwtd hus band ol Mildred Orlando, beloved lather at josepn oonnte Charles i. ond Wlllit F. Orlondo, nnnr tun al joseoh and Lena Or londo, dear brother ot Mrs.

Lena in bm. Jim. Leo. John, Pete. Frank and Dominic Orlando, our dear gronatamer, ramer-in-ww, rjromer-tn-iow, uncit, cousin and friend.

Funvrai services lcli- 11IFS.m'9'f5Wa.rn to St. Catherine ot Alexandria! Church. Moss 10 o.m. Intermentl Vol hoi la. Friends may call after 61 p.m.

Wed. Regan REGAN, EDWARD J. April hMd husband of Patricia Re-I gat (net Krefztr), dtai father ofl Edward Michael, ElizabethJ Christine, Kevin, Mory Jo, Janei and Constance Regan, dear DrottH tr, tather-ln-law, grandfather ri west. 9450 Olive Blvd. Thurs.

April 22, 9: 15 a.m. to Incor Mb wnrrf rhurch tor 1ft a.m. Moss. Interment Calvary. In lieu of flowers, donations to American Cancer Society would be oppreJ elated.

Rowoiih OWORTH. PEARL Inee Collins) mother of Millictnt Roworth, our dear cousin. I Funeral tram SOUTHERN Fu- nerai Home, 6322 s. Grana Biva. Thurs.

Aorll 22. 1 o.m. to St. Paul'! Episcopal Church, 6511 Michigan! year member of Venus Chapterl No lsi a s. O.E.S.

strvicef. Wed. 8 p.m. Ruby See Dugan Anguinet SANOUINET. ESTELLE L.

April 20, 1976, fortified wlrhl the socraments ot Hoiy Morneri Church, deor sister ot F. H. San-i gurnet ana Mrs. t-ranx cernic. dear sister-in-law, aunt, great- aunt, niece ot Rt.

Kev. msgr Thonrn Woods and cousin. Funeral from GEBKEN BENZ Mortuary, 2M2 Meramec i-ri April 23, 9:30 a.m. to St. Charles Borromeo tnurcn, an; inwawnt rnivnrv.

Member of III Order ot St. Francis. Visitation Thurs. otter 2 p.m. Scharon SeeSwigtr Schroeder SCHROEDER, ebank.

of St April 20, IV6, lather of Alfred and Robert Schroeder, Mrs. Fred ii nwrnei Plackemeler, Mrs. Ar nold (Lollto) Harlan, Mrs Vernon (Mildred) Phlllpps, and the late Myrtle Plackemeler, brother ot nrar iFr edo Von Horn, Mrs Ollle (Hilda) Schmidt, Mrs. Josephine Echelmeier, ond the late Mrs. Doro Hohn and Herman and Horry Schroeder, grandfather of the late Mlchoel Plackemeler, litii nrvi iinrU Funeral service April 23, 2 immanuel Lutheran Church.

Interment Immanuel Lutheram Cemetery. Friends may call ot, 6AUE Funeral Home, 620 Jetfer son St. Charles, Mo. Memorial contributions mov be given to Immanuel Building Fund or Cardinal Ritter institute. Schuessler trmiESSLER.

FRANK, asleep In Jesus, April 19, 1976, beloved husband ot the late Caroline Schuessler (nee Zlrcher), dear ta ttler ot Josepn (-ram ti-Horn Schuessler, Josephine Grls hrck. and the late RudolDh Schues- im-. our dear father-in-law. arand- tother, great-grondtother, uncle, "Funeral' from KUTIS Funeral Home. 2906 Gravois, April 23, 10:30 a.m.

Interment Sunset Burlol Pork, inporiorwea.ip.m. Senters SeeDugan Slavik SLAVIK, ANNA E. (nee Pltra) fortified wlththe sacraments sinlv Mother Church. Aorl 19, 1976, dear mother of Raymond and Bernard Slavik, dear sister of the late Fr. m.

siepnen, u.c.s.o. and Marie Srnka, our dear mother In-law, grondmother, great-grand momer, ounr ana cousin, Funeral from KUTIS Fuller rol Home, 1S15I Grovols (AFFTOI April 22, 9:15 o.m. to Holy Family cnurcn. interment ss refer Paul Cemetery. Member ot Golden Age Club of Holy Family cnurcn.

Stiegemeier STIFCEMEIER. HULDA W. OW ensvllle, Mo April 20, 1976, formerly ol St. Charles, wife of the late Frea w. siiegemeier, motner ot Frederick L.

Stieoemeier, Mrs. Elbert (Virglnlo) Clark and the late Ruby Stiegemeier, sister of Mrs. Marina Hacxmann, ivirs Dora Smith and the late Gus, Theodore, and Otto Westermeier ana Louise ccnctmeici, ueui grandmother, momer-in-iaw, sis- ter-in-iaw atiu uum. Funeral Thurs. 2 p.m.

at St John United Church of Christ. In ferment Church Cemetery. Visita tion ot BAUE Funeral Home, 620i Jefferson St. St. cnories alter p.m.

wea. Swiger SWIGER. MAUDE N. (nee Wat son), April 18, 1976, wlte of the late Ira L. Swiger, motner ot Anne Swiger Scharon of Webster Groves, Mo.

and James T. Swn at Winrlwster. sister Ol Et Ross ot Clarksburg, W. moth r-ln-law. arandmother.

oreot- grondmother, sister-in-law and "Tunerol 10 a.m. at Grace Episcopal Church, Woodlawn Argonne Kirkwood. Inter ment Aor 24. at Clarksburg, W. Va.

Memorials preferred to Grace Episcopal cnurcn. bopk cnapei service. Thornberry THORNBERRY, EUNICE lu. n.rlnrhl. Tunc Anrll 20.

beloved wife of the late Frank H. Thornberry dear mother of Frank H. Thornberry dear sister of Ruth Toulouse, our dear aunt. Funeral from KUTIS Funeral Home, 2906 Gravois, April 11 a interment Oak Grove emetery. in parlor inurs, a.m.

Walker WALKER, LOUISE M. (nee 'JenfyToteMl Walker, dear mother of Rosalie Rosso, dear daughter ot Carrie Suda, dear sister ol Bernice Smith ond the lore cnuo suau, urui mnther-in-low. arandmother, sis ter-livlaw, ount, great-aunt, niece and Irom TED FENDLER Funeral Home, 7420 Mlchloon at t-ui Koeln, FTI-, April I v.m. mm- ment Nationol Cemetery. Vlslto tlonoHer6p.m.

Wed. WHEN YOU ANSWER A POST-DISPATCH AD WITH A BOX NUMBER YOU MUST INCLUDE BOTH LETTER NUMBER letter or Number Alone Is Nof Sufficient. WEHMEIER. CHARLES, Of Wot- Kraft), dear father of Mrs. Glenr (Audrey) Rodenberg, our dear grandfather, tother-IMaw, brottv tr-m-lowondunclt.

I state OUERNHEIM Funeral Home, Waterloo, urnn o.nt III. Interment Waterloo, III. Mem rd rvta Fellrjw Lodoe 1.0 No. 27 ot Waterloo, I for about Td years. Wiehe WIEHE, LORENZ C.ILAjtRYII Wlehe, (nee Jocobl), dear lather ot Phyllis A.

Neuaebauer ana Mark L. Wlehe, fotner-ln-low ofl Rev. John C. Neugeoouer, aear hmkw niaa n'Niel. Irene Stev enson, Martin, Elmer, Gilbert ard Matthew J.

Neugeoouer, dear brother-ln-kiw, uncle, nephew and cousin. ur wldie In state at HOFF MEISTER-BEIDERWIEOENJ WnatrWyCrVUS: an Church, 2650 Miami St. Thurs. I p.m. until service time 7 p.m interment Concordia Cemetery Mr.

Wlehe was a member of Holyl Cross Lutheran Church ond Choir ond Locol No. 12 Distillery andl Drug Workers, Union. Memorials! preferred to Lutheran Hour or) Hoiy Cross Church Woessner uMiima rUABLES. Mon uncle of Edward ond Norman Woessner, dear great-uncle. Funeral from WACKER-HELO-ERLE Chapel, 3634 Gravois, April 22, 1 p.m.

Imerment St. Trinity cemetery, in ter 2 p.m. wea. Yager vaced. MARIE W.

(nee Wit trock), oae 81, a.rtvpther ot Carl W.Jr.otSpringtieia,iii. Services Frl. 10 a.m. of BUSSE BACHMANN Funeral Home, Cincinnati, Ohio. Interment St.

Mary's Ctmettry, St. Bernard, gnio. nis To Place on In Memoriom Call Miss Lone 621-6666 LOST mi tinfl.FWARD TcsoiEif. Hiirk black hair, wnltel whlskers-chest-paws, yr. old.

ApJ prox. 13 lbs. Vicinity rer-O Hons t-errv ko. tlchjc FIND OUR DOG. 741-W70, 42J-4ZCT) male, block, oointed nose, curly tall, kevyxku; iiwi Beoole.

Hamoton-MancheH ter oreo, rea Conor, wi-y. CAT, gray (emale, answers ra PASHA west cna, nw. 5776 CHIHUAHUA brown, 14 1 yrs. old, spanisn Lone area, revrotu it i-tqjj CHIHUAHUA, Toy, town, mole, BOLGE creve coeur kioihb st able. Marine Rewara.sincei April I.

cui-jsij. COLLIE, female, tost Thursday, soJ ble ana wnire. uveriana area, miu- lona ano w. Miiron, rewora, 103 nArMtuiiNn. male, no collar.

Kirk wood, vicinity ot St. Josepn nospi tat, rewaku, m-mi DOBERMAN-Shepherd, reddlsM brown and block, female, cropped irs. short to AreaunowfcNaru il Bridge. REWARD. U9-270S (39-27M DOG, white with brown spots, kmg pair, vicinity i-oresr Drawn Toxe Kewara, utvtw EYEGLASSES, wire-frame, Forest Park bikepom.

George, sjj-woh GERMAN SHEPHERD, mole, vicirvl Itv ot Clayton ona lopping ku. WAKU! Kl-ffjl IMPORTANT NOTICE when vnu have nlaced a LOST ad vertisem*nt and are notified that. .11 hat heen found REQUEST the Call er's Identify by name, oddress and PHONE numdck ana can uactu BEFORE making runner contact LOST BEVO area- small black kind haired mole dog with white under) rhin ond aown cnest. samoo i 6838 1 nT 1 adit Diamond Rlno. Frl.

April 16, in vicinity of The Flftrl House, Lacieoe ssu keku m-oin PEEK-A-POO. white, male, Crevd Coeur, call 432-3 Poodle, silver grey toy, Carrolltor Estates, Rewora. zvmijb FOUND nsd BASSET, male, red collar. Fores Pork, Sun. nnrv meriiiim siie.

liaht tan, male mixed breed, sfudtfed collar, edge 0 Forest Pork, 36-QJW cnithin. Mncllw Rpaale male, vicini ty ot Linaoergn Lemay retry. 9693 DtnCTtit* 0373 PRIVATE DETECTIVE, referenced furnished. CHEETInCS ml nFNISE MARIE" Hoddv rthdavl on your 23rd. Please call-hove manyl more, your dap J.

1- PAT HAVE A HAPPY BIRTHDAY OLE DA rmmu 0497 ALCOHOLISM has manv victims. Don't let excessive drinking destiovl rou or your tamiiy. Help is avanan lie. Call the CAREUNIT Program at 839-3800 ANYONE knowing the existence oil the St. Louis Teacher's Mutual Aid Association, pleose contact Harm Ware, St.

Louis Union Trusl Company, 510 Locust Street, St Louis, Missouri, phone 231-9300. CALL 721-0033 tor information orl How to help girtea children. For a PASSOVER Message CARE OF CHILMtEH AND AGEO HIBSINt HOMES 0513 CARONDOLET Home, Ladies Senior Citizen' home-like otmos phere, 3 mi mwik day, censea, centrol air, laundry free, kindness, religious service, 250up. 843-9247 MATURE adult, care for infant! twins, my home. Maplewooa ees- 6408.

MEN or WOMEN-private or semi Drlvate rooms. 3 meals, chooel laundry, beautician, barber, S250, ml extras. Nurse will board 1-2 elderly beauti ful private home, near Wentzville, 773-6640. WILL CARE for Elderly people in) our nome ana omouiotorv, yw-twn PUBLIC NOTICES '053J NOTICE OF PlIFUir HFARING The Board ot Trustees ot The Met rqpoliton St. Louis Sewer District win, uu rveuiiwuay, me znm aay at Aorll.

1976. at 2:00 at the of fices of the District, 2000 Hompton Avenue, St. Louis, Missouri, hold a public hearing for the purpose of finding and determining the amount of taxes which shall be levied, as jessed, ond collected in 1976. on all tuxuurc miiyiuic ututwi ty in uie uiy trlct and the Misslssiooi River Sub I district within the corporate limits ot the city ot sr. louis ano si.

louis County, respectively, ana on an tax nhlp tanaible oroDertv within St Lou county in me coiowaier creexi Trunk Subdi strict. Grovols Creek Trunk Subdistrict, Maiine creek Trunk Subdistrict, Watkins Creek Trunk Subdistrict, Subdistrict No. 53 (Grosso Lane), Subdistrict No. fFniintnin Creekl. Subdistrict NO.

(Loretto-Joplin), Benefit Subdistrict No. 111 (Marlborough), Subdistrict No. 221 (North Kinlpch), Subdistrict No. 247 (Desmet-tioriona), sudois-trirt no. 257 (Rovburn Avenue Sub trunk), Subdistrict No.

260 (New York ond Shelby), Subdistrict No. 325 (Paddock Creek), Subdistrict No. 342 (Clayton Central), Subdis trlct No. 358 (Daniel Boone Creek), CihnicMrt Mn 1A1 lAHlirks A Tnl sioT), Subdistrict No. 366 (University ritv Branch at River des Peres Stormwater suooistricri, suoaisirict No.

367 (Deer Creek Stormwater Subdistrict), Subdistrict No. 369 (Suaar Creek Stormwater Subd trlrti. Suhdistrict No. 374 (Weda wood Creek), Subdistrict, No. 376 (Blocklock-Deiiwooa creexi, suo-distrlct No.

377 (Hiahway 67-Cam brla Creek), subdisirict no. iup per Paddock Creek), Subdistrict No. 183 (LaVento-LaSierra), Subdistrict No. 408 (Lynn Hoven stormwateri, Subdistrict No 412 (Musick Creek) Subdistrict No, One ot the River des feres waiersnea icteve cueui-Frontenac Area), Subdistrict No Two of the ver des Peres wot ershed IVinlta Park Area), Subdis trlct No. Four of the River des Peres Watershed (North Atfton Area), and subdistrict no.

seven or rne Kiver rle P.rp Watershed IWellston Area). Such taxes will be required to pay Interest and principal ot bonds' issued or to be issued by the District tor such Subdistrlcts accruing and maturing in the tiscai year begin nlng on rne first day of July, 1976, ond for the operotion and malnte nonce of the District and the Subdis trlcfs for such fiscal year. BY ORDER OF THE BOARO OF TRUSTEES OF THE METROPOLI TAN ST. LOUIS SEWER DISTRICT R. E.

Concannon Chairman, Board ot Trustees The Metrooo iron St. Louis Sewer District ai itsi: Charles ClaroV Secretary-Treasurer ter N. 2J, ol ent 17, be in O. St. Please take notice mot Mancnes Insurance and Indemnity Company is an insurance company domiciled In the State of Ohio, with its mailing oddress at 243 Lindbergh Boulevard, St.

Louis. Missouri 63141; that on September 1975 Mancnester was placed in Conservatorship tor the purpose of rehabilitation or liguidation by Order the Court of Common Pleas, Franklin County, unio, case no. 75CV-09-394I; that an February 13, 1976 Manchester wos declared to be incniunnt mwt the Ohio Suoerlntend- of Insurance was directed fo liquidate Mancnester ay urr or Court of Common Pleas, Franklin County, ond that on February 1976 the Court of Common Pleas. Franklin County, Ohio for good cause shown ordered that all policies of SoMfttonfeon' March 14, 1976 of the time at day wWch such policies provide tor upon termination. The Ohio Superintendent of Insurance was ordered to cause notice ot such cancellation to published in at least one newspo- cles In effect In 1976 ond In such Jgrjg te wr dem nnnrnnrint.

in each State. HAKKT V. jumr Ohio Superintendent of Insurance and Lkjutdator of Manchester Insurance ond Indemnify Company KM adt n.iMFS llnwhall Como Hurnewell, Mo. 43443 UBoys 9 to 22 WrlhKotl 314-522-061I IKWTOrWlliU H1I cdcc DcnitTBATION OFFER Coll VIEW-A-DATE the Video Dot- lnpCluo--43Z-BJi rnuoilTFO DATING RECEIVE 2 TO 7 CAREFULLY SELECTED NEW PEOPLE EVERY MONTH A PER50NAL INTERVIEW IS REQUIRED. We ore the oldest, largest ond most successful the St.

Louis area. Our business Is making people happy For a FREE wsonalityt test-CALL RECORDED How To Get Along With Women xclting new course tor im i Call or write Imrnediately tor reser-vofiori 961-3255. Mole, P.O. Box 24614, Creve Cotur, Mo. 63141 MEMBERSHIPS Available in Prl vote Club.

423-1566 or Write P. Box 24766, 63115 SEX ond St. Louis New mogozine! 12.00, BOX 3149, Sf LoulS, Mo. 63130. lkir.l ADULTS-ALL AGES) Ours Is a auoilfy dating, service HonsGos.

vouTe kx- Inn far rail Selective DatllM, 872-1701, Hours 9:30 a.m. to p.m., sat, til ucj f.widowed ar DIVORCED. vn ran meet new friends thru imtaMate Datlna Service. Free membership. Write P.O.

Box 5626, Louis, Mo. 6312) ZODIAC DATING SERVICE RENT-A-UAIt DOWNTOWN ST. LOUIS Office Hrs. 12 noon-8 Sat. 10 A.M.-4P.M..

Turn TOWS K3t DRIVE CARS FREE! N.Y., all points U.S.A. 231-7035 AAACON 506 Olive drive mv cor to Los references reouirea. iie-rax. SWAPS 679 OW TIRF BARGAINS NEW-USED MASTER CHG. NEW WHEELS S2 up 752-5731 5820 Hampton 353-987J NFUV TIRF BARGAINS VWta CADILLAC.

MASTER CHG 353-3200 6327 Chippewa 664-5683 EtfTEIITAimiEIIT 1703 BASS Plover needed, vxal ability, immediate worn. Alter num. MALE Vocalist available, versatile, experienced, Country, Top 40, Rock. Serious about working, 351-5210, Jim, otter 2 p.m. WANTED: Professional female vo calist-dancer tor top snow group, experience desired, 838-2926 or 618 StttTJOLS HUD WSTBUCTiOW 1571 FIGHT RECESSION! TRAIN FOR A SKILL GOT LAID OFF? WANT A BETTER JOB? VETERANS? In St.

Louis Coll 664-2347 U. E. I. trains: Electronic Technicians For work in: Automation-Medical- Computers-Aerospace Brooacasnng UNITED ELECTRONICSINSTITUTE 1-800-892-2905, toll free "Sure You Can 2005 iwirr, Kansas City, Mo. PRIVATE TYPING LESSONS-Easv Learn-Low Rotes.

For into 664-4v ST LOUIS BUSINESS INSTITUTE MEDICALTRANSCRIPTIONIST kFCRFTARY-Ur or Medical) RECEPTiONisi-imeaicai or Legatt CLERK TYPIST 1BM KEYPUNCH ACCOUNTING CLERK Day tt Evning Classes Free Job Placement Convenient Payment Plans MASTER CHARGE 727-1221 17S Downtown Clayton AI-CHI CH'UAN, for health ond ielf defense, for Information, call 726-1186 or 652-5485. TENNISINSTRUCTIONS Fori Buchholl Sr A Staff 547-9670 752-9186 776-8722 TRUCK DRIVER Training In St. Louis NATIONAL TRUCK DRIVING SCHOOL KALL NOW 731-2233 400 Brookes, Hazeiwooa, mo SPECIAL SERVICES MID TRADES 1711 EXPERT railroad tie retaining walls, ospholt paving. HENRY'S Janitroi Services. Rea sonoble rates, city county, East side, coll Haroia Henry, wim or 381-i288.

HOUSE CLEANING Mon. thru Sat. 8. Domestic Services 644-3535 OFFICE CLEANING MON. thru Days, some evenings.

CIS Domestic Services 644-3535 Painting, wallboarding, general home Improvements, coll Rich, 664-2697, 9 AM- 9PM. PHILLIPS Fork Lift Truck Service ond repolrs. 869-3719. YOU NEED HELP Is your home becoming too much tor vou to handle? We have complete line of maids, gardeners, chauffeurs, and handymen to help you with your domestic needs. Call Domestic Services 644-3535.

BRICKUTIMS, TUCKPOIimWC M10 NEED MORE ROOM? We Build Brick, Block, Frame GENERAL CONSTRUCTION 521-4447 ROOFING and Tuckpointing, no lob too small, a years experience, call TOMMY. 1-2566 TUCKPOINTING AND CHIMNEY REPAIR. lob too small. TUCKPOINTING CHIMNEY Free estimates. We clean old cement out.

Get our bid belore vou waste money. We do our own work. All work guaranteed. No lob too small or CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS 0136 CONCRETE ond Carpenter work, porches, room additions, garages, 20 years experience. BOB 429-7456 General Home Repair, Dry Wall, urop ceilings, Roots, 776-2886 KEN SPANBAUER-Remodeling repaired or enclosed, room additions, ceiling tile, m-w MASTER Carpenter needs work, no lob too large or too small.

Ask for Charles 361-4364 REMODELING AND REPAIR uvcid inrnm mnil. 15-vears ex perience. Free estimates, Greg, 165- i GRONEMEIER, LOUIS P. asleep In Jesus on 20, 1976, beloved husbond of Beryl Huette- rmn Gronemeier. dear Tomer a Gerald ond Doris Gronemeier, our deor brother, arandtamer, areat- granatottier, uncle, cousin, orom- r-hviaw ana rriena.

Funeral services 1:30 p.m. April 23 at the hutchens Mony-ory, 675 Graham Florissant. Family reouests memorials to Salem Lutheran Church Building Fund. Visitation alter p.m wea. Grote GROTE, ALICE Inee Mltner) tar 1976.

dear sister at Ruth EndersJ Joseph (Bud) Mllner ond the late A. Earl, Rooen, uuimar Mil ner ond Mary Flncher, dear sister in-law, aunt, great-aunt ond cous in. 9 a.m. men hi store inurs April 22, o.m. at Little Sisters oil the Poor, 322S N.

Florissant until time at Mass II am. same oav. Interment Calvary, In parlors 31 p.m. wed. Gunsaullus GUNSAULLUS.

THOMAS Mon April 19. 1976, fortified with me sacramenrs or noiv momer Church, beloved husband ot Louise Gunsaullus (net Facta), aear brother at Lucille A. Weber and Roland J. ounsouiius, our aear brother-in-low, uncle, great-uncle androus n. Funeral from HOFFMEISTER ColonlaJ Mwtuorv, 6464 Ch ooewa at Watson, 9:30 a.m.

with Mass ceteoratea or me Lnurcn or St. Gabriel The Archonoel at 10 a.m. Interment Sunsef Burial Pork. VISITATION WEO. AFTER 3 P.M.

Herdler HEROLER, ROSE (nee Hemp mnnwr of Sr. Rase DeSoies-Morv- knoll. Lucille Kiburz. Harold. Jo- seph ond Norbert Herdler, our dear mother-in-law, grandmother, great-grandmother, sister-in-law 1:30 a.m.

to St. cecina cnurcn. interment ss. Peter and Paul Cemetery. Member of Ladles Council, Sewing Circle, Third Order of St.

Anthony's Church, Christian Mothers of St. Francis DeSales Church and Maryknoll Sisters League. Masses preferred. In parlor wed. p.m.

Hervey HERVEY. VIRGINIA (nee Stock), fortified with the Socrp-menjs of Holy Mother Church, April 21, 1976, dear sister of Georgina aenrmon, Mooei sen ana rne tare Aaeie m. Lyncn, Thomas C. and Charles W. Stack, our dear sister-in-law, aunt and cousin.

April 23, 1:30 o.m. to Our Lodv of Mt. Carmel Church. Interment Calvary Cemetery. Member of DePoul Hospital Volunteers and St.

Ann's Sodality, visitation Thurs. 5 to p.m. Hoffman unccuAH. HYMAN. Aorll 19, 1976, husband of thejote Sarah Hotirnon, deor father of Mrs.

Jose phine Roatl, Monuei ana hi nun Minn imA th late Hannah Huber, mir rfear arandfdther, great- grondtather, father-ln-low and un- tir Unffmnn In state ot the service 11:30 a.m. at Chesed She! Emeth Cemetery, 7500 Olive St. rd. Contributions preferred to tht Jewish special neeas society, Hunter UIIUTCD EDGAR MOV, AOTl 19, 1976. dear father of Robert Hunter, dear brother ot Moll, rinr tnther-ln-law.

orandfather, great-grandtathtr, brother-in-law, imrU. arent-uncle ond COUSin. Cumrnl Thurs 11 a.m. at JOHN L. ZIEGENHEIN SONS, 7027 Gravois.

intermeni new ni. way, Airlines and Steamship Clerks. Kastning kastning. ETHEL A. (neeWog- ner), 19, 1976, beloved wlle at rne rate Henry t.

Kosming D.O., dear mother ot Fred David W. Kastning and Marcla Powers, dear sister ol Jan Gllck nur Hear mother-in-law, arand- mother, sister-in-law, aunt and Vnclnlnn nt WHITE MUL LEN Mortuary, 111 N. Florissant Ferguson, tor visitation 10 a.m. until 9:30 p.m. Wed.

Funeral Thur. 1 p.m. at United Methodlsl Church, Von Burensburg, III. Interment Green Hill Cemetery. Member First Presbyterian Church, Ferguson.

Kemnitzer kemnitier. HENRY of Steel ville, Mo. April 19, 1976. oat 12, husband ot Nettle Kemnitzer, father of Henry S. Kemnitzer ot Steelville, 4 grandchildren and 4 great-granacnnaren.

Funeral services Thurs. 1 p.m iamfs A GAHR Chaoel, St. James, Mo. Burial Masonic Ceme tery. Keough KEOUGH, HELEN FrL April 16, 1976, dear daughter of the Jote William and LorefTa Keough, dear sister of Patrick Keough and Mary Hurley, our oear sisier-m-iaw, mint, niere and cousin.

Private funeral services were held on Mon. April iv. nKitos HAUSER'S SOUTH service. Kienemann See Bick Kube KUBE, ANNA (nee Janssen: Anrll 10. 107A.

helnuHt ofme late Henry Kube, dear mother of the late Ted Molz, dear sister of Helen Mueller, Marge Ponneth, Louise Metier and John and George Janssen, aunt ana greai- Tuneral from KRIEGSHAUS- ER'S SOUTH, 42711 Rinasni umm Thnr Interment Paul Churchyard. Visitation after 5 p.m. Wed. Leaco*ck E.rrw-K. marie E.

April II, 1976, sister ol Adelaide Sweet Washington, Mo. ond the late MarMine Amdt and aunt. Private family services were held Tues. April 20. Interment Calvary Cemetery.

LUPTON Serv ice. Menke MENKE, ERNA C. (nee Schylfz) ol vino wage.Mp., tyion.i gw 107 te ol the ale Rov A Menke, dear mother of Kathy Menke Frankum ana bin menxe, nwir raather-ln-law of John Frank- um and rianna Menke. our dear grawlmather, sister, sister-in-law ana ounr. raefhodisi Church, Robertsvllle, Mo.

10 o.m intrmnt rhurch cemetery. Mrs. Menke at the OLTMANN Funeral Home, union, wo, Metzger METIGER. GASTON, Tues, April 20 1976, beloved husbond of Rose S. Metzger, dear lather ol Janice Well ol Lexington, Ky.

and Robert S. Metzger, our father-in-law, grandfather and great-grand- Graveside services ONLY 3 m. at United Hebrew Temple Cemetery, nsj MAYER SERVILfc. Mills MILLS, GEORGIA S. (nee Shir S.

Mills, sister of Mrs. Kacv Price of Gordo, sister-in-law, mother-in-law, grandmother and aunt. Graveside services will be held 1:30 p.m. in Gordo, Ala. ml lieu ot flowers, memorials preferred to the Multiple Sclerosis society or to charity ot your choice.

BOPP cnapei service. Mitter MITTER, FRIEDA April 19, 1976, dear sister of Helen Mitter, our aear sister-in-iaw, aunr am great-aunt. Funeral April 22, 1 p.m, from SCHUMACHER-SMITH Fu neral Home, 3013 Meramec. Interment New St. Marcus Cemetery.

Deceased wos a 50-year member Pomegranate Chapter no, ly'i O.E.S. Miss witter in state wea, p.m. Mueller mm AllBin I tlH. brd and K. int.

Marvin C. Mueller, dear brother of Alma Slavick, our dear brother-in-low, grandfather and Crl Anrll n. io a cruilMATHFR-SMITH Fu Association Letter ol Carriers ar Lite memoer or orotic" C.Mr. Mueller In state Thurs at BECKER. MARY ANN, Men.

April 19, 1976, beloved dpugtiter of Derma ona rne raie josepn r. Becker, dear mother ot Robert L. Schmidt, Jr. ond Raymond I Schmidt, dear sister at Anthony and Joseph E. Becker Memorial Mass it a m.

inurs. Aorll 2J, St. Bernodette Catholic Church, 68 Sherman Rd. Masses preterrea. Bick ICK, HARRIET O.

(nee Klene-monn). April II. 1976, beloved wite ot Bernard Bick (Bud), dear mother of Jen-old Bick. dear sister ot Me Klenemann, dear sister-in-law, aunt ana cousin. Services at HOFFMEISTER Colonial Mortuary, 6464 Chippewa alj Watson, 1:30 p.m.

Inter -i men) St. Pours Crurcnvord. In lieu ot flowers, tomllv prefer! contrl buttons to St. Paul United Church ot Christ or St. Louis Peregrine society, 1510 lilies, ui 16.

Bruce SeeBornurn Church CHURCH. DAVID LEE, Aorll 20, bono1 5uoa0Crwrclx of Robert Church at Maryville. Mo. and Linda Lyons at luisa. Ok dear grandfather at Jeml ter, dear son of L.L.

Rosmussen. Funeral from KRIEGSHAUS ER'S WEST, 9450 Olive 94501 interment NatlonaL Mr. Church was Scout Executive of Chicago area Council. In lieu ot flowers donation to St. Louis area council B.S.ot 4561 West Pine, 631M would be appreciated.

Visitation after 4 p.m. Thurs. Dugan rtllRlU RUSSELL Tues. April 20, 1976, beloved husband of Lucille uugan inee cmersoni, dear tamer ot Leroy Senters, dear brother of Alda O. Ruby, our dear father-tn-law, aranaiamer, great arondtnttwr.

uncle and cousin. Funeral services in the Chapel of CALVIN FEUTZ Funero Home, 4io Lewis vciara, wviuiji Interment 5(7 Paul's Church vard. Retired 36-vear employee ot Jackes-Evons Mfg. Co. Friends desiring may send memorials to Bellefontalne Nelahbors Baotlst Church, 10015 Ashbrook 631371 IN PARLORS AUfcK r.m WED.

Endress EIIDBEH. MILDRED. Tues. April 20, 1976. dear daughter of jonanna ana me tate nemv en-dress our dear niece and cousin.

In state at JOHN L. ZIEGEN HEIN SONS, 7027 Gravois, after 3 p.m. wea. until noon inurs. Services same dav 1:30 a.m.

at St. clftton' Interment Sunsef Tn of flowers, memorials to St Mark's Episcopal Church or the American Cancer Society would be appreciated. Fehrenkamp FEHRENKAMP, LeROY H. April 20, 1976, beloved husbpfGene-l vo H. Fenrenkamp, dear father of.

Jean Dorothy Morklvee ana Man Ivn Lee Perkins, orandfather, great-grandfather, brother, uncle, tomer-in-iow ana orumer-in-iuw. Services at LUPTON Chaoel. 7233 Delmor Thurs. 10:301 a.m. Interment Laurel Hill Cemetery.

Memorials in nis memory mnv he mode to the Oraon Fund of Maplewood Christian Church, 2640 oaxview i wapiewwu, mv. Visitation atter p.m. wea. Fellerman FELLERMAN, LOVELL N. (nee Moved wife of trie late Edward Fellermon, deor mother of Chester1 B.

Hein, mother-in-law of Morllyn R. Hein, grandmother of Renee, Randal and Richard Hein, dear daughter of the late Creesy Bur gess, dear niece of Harvey, Alexl aWnerarTnurs. 10 a.m. from) RAIIMANN'S COLONIAL Chapel 2504 Woodson Overland. Interment Worrenton, Mo.

Contrlbu tinm mnv he mode to Jesuit Semi nary Aid Assn. VISITATION Wed. 2 P.M. Member of The American logeotScheurmanHts. Fohrman cnuouiM CHESTER J.

fortl fled with he Sacraments of Holy Mother Church, April 20, 1976, beloved husband ol Clara Fohrman, dear fattier of Dorothy Knecht, dear brother of MlzjaurOj Pierce, dear granaratner ot twi-chael, John and Joseph Knecht nnri Marae Hoeltoe. our deor fo- ther-ln-low, greot-grandfother and Funeral Thurs. April 22, 1:30 o.m. from the BUCHHOLZ Mortuary, 5967 W. Florissant Ave.

to Mt. Carmel Church.Veronlco Annet-ta Aves. for 9 a.m. Mass. Inter ment Notional cemetery, jetrer son BorracM.

Mr. t-gnrmoti was memher of A V. Chaoter No. and retired member of Teamsteru Local 688. Mosses preterrea.

Fowler cnuii cq. KECMIT D. Tues Aorll 20. 1976, beloved husband of Morv Pauline Fowler, (nee snroo-er), dear father of Sheila Fowler, few urn of Alta and the late Harry M. Fowler, dear brother of Morale! Rhodes, Margoret Davis, Maxle Bryant, Jessie prouix, nennein, Kelly and Klrby Fowler, dear brother-in-law, son-in-iaw, untie, grear-uncte, neoriew ung twain, in state at JOHN L.

ZIEGEN HEIN SONS, 7027 Gravois, until 9 p. m. Thurs. Funeral i-ri. tua.m ot Christy Park Baotlst Church interment Our Redeemer.

Ceme tery. Should friends desire, please Louis County or Christy Pork Bap tist cnurcn Missionary auiictr Visitation alter 2 p.m. nea. Fuller cm I ED Will I 1AM Tues. April 13, 1976, our dear cousin andl cnarnl from KUTIS Funeral Home, 2906 Grovols, April 22, 1 p.m.

Interment Nationol Cemetery. In parlor wea. 2 p.m. Gallagher GALLAGHER, THOMAS fortl Ilea witn me sacraments ui Mother Church, April 107. helnved husband of Mary Gallagher (nee Myers), deor stern father ot Joyce numana ana janei Knana.

hrother of Marie CarDen-l ter, Clara Northcott, Veronica! Oulgley, sniriev weigei, jonn oai-logher, ond the tote Oylda Yerke, hrother- n-low, father-in-law, grandfather, uncle, great-uncle ana cousin. Funeral from the NEW CHAP ci ni howard H. MICHEL Fu neral Home, 5930 Southwest ati Hampton, 1:30 o.m. to Joan of Arc Church. Mass a Interment Calvary.

Visltal Thurs 12 noon. Gendrick GENORICK, KATHRYN L. (nee Lomb t.ortltiea,wim rne sacra menfi nf Ho Mother Church, April 19, 1976, beloved wife ot Ernest Gendrick, deor mother ol Kathleen Nogie ana tcarnertne Rowan, our aear momer-m-iaw, aunt, grandmotner ana cousin. Funeral from JOHN STYGAR tl Church. Interment Calvary Cemetery.

Visitation Wed. after p.m. Gerlach GERLACH, MATHILDA E. (nee Gerlach, dear sister ol Emil Ja cob, George Jacob, Vernito Schmidt, and the late Mary Grady, Theodore Jacob, Clara Metzger and Albert Jacob. Friends may call ot the BOPP Chooel, I061Q Mancnester ra.

rkwood. Wed. 2 to 9 P.m. I al 1:30 P.m. at the Concor dia Lutheran Church, Kirkwood rd.

ond Woodbine av. Interment St. Pauls Lutheran cemetery. Goldberg GOLDBERG, SIDNEY MORRIS April 19, lilt, oeiovea nysoano Fvelvn Goldbera. deor lather Mrs.

Allen (Ronnie) Brockman ond Mrs. Jerome Juavi wescnen, anr hrother of Mrs. Delia Krug mon, dear grandfather of Lisa Brockman, oeor son-in-iaw or moi lie and Lee Gorell, our dear father-in-law, brother-in-law ond uncle. Graveside service April 23, 1 p.m ot Beth Hamedrosh Hooodol Cemetery, 9125 Ladue rd. Memorial contributions preferred to the Sidney M.

Goldberg Memorlol Student Loon Fund of B'nal Brlth GER Memorial Service. To Place a Lost or found Ad CALL MA I 6666 (671 66661 8 A.M. lo 9 P.M. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY CHARGE IT Sales Help 1818 Partners 1834 Situations Wonted 1735 Real Estate for Rent Aportments-Rent Business Prop. Satt-Ua Flats for Rent 2758-2931 Farms for Rent 7435 Hotels 2352 Houses for Rent Mobile Homes far Rent 7716 Office Space 7351 Resorts for Rent 4978 Rooms, Board 1891-2295 Suburban Prop 3137-4853 Suburban, Furnished 4879 Wanted to Rent 4952 Real Estate for Sale Acreage for Sole-Wonted 71 1 2 Apartments for Sale .68584999 Business Prop.

Sale-lease Deeds of Trust 5058 Farms and Farm land 7435-7658 Flats for Sole 68584999 Houses for Sale ISt. Louis City 67184833 Hunting Grounds 7393 Investment Property 7310 loons on Real Estate 5074 land, lota 7013-7096 Mobile Homes for Sole 7690 Money Wonted 5090 Real Estate Services 5116 Real Estate Trade 5132 Real Estate Out of St. Louis 7674 Real Estate Wanted to Buy .5157 Resorts for Sale 5017 Suburban Prop 5199-6692 Timber lands 7419 Things for Sale Air Conditioning Equipment .8474 Aircraft 8516 Animals 8235 Antiques 8573 Aquariums and Fish 8458 Auctions 8599 Automobiles 7773-8151 Bicycles 8615 Birds for Sale 8417 Boats and Motors 8656 Books 8698 Building Moteriols 8730 Cameras and Supplies .8755 Campers 8011 Clothing 8797 Coal. Wood. Fuel Oil 8813 Dogs and Cats 8276 Form 8839 Fans 8474 Heating Equipment 8912 Horses ond Vehicles 8326 Household Goods 8953 Household Goods Wanted .8995 Jewelry and Diamond 9019 Lawn Mower Sales and Service 8896 Machinery 9050 Miscellaneous for Sale .9175 Motorcycles ....8177 Musical 9233 Poultry ond Supplies 8391 Rabbits, Monkeys, Pet Stock 8359 Radios and Televisions 9290 Seeds.

Plants ond Trees ...9357 Sewing Machines 9373 Sporting Goods 9399 Stomps and Coins 9415 Stereo-Hi-Fi-Phono 9274 Store, Office Equipment .9456 Toys 9498 Travel Trailers 8011-8094 Advertisers are re quested to check the first insertion of ads for corrections. This news paper will be responsi' ble for only one incor reel insertion. ANY ER ROR SHOULD BE RE PORTED IMMEDIATELY SO, PLEASE CHECK YOUR AD CAREFULLY AND NOTIFY US PROMPTLY IN CASE OF AN ERROR. Claims concerning omis sions or incorrect insertions will not be considered un less made within 30 days from date of publication. CANCHlATfONS OR CORRECTIONS CAN NOT MADE BETWEEN THE TIME THE AD IS ORDERED AND THE INITIAL PUBUCATION cntTtRifS-mosouinis toil I AKFWOOD PARK CEMETERY 6 grove iqis.smju, n-tm.

FLORISTS ItSI NETTIE'S FLOWER GARDEN A Beautiful Expression of Sympathy Mon. mru i nurs. r.m. CH l-l Sat 8-5 P.M 3901 S. Grand PRT9600 FUWERAi WRECTORS 1174 ALBERT H.

HOPPE Funeral Home 4911 Washington Biva 361-0500 RMWHTTS Kll orKcnDnur.H MONUMENT CO. 7001 Chippewa 351-4300 5232 W. Florissant 335-7766 DEATHS 0273 Barnum BARNUM, IRENE E. (nee Schuchmonn Apritiu io7i. tuinuMi te or Leonora Bornum, dear sister-in-law and UMrs.

Barnum In state at KRIEGSHAUSER'S SOUTH, 4231 S. Kingshighwov from 4 p.m. until 9 m. Wed. Funeral services Thurs Aorll 22, 2 ojti.

Timothy Lufheron Church, 6704 Fyier qv. interment Laurel Hill. Memorial contributions niuy Timothy Luther on Church. Beck BECK, ULALIA (nee Johnson), April 19, 1976, dear aunt ot Robert Johnson ol Springfield, III. "servlceat ALEXANDER TOWN Chapel, 6175 Delmor 3 p.m.

In state Tliurs. 2 p.m. Interment 2 p.m Oak Grove Cemetery, Jerseyville, III. Friends wishing mgv make contributions Place Presbyterian Church. MELrWUTED t7W EailipMtl opertirirtles this dissltkitjN vi sthrwi mstimbs Ii tht Mttlif if tb eiMnl.

r(Hiutitn hiTfMuli MrtJ-M if mm, tNriss. mmt or UlitlNM WMMr tt mtit-tiseiMfts. Ins irs in reeMitu' to tMN tJw CUuifiti Anrtisei Depirtniil il any liiirtitimiits ttrheeh it ait tmforu dasit- fK4tH. ACCOUNTANT Division ot NYSE Compony requires on exiwrienced accountant. Respon sible to take core of General Ledoer, Financial Statements, Mfa.

Standard Kosf, supervisereceivobles ana pova-kles, report to controller. Our em ployes know ot this od. write: Box p-ow, WN.Ifln, St. t-ouls, wo. Mini ACCOUNTANT Experienced for Clayton CPA Office.

Permanent, Minimum travel. Good future. Please submit resume for interview. BOX UJI r05l LHSPUIcn 900 N. 12th, St.

Louis 63101 ACCOUNTANT Some experience capable ol and accounts receivable, etc. Please send resume. WRITE; Box M160, POST-DIS- KAILtt 900 N. 12th, St. LOUiS, MO.

63101 ACCOIINTINGCLERK Accounting experience or education requlrea, Mooern oownrown paid company benefits. LaBARGE TUBULAR DIVISION 20 South 4th St. St. Louis, MO. 63102 231-3400 Equal Opportunity Employer 'ACCOUNTING position for mature person In small college Business Office.

Must be reliable and, willing to accent responsibility. Include re- kent office experience, office mo-chine skills ond references, as well as salary requirements in handwritten reply to: W. J. Sprotte, Business Porks College, Cahokia, III. 62206.

An Equal Opportunity Affirm-ative Action Employer. ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE NCR 3200, experienced, near Hwy 70 Frpp narkina. 2204 Broadway 621-1078 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE CASH IER Pvrwieru-Mi hnnk Hpnnsits and rec onciliations. 10 a.m.-7 p.m. Coll tor appointment 645-5300 Sto.

201. ADMINISTRATION ASSISTANT for division of a nationol construction compony, headquarters In St. Louis area, dpeimiunuus im uusinui uic. degree In construction andor oc-rmmtlna. a minimum of 8 vrs.

expe rience In the construction industry in responsible position. Requires: travel up to 50, can deal well with Denote, salary ronoe middle teens. Company 50 yrs. in construction ousiness, DruiH.ii uiiilc utAriunum, with oood arowth potential, normal lempioyee oenems. Man resume ro.

BOX M-4U6, 1 -UI 3rM I Ln 900 N. 12th, St. Louis, MO. 63101 AIR CONDITIONING And heotina exoerienced Service Man. Send resume to: P.

O. Box 3739, St. LOUIS, MO. 63122 LET LmiicisIiii, Tim Strif CRASS ROOTS LAWN SERVICE Mowing, trimming and fertilizing for large ana small lawns, at- iw. LANDSCAPING, railroad tie wall: built, reasonable.

Esti 968-1209 LAWN AND GARDENING Mon. thru days Domestic Services 644-3535 LAWNS mowed, trees trimmed and removea. call t-ranx, y-ujt. PURNELL Lawn ond Tree Service Reasonable, SODDING, SEEDING, GRADING, EXCAVATING, 389-1654 TAYLOR TREE SERVICE. We do tree trimming, treeremovoi, iana- nkn rnnrrete nntios.

Side- driveways, retaining wails, blocklop patching and sealing. Free estimates, can w-yr TOPSOIL, FILL DIRT and GRAD MCDONALD, TREE Service, Large dangerous trees removea, irimmea. i-ree cs mntes Power sproy. oj wjj TREES and shrubs, trimmed ond chnned. lawns mowed, also light hauling.

8. Services, 968-3032 or 429-1 JV Lown Mowing, General Yard Work 997-6655 PAINTING 1271 nprieth Home Maintenance, panel mg, paper hanging, painting, root ina. etc. r-ree eswnuiw. camcm enced, 535-9681, 388-3875 DOES YOUR HOME NEED PAINT INGf FREE ESTIMATES.

FXPFRT PAINTER 361-4364 Ask for Charles INTERIOR, tree estimates, neat work, myselt. Fred, 781-2148 PAINTING and general home re pair. Coll: Matheny's Painting Co. for free estimates, PAINTING, Interior 1 Exterior very resonoble. Tony, 831-0023 PAINTING Get our bid before vou paint.

Low prices. We do all our own work. Free estimate. We use the best paint available no iod too large ui small. To to to DO 1214 1 HESUMES MD WRITING SERVICES 1719 RESUMES UNLIMITED Your Resume Reflects YOU! I Let the Professionals Help! Westuort Plaza 434-7882 IsmiATHWS WANTED 1735 FARMERS: Experienced vouno man, 23 to work part time doino torm chores or field work during spring season.

Available weekdays atter 5:00 p.m. and weekends. Jeff 726-3557, p.m. LPN Available for private, efficient, inursino. 296-7502 ImAN, Single, reliable, any suitoble employment consioerea.

tst- km MECHANIC, service station, broke shop experience. 644-1393 between 6- 10 pm METALLURIGACAL Engineer: M.S., Married, with teaching, research and industrial experience seeks a positionln the St. Louis area. Write: boxkbv, rusi unt-iLn 900 N. 12th, St.

Louis, MO 63101 UNIVERSITY Teacher-Administra tor 13 female, wants career Ichange. Skilled writer, speaker, coordinator. Civil service rank G-14. ipreter ooverment, political, rell- Igious, editorial. 771-1259, 771-1298 WOMAN, Colored, cleaning, 4 half days, references, i EMPLOYMENT UENCIES, LICENSED 1778 BOOKKEEPER FEE PAID PrncnerniK St.

LOUiS COmDanV experienced person fo corry nnarni leftaer throuah statement prep. Convenient location. Start at S750 per monm. Rnhert Hall Personnel 7733 Forsvrh (Clayton) 727-1535 CFNERAL OFFICE $520 NO FEE. Light posting and typing.

Relate well to people. QUALITY SEKVItfc, ru-mt PERSONNEL SECY START to $900 NO FEE. Assist Personnel Manager. Experienced In all phases of personnel. Good shorthand and typing.

QUALITY SERVICE, 727-5558 RECEPTIONIST TVPFWII TRAIN PBX PROGRESSIVE PERSONNEL 1 N. 7tn, xoom urn Room 1201 241-0620 BUSINESS CARPENTERS BUILDERS 0t3t WALL Const. Co, ceilings, walls, covered with plastei board, walls moved or built, tioor, ceiling me. Painting, panelling, carpentry, car-ports. 773-4824 WILL BUILD Oak Privacy Fences, small buildings, sundecks, carports and patios.

Rougn jumper our sw cialty. J. RODGERS, W. Alton, Mo. UI4I rsj-yro CONCRETE.

ASPHALT WORK M77 CONCRETE walks-porches-drives Norwood, m-nui CONCRETE WORKNorth ond West county, driveways, sidewalks pa-tips, tree 383-6954 CONCRETE Work-Sidewalks, Drive ways, Patios, LIcensed-Bonaea-in siireo. m-miii CCltJCRFTE WORK Steps repaired, porches, patios, driveways, chimney and house tuck pointing, ri Free estimate, 432-4845 PATIOS. Porches, Drives and Walks, Check our low prices. 521 4447. SIDEWALKS.

PATIOS, AND DRIVES KEN 352 5339. ELECTRIC WIRIN8 (LICENSED) 8M5 GARDNER ELECTRIC, Free Esti motes, Licensed, m-iiii FENCING 0992 PIP Fenrinn rnmrnefCiol-reSiden tial. Free estimates. Licensed and Insured. 621-2844 FL0ORIN8 AND TILE 1032 PHIL'S Carpet Installation Service, ink tn cmnii Ar in.

Free estl- mates, Phone Mon. thru Frl 8 am to 6 pm. 752-4996. SARA6E DOORS 1099 r.nrv- rvw tn Fit Anv Ooenino GARAGES MADE Emergency Service' LEN 383-2655 GENERAL HAULING 1131 amvtiaap Anv Plnre. Anything cheap 24 Hr.

Service 353-0498 APPLIANCES, AUTOMOBILES, SCRAP Mb IAL, in cm APPLIANCES, torniture, branches, trash, basem*nts, gauges ucuinm, cheap. 781-buoj CLEAN BAsem*nTS, HOUStS, Mowing lawns, trim hedges, Houl ing, fo nww HAULING and Clean Up. After 3 one weekends. 535-vsJ, ni-am HAULING and CLEANING. Light dump truck.

Call onytlme, 385-9505 SERVICE DIRECTORY THE JOB PLUMBERS (LICENSED) 13H MASTER PLUMBER Needs work-no lob too smoll or too 361-: 4364, Ask for Charles REMODELING 1311 ADEPT CONTRACTORS Carpentry. or. ALL TYPES REMODELING 423-3010 CARPENTRY, Pointing, Plastering Roofing, Wallpaper Removal. 352i 3738 524-6471 days HAULING, REMODELING, and exterior decorating, tuckpoint- ing, concrete worn, jy-i6M. PLUMBING Repairs.

Reasonable. Guaranteed. Jones, 241-8518 ROOFING, SIDING, GUTTERING 1396 A. W. MOORE Construction SPECIALIZE in roofing, guttering; siding, interior and exterior paint- 1 ALL TYPES OF ROOFING, price, service, Jerry 391-9384 REPAIR OR NEW ROOFING.

EX-. PERIENCED, GUARANTEED. 383- 6712 ROOFING, guttering, chimney repair, tuckpointing, brick work, pointing, carpentry, 535-6122 ROOFING, no lob too small, 25 years experience, Tommy CH 1-2566 ROOFING. SHINGLES, Hot asphalt, guttering, carpentry work myself. 6M-126 or V62 4iyy ROOFING-AM types, guttering.

Rea- sonoble-Guoronteed. 241-8518 ROOFING-Repairs our work BENNY. ttMfii Hindu! 1131 HAULING and WRECKING, Basem*nts Cleaned, Tree Work, Free Es- HAULING, ANY TYPE DONE. WAI I ACF WILSUN, mini HAULING, lunk, basem*nt-garages! cleaned and torn aown, moving, trees trimmed, 24 Hr. 962-414 i ic.ut nnd hfavy After 4 weekdays, oil dav Sot.

and 4431, St. Charles i ic.ut uaiii ING. Eves, ond week ends, moving lobs, reasonable, call Ralph 865-0041! i haiii ing. Furniture, Appli ances and All Trasn, yu-nin Light hauling, garages and base- ments cleaned, 7i-myo. i ic.ut uaiii ing Man.

thru Sat. 5 Domestic services va-nn Light Hauling, Mon. thru Sot. Reo sonable rotes 644- LIGHT HAULING, reasonable rates. onM.c.pnernl Houlina.

anywhere anytime, anything. 772 6913, 773-1797 TAuncu niiMP. liaht or heavy houling, reasonable rotes, vjii i Hmil anvthina. clean garages, basem*nts, attics, etc. Very cheap rates.

Bill, 631-5BW WRECKING, Hauling and Cutting Trees. DENTON 382-6979 WRECKING, Houling, Garages, Sheds, Ash Pits, Basem*nts uroircu, Trnsh. Tree worn. om-io WRECKING. HAULING, CLEAN UPS ANYTIME, 772-2941 AUTO SERVICE 1156 OOO TIRF RARGAINS NEW-USED MASTER CHG.

NEW WHEELS 12 UP 752-5738 5820 Hampton 353-9875 NEW TIRE BARGAINS VW to CADILLAC, MASTER CHG ROOFS, Hot Asphalt, Shingles, COT. pentrv, Tuckpointing, Gutters repaired, installed. Work myselt, reo-" sonable. Ed. 86S-664 353-3200 6327 Chippewa 664-56831 THEATRICAL 1479 SINGING BASS PLAYER for lull time Rock band, Carbondole, III oreo.

Call 618-549-5497 or 687-3556 WEDDING SERVICES ISIS WEDDING FLOWERS? NETTIE'S FLOWER GARDEN' 3801 SO. GRAUD PR. 1 9600 WATER PROOFING WEATHERSTRIPPIN6 1S52 LANDSCAPING. TREE SPRAT 1214 Act Now for Best Results rvuthntrhina. seeding, fertilizing shrubbery, trees, trimmed, planted, generoi Cleanup, ADAMS BROS.

Hedge Trimming and Lawn cutting, u-mi, w-oiw B-J Tilling Service-gardens, flower beds, shrubbery, spraying, lawn core. siO-up. 434-1424 anytime DIRT, Genuine Topsoil, Anywhere, GARDEN PLOT PLOWTILLING 997-66SS PAPER HANGIN6. CLEANING 1297 PAlNTlNG and Plaster ing. 261-7229 WATERPROOFING Contractor, specializing in waterproofing, draii tile system, leaky basem*nts, cracks repaired.

Concrete work ana patios. Concrete piers installed Pre season low prices, Free estimate. Call 291-75'5 I 1 PAPER HANGING, Fobrics, Foils, Vinyls, Lorry 3371 p.m..

St. Louis Post-Dispatch from St. Louis, Missouri (2024)
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Author: Neely Ledner

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Author information

Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

Phone: +2433516856029

Job: Central Legal Facilitator

Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.