Springfield Leader and Press from Springfield, Missouri (2024)

rich can buy mora favtltrsr tafan charter two airplane to leave, at diwn tn fttftrch of Iteiflnld Vtnny, film art or, ami two othar men mho left Han Dlearo yeaterdny tn tha S( tftt yawl Barburtne for a flnh log trip to Kneenada, Lower California. No wortt haa fceen rex eived from the craft, which was equipped with wlreleM, and off fo lu la of the film company think the actor and hi two companion. Ben Mendrlrka and Huh l.loyd. might have mot di earner In the. Morn, that hns been awerplnr th Southern California cojutt for th past we vera I days.

A fourth man waa reported bv a fteherman to be adrift without food or water tin a barge off Point Puma, 30 mil el nortrf of Santa Monica. PRISONERS TAKEN TO STATE PENITENTIARY Sheriff Owen, together with 11 prisoners sentenced to tha state prison at tha recent adjourned session of the criminal court, and a party of guards left this morning over the K. C. C. at railway for Jefferson City.

The prisoners, together with the Sentences they must serve, are as follows: Dewey Calvey and Charles fOodd, attempted robbery, 4 years 'each; Austin Cooper, felonious assault, 5 years: Robert Tillman, robbery, years'. Jess Wood and Virgil Harris, robbery. 7 years each: Jim Kejley. burglary, 3 yeara; wiiiiam. ueoris anu Kaipn Ifaid wln, grand larceny, year each Quinry Mucker, grand larceny, yaars.

Guards accompanying the sheriff were T. N. Aton. John McKoin, Henry J. Uaminon, Henry Gardner, police officer, and Krnest Jones.

The officers will return tomorrow. F1XKD BV HEMBRKE. John Grevlar of Buffalo was ar tsssted yesterdsy by Special Deputy Game Warden V. Hoover on a oharge of possessing a red fox out of season and for killing ths fox. and also for being without a hunt lag license.

Th defendsnt wss taken before Justice I. M. Hemhres of Dallas ootinty, pleaded guilty and was fined 120 and costs, the totsl being 2ao. it paid Up waa re Isaasd. Kverett Wommack.

local deputy tinder whom Hoover worka. present and took part In the prosecution. Th fox wss confiscated ond will be seat to the stale fish ii nd gsms depsrtmont at Jefferson t'lty. Call a RED TOP. Phone MOO.

Ad. Wheeler and Other Dry Leaders Quick to Denounce Modification Advocates. "WAJJHInOTOn, Feb. 4. (A Advocate of light winn nd beer by th Church Temperance society of lh Episcopal church provoked volcanlo outburst of comment to day from various organisations In trestsd In prohibition and led alio la aoma fireworks In congress.

Warn B. of tha Antl Saloon league. Issued a statement denying la detail the conclusions of fact on which tha society mads Ita derision. Dr. Clarence True Wllaon, of the Mathodlat Kplscopsl board of tam prano.

aald tha Episcopal church had contributed nothing to tha triumph of tha prohibition law and Ita attempt to betray It will ba without consequence." As soon aa the senata mat. Sena tor Edge, Ilepubllcan, New Jersey, who haa a beer and wins bill pond In put Into lha record tha an nouncement made In New York on behalf of tha Episcopal eoclaty br Tr. James Kmprlngham. but It was admit tad only tnir It waa agreed to print with It tha' reply leaned last night by Mr. Wheeler.

Calls Reply Hldlewlesja. When Senator Wlllla, Republican. Ohio, objected to accepting tha one irlthout tha other. Senator Edge replied that ha gladly would permit tha Wheeler ataloment to be put Into tha record bo' auaa It aeemad to him "so profoundly rldiculoue." "We'll let the country ba tha Judge of that," rejoined Senator Wlllla. Him tha statement ha laauad to 4 y.

Mr. Wheeler disputed directly the all points get forth by Dr. F.m Ttrtnghsm. He declared that prohibition had atlmulatad rather than eliminated actenllfio temperance teaching. That "deang of collegea and universities and high school principals have denied tha wel el sorter that youth la aa drunken today Aa when the llcsnse ayatem agisted: that prohibition haa not only en aouraged consumption of wins and beer, but reduced them to a amall fraction of tha former amount; that disrespect for law was not created by prohibition: that there la no claaa legislation about prohibition; for the kind, Including booxej than tha poor.

ut lie law aoee nojL cause mat. "Intemperance haa not Increased but doreaarY' concluded Mr. hraler I unfortunate In hla Osofladone If ha finds mora In' tsagrsrfra than formerly." declared that "the Urch Temoaranre Society la not the Episcopal church, Is not an or tranixatioin of Influence, or of con (uence." REGINALD DENNY AND THREE OTHERS LOST OFF COAST, BELIEF I.OS AKCCLES. Feb. 4.

(A The Film ompiiny has SUPREME COURT MAY PASS ON PROPOSED BUS RATE INCREASE The petition of tha Springfield Traction company for an Incrraaa In Ita motor bua fares In this city from cents to 7 cents, haa been denied by tha state public service commission on tha ground that the commlgalon is without Jurisdiction ine matter. Copies of lha ruling of tha rom mutaion In tha case were received today by Mayor W. E. Freeman and City Attorney Dan M. Nee.

It la set out In the ruling that tha motor bua aervlca of tha Traction company is not a common carrier wjth in the meaning of tha public aerv l. commission law of Missouri, and that tberefora tha commission haa no Jurisdiction In tha premises It is understood tha matter will be carried to tha atata supreme court! for adjustment. It might ba carried up on a writ of mandamus, it Is stated. Tha application of tha company for tha Increase waa 'lied with tha ststa commission November of last year and tha matter waa laid before tha city council December II by Commissioner R. I Potter of the' utilities department.

The council Instructed the city attorney to enter appearance, but took no stepa to oppoaa the petition. When tha hearing was railed at ASHES REVEAL GRIM RABEDY FA! 11 Slain Two, Then Set Fire to Building. a rent of the Frisco, of BL Lsouis. Hta permanent auccetsor has not as vet been appointed. COLLEGE STUDENTS ARE GROWING BETTER, CLAIM MEMPHIS, 4.

(A college noys snd girls are grow ing netter. Instead of worse, said Dr. Thomas Arkle Clark, dean of men at the University of Illinois, before the Edurstlonsl association of tha Methodist Episcopal church here last night. "College girls and boys of todav are not so osu. ne told tha educa tors.

"They have adopted a goodly number of the fast ways of ths world aa It operates today, but have dropped lot of vicra of yesterday Sobriety Is gslng In favor and la growing to the extent that drunkenness Is not so prevalent aa It was rew years ago. He found the students of today more Interested in religion then ever before. But. he added, thev are thinking out creeds for themselves. Father Believed to Have DOWAOIAC, Feb.

A. Tha apertrs of murder and sui cide aroae today from tha ashes of tha William Wilklnaon farm home on Magadan laka when officers found that the skulls of two of the five members of the family who lost their Uvea had' bean crushed. The charred bodlas of Wilklnaon, U. hla wife, (0, hla son. Floyd, 17..

hla unmarried daughter, Olneth, 25. and tha letter's three days old baby. ware taken from lha ruins of the housa at daybreak. Kaamfnatloa ahowed tha skulls of Olneth and Flood had been crashed Ths tbwory Of aMMsera now tha tether, erased ty tha birth of a girl to hla daughter, killed her and her brother, than aat fine to tha dwelling. TRADE COMMISSION Ml INVESTIGATE WARD BAKING FIRM WASHINGTON.

Feb. (A. A special Investigation haa been or dered hy the federal trade commission Into the Weird Food Products corporation, recently organised to deal In materials used in the baking Industry. The Investigation will be conduc ted by the lenal department of the commission and will be apart from the economic InvestiKatinn of the entire baking Induatry which haa been In progresa for several months ss directed by a senate resolution. Tha general Investigation will not be completed for aeveral months and heretofore it had the.

general view In commission circles that It will embrace the Ward company. As ordered, the new investigation a distinct from one proposed in the senata yesterday by Senator jjl Fttllette. Republican, Wisconsin, who naked that a senata committee Investigate all companies, directly or Indirectly controlled by William' B. Ward, who, with his associates. organised the Food Products cor poration.

Replying to that move. Mr. Ward wired Senator Follette that he would welcome senatorial scrutiny of the, project HARRY HORNBEAK HAS RESIGNED POSITION WITH FRISCO LINES Harry X. Hombitk. who hi 1en oil? nawnicr and ticket of Hprlnnflf for the Frisco line for th past vrat yars, haa resigned hla position with th Xrlnco, It waa annoUnrrd today.

Hla resignation took affect on Kebruarr 1. nd hla work la on In temporarily handled by K. O. Laamb, traveling paaaenger Jefferson City January Jl City Attorney Nee was present but made no fight against the petition, he merely being there to protect tha Interests of tha citiaens of Springfield. Tha sentiment In tha council waa that If tha company was entitled to canta fara on tha trolley linea there waa no reason why the same rate should not apply to tha bua lines, with tbs understanding that a universal transfer avatem SIOl'X CITf.

Iowa. Feb: 4. (A Burned almnat beyond recognition. tha body of Airs. George Kolotnon, 47: years old and tha mother of nine! children, was found wedged In the i furnace door at her home here last night.

Her two oldest anus asked police to take Into custody their year old father. Solomon at first maintained that his wife waa away visiting friends. but finally assarted that she had been burned in adjuatlng the drafta. No formal chargea have been placed against him but tha police planaed to aubject bint to a lengthy Interrogation today, aald the mother died of aaphj'Ximloiv, front Luat ft.insce fumes. The (aca and) shoulders wers charred.

HI see noon Mstarday, children told ths police, tha father had an their Inquiries regarding tneir mothers, absence by telling mem sno was at a friend a home. Pen tha older boya came home rrom worx. ne told them tha same atory. Nearly eight houra after the time tha father fixed aa that of his wife's death, and when Maurice and Law rence, the alder aons. were preparing to leave, the home for the evening.

Kolomon called them and aaid he had aomethlng to tell them. He said their mother hsd gone into the basem*nt about II o'clock to fix ths furnace, but the drafts had not been properly adjusted and a puff of flame enveloped her aa she opened the door and burned her to ocsth. Hurrying Into tha basem*nt the boys found their mother, wedced In to the open door nearly to the waist. When the father did not explain how the body came to be in euch a position, the sons called the police. The children aald their parents had quarreled considerably lately.

Younger ones said when they came home from achool nt noon for lunch their father told then) "mother la swijf' The police Said they vtn not sat isfied with Solomon's explanation anu wouia piaca aoma against him. If necessary, him for questioning. charge to hold INTER CLASS DEBATE TO BE HELD TONIGHT Th first of tha snnusl Inter, class drbstes at Southwest Missouri Suts Teachers college will be held tonight in the college auditorium. It was announced The freshman and sophom*ore debating teams will meet tonight. The question for debate will be: Resolved, That th I'nlted States Rhould" Recognise the Present Gov ernment of Russia." John Morris and Fred Jackson, froshmen.

will uphold )ha affirmative side of the. question, whllo Joe Huitt and Arthur Smith, representing tha sophom*ores, will have the negative side. Judges for the debate will be At HEARING FOR torneys Irving W. Schwab and John I Harrr Carson Miller, and Prof. J.

E. Cox. of Raymond F. urury college. Miss Herthe Daniels, of the Teachers college.

Is In charge of the annual Inter class debatra. From tha Inter class debaters, four will be chosen to represent the school In Inter scbool debates. Tomorrow night, th sophom*ores will debate the Juniors, and on Sat urday night the Juniors will meet the seniors. JAPANESE PORT CITY IS ROCKED BY QUAKE TOKIO, Fab. 4.

(A A ver nacular newa agency reports that a strong earthquake shook the city of Aomorl, In north Japan, at 3:34 p. m. today. Tha quake lasted one min ute and IS aeconda. No detalla have been received as to damage done.

If any. Aomorl la a seaport city with a population of 11,000, located on tha aoumwesiern pari oi a nay on tne Buy drugs for less at rti th ahnrM nt thm main I salts nA AdrertleeroeaL th. Jabaneae archlnelatro. SLAYER TO BE HELD FEB. 1 2 touo2Lb8 Clinton Hollingsworth Is Un The company claims it has lost HI, 003.

In operating tha huaaes since 1921 when It waa given con trol of tha bua paasenger business In the city by Initiative ordinance. Tha city offlciala say that becauaa tha ordlnanca was paased by tha people at a special election they have no authority In tha matter and that they cannot regulate the busses In any way, either In tha matter of fares, tha frequency of tha runs, tbs routes, or In any other particulars, jurisdiction having bean taken out of tha city government by tha initiative vote. For thla raaaon tha council haa no power to act In tba matter, it is declared, being without authority to amend, repeal or In any way change tha WOMAN'S BODY FOUND JAMMED INTO FURNACE Husband Held by Sioux City Police Explanation Doesn't Satisfy. able to Appear at Pre liminary Friday. The preliminary hearing for Cil ton W.

Hollingsworth, charged with the killing of Detective Al Franklin and Joseph Harjung, which waa aat for tomorrow afternoon In munici pal court, haa bean postponed until Friday afternoon, Feb. II. Judga C. A. Hubbard announced thla morning.

Tha preliminary will begin at o'clock. Hollingsworth, who received a flesh wound In tha left thigh during a gun battle with police Saturday night. Is aa yet unable to walk, and could not attend tha preliminary tomorrow unlesa brought to court on a "ati'etcher." Judga Hubbard aald today. Tha Judge stated that he did not want to conduct tha hearing until tha defend ant la able to walk. Laal Saturday night Hollingsworth, who had barricaded himself In the home of hla parents.

Mr. and Mrs. John Hollingsworth, SOS Hover street, kept up a steady stream of firs, holding off police and aeveral armed cltlsena for three houra. Ha killed Detective Franklin and Harjung, a neighbor, and wounded aeveral others, before the housa waa finally stormed and the man waa arrested. Since Saturday night thouaands of persons have visited tha acene of the shooting, and hundreda have viaited the Greene conty jail where young Hollingsworth Is confined.

It Is expected that tha hearing to ba held In municipal court will ba attended by a large crowd. Franklin Fund Now Over $1,000 At noon today th Leader Relief Fund for the benefit of the family of Detective At Franklin had reached a tout of tL.04l.tO. Although it had been planned to cloaa tha fund with the aubacribing of tl.00, ther are aeveral parsons who have signified their deeira to contribute to tha fund, and therefore amounts wilt be taken at tha Leader Office fne tss Mstfnr atyi. 1 persons bo lave HibsctiDritl i s.r it. rrankila Monroe Hwyers CSabe Alsup C.

H. Baker A I Rountree Irsns Ostes Anonymous Julius Helfsrt JohB Lenders Ity firemen i. H. MuDanlel Hsrry Cooper Nsthsn Clottiing T. C.

W. Moody ..4. Pin Hole club, Anonymous Queen City bank FarrlDgton Ji Curtis A. Baldwin Dr. Esrl H.

Mills. Otis Mosler Anonymous Dr. M. Bos uil i. w.

Ckhnn J. P. Trosdon Anonymous R. E. Kellocr Mrs.

W. J. Willlatna (Webb's cafe. terls) R. Bert Lee tovs's Cash Msrkst Irouie Repa McGrtsTor Mater tomttanr' McGregor Noe Hart war company Jfi.

M. Hllholt A. E. Reynolds K. X.

Heer rio M. Sulttvan 6V Jewell Ovorre Hlver Levy. Wolf lry Ooodt Toomte ferey Sash au4 Ioor com tl It 0 i l.oe .4.00 1 SO 1.00 I St Usee 43.ee Si OS li to 10 00 10.00 10 00 00 too lot 1.00 100 i.oo 1.00 111 1.00 I.ee 1.00 1 00 1.00 1.10 too 100.00 to 00 to. 10 04.00 to 00 to. 00 ie so to.oo to.ee i 00 pany ar.d employee lies vm rieon ciotninf eompmny Netter Dry Good company.

V. Wllltame Baneone ..4 10 so utn a. lO.td teve McGregor is.f e.eei Kunirfbi inj uveas s.ss I.ee Urvhante' Ice and Feel company lo.ot iroquoi moe, imprevaa ctrder Rd Men R. F. UoVey Sherwood A Bowera Furniture Co.

Anonymoua Alvln Roberts Julia KlllbU4k U. V. Carroll L. Ker kenllvely Oarl Mark Poner Martin Jemea F. Well k.

a. flmah Oarlor nor reacher Joel H. Rountree, Dr. A. Thomas Jeke Nine Iave LtBoli Mrs.

Igneece Olaser to 1S.00 oo ISO 1 00 1.00 1.00 1.00 ISO 1.00 1 00 1.00 loo in1 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.0S MAN SLASHES THROAT, HIS WIFE DROPS DEAD BUFFALO. K. Fsb. 4. (A.

Whsn Frank Hlnea. a aaleaman In 111 health, attempted suicide by slashing hla throat with a rasor. In hla horn here today, hla wlfa dropped dead. Hlnea Is not ex pecieu to lire. the couple wer th parent of four small, children.

wife. to J. 0.11UIGE Lincoln Requested to Furnish Data to Attorney Gen eral N. T. Gentry.

It la possible that a move to oust J. D. Wallace, proaecutlng attorney of Oregon county, from may ba made by tba attorney general of tha atata. Is tha opinion of offl clals of Greene county. Wallace underllea aantenca of two years In stats prlaon oa charge of seduction, and haa car ried tha caaa to tba state supreme court of appeal.

Harold T. Lincoln, proaecutlng attorney, who proaaouted Wallace and fought the caaa through aeveral courta on changea of venue, dismissals and re flllnas. and final ly secured conviction of ths defend ant la tha Douglaa county circuit court on September rti, has received communication from North T. Gentry, attorney general of Missouri asking for all tha facts In the caaa. Gentry doea not atata why he stents tha facta, but tha Inference hare ie that ha Plana to take aoma official action In tha matter.

Thla haa bean ons of tha noted aeductlon esses of southern Missouri, Isrgely because of tha fact that tha defendant, when' arrested and charged In Springfield was prosecuting attorney of Oregon county aa ha atlll la, he having bean elected at tha last election for a second term. Wallace has always contended that ha was being persecuted In this case. The offense for which charged that ha seduced Fara Staley, It. under promise of marriage. Th girl wss attending school In Hprlngflsld and bar bom was In Koshkonong.

It waa charged that Wallace, who had known th girl for soma tlms, cams to Springfield and promised to marry her. It waa alleged ha ahowed the girl what purported to be a marriage license, and told her it was too 1st in tba evening to get married, there belag no minlatar avail. able at that hour, and that they would ba married th following day. If alleged fhat under, that in. 'M STayeo, jr: ll ill Iv.ul.,.

raimcj is to veara old urf m.k. Tha defendant was bound ovr by cninn and when th case was aUd In, the Clrsene county criminal, court at the July term of 1114 he took change err venu and it was sent to Lacleda county. Prosecutor Llnooln, dismissed the case there for th reason that as. Barton of that court naa oeen a law partner of Wallace, and tha case waa re filed In Oreens county. When called her.

i ts. July term of 1925 Wallace again took change of venu and the case waa sent to Douglaa county where It waa tried September II Ith verdict of two'veara In prison. The defendant appealed to lha supreme court. Attorney Lincoln followed th. case In all ita travels and puahed the prosecution throughout.

He was asalsted br Attorney Will H. D. Oreeri of West Plalna. who had been employed by cltiaans of Koshkonong and Alton, In Oregon countering the trial on of th witneaaes waa B. Orova, deputy recorder of Greene county, who waa called to show that Wallace bad called him fn regard to a mnrrlage license on March 1, III4.

Th license waa not Issued hers arid It waa charged thai th defendant had no such license. Harjung Fund Totals $164.55 The fund being ralaed aa a memorial to tha memory of Joaeph O. Harjung, Frisco employe who mat death volunteering hla services during tha gun fight. between Clinton Hollingsworth and armed cltiaans and officers on Hovejy street last Saturday nignt, reached a total ofi 144 65 today. Tha fund waa start ea ny employ of th Frisco and turned over to th Laoadar for re ceiving additional sums.

Any per son caring to make a donation ma aa so oy senaing or bringing mon ey to ibis newspaper office. Th Harjung Fund today atanda aa zonows: vw tlstarhsod at Temple Israel Ths Lartr office West Frisco Power Plan Wsst Frisco Marhlns Ihon. West Prise, ghost Metal shops w. B. John Dr.

J. g. Bayers A. F. Hradl.r J.

C. Pelgbtel Frisco Mstnl Crafts AaaorlatiaM ThemBesn Rsclas Tlrs Company Osorss O. Ray Irsns Brolth Old Ksrchmor company Shsrwei a Bowers FMmllsr Cs. F. Moskowlts nouth side rosndhaiss South coach shops Motor oar Blacksmith sltopo Roclsmatlon machjab shops.

Pin Hols club I 00 00 00 .10 00 00 oo oo 1 00 ..14.00 ..01 ii oo too 1.00 1.0S lust t.oo i so III 44 It IS 00 1.70 1. 11 li.00 The regular annual conference of members of the Missouri Association of Public I'tllltlea will be held In this city on May 4 and (. it waa announced thla morning by A. E. Reynolds, vice praaldent and general manager of the Springfield Oaa et Electric company and ths Apringfield Traction company.

Although no definite announcement aa to haadquartera haa been made, meetings will be held at aoma large hotel hers. Tha conference will draw to the city approximately 404 persons representing public utility corporations snd companlea from throughout tha state. A number of prominent utility men will address the aasembly and numeroua entertainment features will ba Included on the three day program. 4 Preliminary to this conference. Miss Mary McKelvy of Joplln.

who holda the position of chairman of High Gale Hits East Killing 12 Fury of Storm Mounting: Hourly and No Relief Is in Sight. waa convicted waa aald to hav Feb. 4. (A been committed in Springfield fury increasing by the hour, night' of March 7. 1I4.

It lei driving snow atorm which swept up the AtIjtlo seaboard from Northern Georgia thla afternoon, held the entire eastern section of tha Lnlted Stales fust In ita grip. Thar was no relief In sight, weather bureau offlciala predicting that the atorm would continue through the night. Mora than. a dnsen deaths In the esst were directly attributable to' the storm, property damage was rapidly mounting, and a paralysis of transportation and communications was In prospect. death toll mounted with the news that six men sirs killed and il otnara injured In the, collapse of ouuaing sirloin.

are asued to Bona tnetr caaa ub tried, it la alleged lis (old the glrV weight of snow on the roof, scrlptlons or check for tha amounts ha had been divorced from hlivtn othera wer believed to have signified Immediately, In order that th money may bo credited to the account of Mrs. franklin aa aoon as possible. New RaheertBtssas. Sisterhood of Temple Israel' St Sautawest Kadle Supply company W. B.

Jena IN f. 8. Klntrea l.ss J. C. I'slshtsl Ut, Jeha W.

Pearson t.os ur. oeorge w. Hegeboom l.es W. A. less Thompeon Rirlne Tir company t.SS Ororse O.

fur a it H. J. Ruyle SO R. II. nihil l.ss J.

J. Rsllly. of St. l.SS Cherry Street Grocery too C. H.

Bart left lit Frank R. Scnsnffer I.ee Old DuhMTlDtlosa. Ben Karchmer A tfons sere A Baldwin Hardware Co. Al Eckert fost their lives on sinking barges ojrr ins New Jersey coast and three persona in sow york died of exposure. WKMM OF CAR WRECK III PROGRESS Body of Landon W.

Shipman, Victim of Accident, Forwarded to Sparta. An Inquest to Investigate the ueain or Landon Ward Shlpman, IS oia. or nparta. sno waa fa tally Injured In an automobile colli sion last nignt at 1:13 clock at ths Intersection of Kearney atreet and North Boulevard, la being held tnia afternoon In the office of Justice p. E.

Holman Judge Hol msn la acting as coroner tn th ah eenca of Coroner Ely Paxaon, who is III. Th accident occurred mhen Hhipman a roadster col led with touring car driven nv tt Done, 19)1 Boonvllle sconce eman'a car. In which hi, at 1 Qlnrla Hale wer passe vtv, was Ing north on i ard. lills Bon a machine v. tag s.it on Kesrnsy street "'hri.

Th cvlll alon occurred. It la stated that Shlpman'a roadster waa overturned twice. Following the accident a Herman H. Iihmeyer ambulance waa called. and th man waa taken to St.

John's hospital. Shlpman died before the ambulance reached th hospital. and an examination mad, by lr. A. a.

newen aiacioaed thst tbs nun sustained a wound atj ths baa. of nis skull, and suffered various cuts and bruises sbiut the head and face neuner iione nor Miss Hale were Injured. Shlpman body was forwarded tins afternoon bv tUa Herman H. Lohmeyer funeral home to Sparta. wner tunerat services will prob ably pa held tomorrow.

Hs had been residing at tha Arlington hj tel. and had been ampioyed at ths Frisco shops. Hla parent reside at oparta. NEW BORDER PATROL PLAN IS PROPOSED WASHINGTON. Fsb.

4 IA. reaiion oi a noruer patrol to aup plement exiatlna uinrlM in Tnt'lTBBg SfEKT TTtcgDAT. enforcement of lawa along tha Ca The regular mld ysar meeting of nadlan and afaxlcan hnrd.r. tha board of trustees of Drury col. many miles of eea coast, I Bro lege will held next Tueeday.

posed In a bill bv R.nr..nt.iiv February at Burnham Hall. It Hudson. Renublican. was announced today at tha college. Tha nronosed n.rroi The Woman Auxiliary Board wl'l plant tha existing border patrol meet on the aama date In tha new I maintained by the labor glrla dormitory at Drury, Itwas'for enforcement of Immigration elated.

i I law. 3 THE SPRINGFIELD LE Missouri Weather I'neettl, tenlrht, probably light mow. fruf flomly. So chance la temperature. Tff PAPEH THAT COBS IXTO OVBR $0 OF ALL BrRlXOriELD UOMBt ABEE VOL.

LIX NO. 217. REPORT Entered springfield, Missouri, Thursday evening, February 4, 1926. 44 pages. vr.T.LT, price3cents Public Utilities To Be Represented Here A Annual Conference Miss Mary McKelvy Will Be in Springfield Friday for Purpose of Organizing Women Employes of Gas and Electric Company State Meeting to Be Held Next May.

the woman's committee of the middle west division of the National Klectrlc Light association, will coma to Springfield tomorrow to meet with women employes of the Springfield Gaa at ZHectrlo company. waesira Bsfsug Orsrsuslard. Miss McKelvy will arrive her In ths morning and will confer with the local woman with a view to organising tha women of tha Oaa Klertrlo offices Into a club to ha affiliated with the organisation aha repreaenta. Woman In public service office are bslng organised throughout th stat under Mis MrKelvy's direction. In honor of tomorrow's visitor, an elaborate luncheon will ba held by tbs women of ths Gaa 4k Electric office, thla affair to take place at the Colonial hotel.

Arrangements are In charge of Mlaa Ruth Hubbell, and, it la axpacted that an enthu slssllc meeting will held. HI TO EFUIJO FDR IMF WASHINOTON, Feb. 4 (A Appropriates Nearly Eight Millions for New Tha war department appropriation bill, calling for an army of lll.ttt enlisted men and 11,749 officers, or approximately the oxlsllng strength. waa reported today to th house. It recomtrands dur ing th next flsral yar totaling WW RSI AAA a an r.

Uat year' appropriation, andi mark th first ins ts nee during th present congress? where budget estlmstes hav bsn exceeded. Of tha total amount military activities would given $14 l.OJl.OOOO, or an Increase of II. tit 000 currant funds, and 1104.000 aho. budget figures, won military aotlv Ulee would receive t7t.tO0.40O. an mcreae.

oi 1I.71,000 of current funds and 1111.000 abov th budget. runa airectiy provided for th army would expended aa foilowa: For the air eervlce. tli.tsi sno a. Incressa of 134S.O00O over current flgurea. An authorisation to eon tract for 11,000,000 XOnditurea would be provided.

Of the total 17.404.000, or an Increas of 704, vvv, wouia ti ror new equipment. Fewer Imoss, The bill would provide for a reduction tn the number of non commissioned offic.rs and first claaa prlvatee In order to affect a saving of tttl.000. Provision would bs mad In fund. allotted to th sea coast defenaea for continuation of work on the 1 inch battery In tha Panama canal defena. Appropriations for th national guard, tha organised reserves, and ths reserve officers training corps would rontsmplata continuation of practically tha existing atrength of thee organisations.

Of funds allotted to the non military activities, 150,004,004 would he for river and harbor work. Th committee report aald thla la tha amount recommended by th preal dent. Including a eupplemental estimate of 110.000,000 recently submitted. It la an Increas of over current funda. The increas.

provided for nsw air. plan equipment will provide for Jot new airplanes as follows: Training planes. US; bombardment plansa, ft: pursuit planea, to; attack planea. 10; transport planes. 10.

and observation planes, ft. PARKER MOON INJURED WHEN STRUCK BY CAR Parker Moon. 11 year old Mr. and Mr. Fred Moon, Buffered serious Injuries yestsrdav aft.mnA.

at 1:4 o'clock whsn he waa struck by an automobile on Jefferson avenue near tha Jarrstt Junior high school. Tha car waa driven bv H. C. Mack, of Kanaaa Cttv. Following th accident tha bov waa taken In a Herman H.

Lohmev. amouianca to tne orilce of Dr. E. F. James, In th Woodruff bnlldlnar.

It waa found that the boya right ear wa almost torn off, and that the othar ear waa lacerated. He also auffsrsd painful cuta and brulaea about tha head and face. After being attended by Drs. James and J. P.

McCann, tha Injur, ed youth wa removed to tb horn of bla parenta, whs reald southesst of the city near tha Country club. Physicians stated thla morning that while th boy waa painfully hart. his Injuries ar not critical. HOt'SIC PAISKg HLk WASHINOTON. Fsb.

4 (A P) Ths McFsdden bill to authorise Na tional banks to engage In branch banking In cities where Stat banks smploy thla practice was passed to day by tha aouae, hope held Mine Seated to Check Fire Sixteen Miners Not Accounted For. PITTSBURGH, Fah'l P) Abandoning hope that any of tha 1 miners unaccounted for after an explosion In the Horning mln lata yesterday were alive, rescue worker early today scaled, aff th entry where they war entombed In order to smother a fira that haa been raging for hours and make possible the recover of tha bodies. Twenty ona men War at work la that section, two miles bsck in tba pit when th blast occurred. d. Two' sscsped alive and three bodlesartJ svwrere.

Announcement that the entry had been walled off waa made bv sc. Tuttla, president of th Pittsburgh Terminal Coal company, owners of ths mine. Th action, be aald, wag taken on orders of John I. Pratt. state mln Inspector, jt was la dlraled that tha section would r.

main sealed for at least 14 hours durmghlch It waa expected that the flrCwould go out for lack of air. A check early today l.nclon fr' thst only Edward Travia and liwls Powell were tha only miner to com out alive. Ralph Holthauser. previously reported rescued. remained unaccounted f0r official said.

Those trspned In th mine wera fighting a fire al a point aoma two mllea back from the entrance when' the explosion occurred and thla i re, swu raging over a small sec Hon. was a handicap to the work of rescue. A possibility that the burning area will be walled off, if tha IS men are 'found to ba' dead. waa said to ba In prospect. 1 This It waa Indicated wouid ba made In an effort to amother tb fire In order to rescue tha bodies.

Th explosion. which took place Juat after the day ahlft of about TOO miners had laft the mln lata yesterday, wss terrific 4n th rav gion or tna nr. Thla waa eSvl. denced by reports of the rfscu workers, who said' that a Airing of mln cars had been to plecea by th fores of ths blaaL. Among those In th mine at th anov llmir 'f tha a bsW eswta wpiBifmsT" atraat.

up. ot tn JKltteburgh Terminal Coal uinpny mines. jiis fit. is unknown, as Is that of lieorge Travia, manager of th Horning mines. They were directing tb fir ftgbt Ing.

Relatlvsss At 114. Edward Travia, brother of Oeorge Travia, waa on of th men who came out alive. with bis "bud. die," la wls Powell, wer eonstruoi lug a fir wall near tha bottom of ths shaft and war not injured br the blast. They assisted with th work for soms time hefot.

coming to th surface. Kalph Holts, haussr, the other men rescued, wss also working near the shall. Wives and children of the li men were huddled about ths top of tha shaft In the wet, heavy snow which stsrted to fall late yeaterday and continued today. They, with other relativea and friends of the entomb, ed men, compossd a largs crowd which waa kept back by ststa police, so as not to Interfere with th work of rescue. A temporary hospital waa estab lished In the mine aupply housa mi corpe of nurses and dootors from Pittsburgh waited to administer to any who might be brought out alive.

About th mln yard stood a number of ambulance. The Hev. Charles Fahranbach, pastor of a Catholio church at Broughton, nearby, went Into tha mine to give absolution over th three bodies recovered. Early today Oeorge McKay, ons of ths chlsfa of th United States Hu reau of Mines crews, and six of th other noro than hundred xprt, rescue men at work In th mine, cams out after ten hours of continuous labor. They wers taken to th emergency hospital, wner on had to put to bed becsusa of ex hsustlon.

Ths others hsd been slightly affected by smoke and gaa and were ordered by the doctor take a rset. Thrs rescue worker wera over. come and a scors of others had nar row eaeapea when a second explo alon occurred aa they war end.a voring to reach th entombed men. The blaat.whtch waa believed to hav come from the aama general area aa tha first, waa described aa being of alight fores. Two of thoae overcome, officials of other minea o( the Plttaburgh lerminai Coal com pany, required medical attentlou when they wera brought to the surface.

A number of other reacu workers were also overcome during th night by smoke, gas and exhaus Hon. ARCTIC EXPLORERS' DEPART FOR BASK DETROIT. Feb. 4. Captaxa Oeorge H.

Wllklna. commander mi tha Detroit Arctic Expedition which will attempt to explore the Arctlo by plane In March, and Major Thomas O. Laxnphler, commanding officer at Selfrldge flying field, who will accompany tha expedition aa ob server, left here today on th first leg of their Journey westward. They were given a public farewell. In cluding official Godspeed pronounced by Mayor John W.

8mith and a parade to the atatlon. Ths two plane In which tha flight will be attempted are en route from a Nsw Jerssy manufacturing plant to th weat coast. Wrlghtaman's orchestra at Jf fsrson. 1 to p. an, all this we.


Springfield Leader and Press from Springfield, Missouri (2024)
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Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

Birthday: 2000-07-07

Address: 5050 Breitenberg Knoll, New Robert, MI 45409

Phone: +2556892639372

Job: Investor Mining Engineer

Hobby: Sketching, Cosplaying, Glassblowing, Genealogy, Crocheting, Archery, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is The Hon. Margery Christiansen, I am a bright, adorable, precious, inexpensive, gorgeous, comfortable, happy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.