Oven Fried Chicken Recipe (2024)


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This Oven Fried Chicken Recipe is on regular rotation in our house. It crisps up perfectly every single time and tastes like it was deep fried! Yay for healthier dinner swaps.

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I love fried food but I don’t love the mess of deep frying or to be honest all of the oil that can go into my food. That’s why my Oven Fried Chicken Recipe that I’m sharing today is one of my favorites.

It is so good and actually tastes like fried chicken but without all of the annoying things of traditional frying.

How to Make Oven Fried Chicken

You can use any proportion of chicken to coating. The recipe is super forgiving.

Really as long as you have enough to cover your chicken you’re good to go. For ease though I’m writing the recipe for 6 pieces but really you can add and divide if needed throw in extra as you go etc.

The only thing to keep in mind is do NOT increase the about of butter you use. 1 TBS per dish is plenty even if you’re using a whole cut up chicken I’ve used as little as 1 tsp before and it turned out great but when I’ve done more than 1 TBS the chicken just doesn’t crisp up properly. This is SUPER important.


  • 6 Pieces Chicken Cut Up (I like thighs but you can use any cut you like but it needs to be skin on)
  • 1 TBS Butter
  • 1/2 C Bisquick
  • 1/2 C Flour
  • 1/2 to 1 tsp Salt for coating
  • 1/2 tsp onion powder
  • 1 TBS Italian Seasoning
  • Garlic Salt to taste
  • Pepper to taste


  1. Preheat oven to 400 F. Once to temperature place an oven proof dish large enough for all the chicken to lay down in one layer with 1 TBS of butter.
  2. In a large bag combine Bisquick, flour, salt, onion powder, and Italian Seasoning. Shake to mix and set aside.
  3. Sprinkle chicken with garlic salt and pepper to taste on both sides.
  4. Toss chicken in flour mixture to coat fully.
  5. Swirl the melted butter in the dish to evenly distribute and then place coated chicken skin side down in hot dish.
  6. Bake at 400 F for 15 minutes. Flip over so skin is up and then cook until finished about 10 more minutes.

We love eating this with mashed potatoes and wilted spinach or even with my easy buttermilk waffles recipe for a super easy chicken and waffles meal.

My Secret for Crispy Perfection

Just incase you are skimming I want to make it clear do not increase the amount of butter!!! This is the key secret to getting this to crisp up perfectly every time!

Oven Fried Chicken Recipe (6)

Oven Fried Chicken Recipe

Course Main Course

get the delicious taste and texture of fried chicken without deep frying. This oven fried chicken recipe only uses 1 tbs of butter


  • 6 Pieces Chicken Cut Up I like thighs but you can use any cut you like but it needs to be skin on
  • 1/2 C Bisquick
  • 1/2 C Flour
  • 1/2 to 1 tsp Salt for coating
  • 1/2 tsp onion powder
  • 1 TBS Italian Seasoning
  • Garlic Salt to taste
  • Pepper to taste
  • 1 TBS Butter



Calories: 401kcal | Carbohydrates: 15g | Protein: 26g | Fat: 26g | Saturated Fat: 7g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 5g | Monounsaturated Fat: 11g | Trans Fat: 1g | Cholesterol: 142mg | Sodium: 436mg | Potassium: 339mg | Fiber: 1g | Sugar: 1g | Vitamin A: 131IU | Vitamin C: 1mg | Calcium: 48mg | Iron: 2mg

Love this recipe?Follow @RaeGunRamblings or tag #RaeGunRamblings!

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Oven Fried Chicken Recipe (11)




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  1. Vanessa Barker says

    Oh my goodness, this looks so amazing.


  2. Tiffany says

    What kind of sauce are you using in the photo with the taters and wilted spinach. Can you post the recipe? The whole combination in the photo looks perfect! :)


    • marissa says

      I just made a simple gravy with the chicken drippings. I took pictures and meant to post it but haven’t gotten around to it thanks for the reminder I’ll have to do that soon!


  3. Rose Mae says

    Wow looks delicious! Thanks for this. I’m gonna try this later for dinner. :-)


    • marissa says

      It’s super tasty I hope your family loves it!


  4. Nicole says

    So i made this tonight and my chicken didn’t have a fried looking coating on it. it was just mush. Any suggestions?


    • marissa says

      I would guess that there might have been too much butter. Did you make sure the pan was heated and the butter was heated? Maybe your chicken was extra oily itself so it released a lot of extra juice. Mine is definitely crunchy every time I have done it.


    • Amanda says

      Mine turned out like Nicole’s. No crunchy breading at all. I only used 1 tbsp of butter and the chicken was sticking to the dish. I had to re-bread them and add more butter, then I baked 10 min longer then broiled them on low for 10 min to achieve the crispness. I was using split chicken breasts.


      • marissa says

        I have only ever done it with a whole chicken or all dark meat. You used skin on right? I think it needs the fat from the chicken and definitely needs the skin. Also I think some ovens and sizes of the meat can be different. Broiling last minute is definitely an easy fix.


  5. Shannon says

    What if you use breasts? How much time will they take as opposed to thighs?


    • marissa says

      I’m not positive but I’d think it would be faster for breast so I’d start checking them earlier


  6. Teresa says

    Your chicken sure does look yummy and I can’t wait to make it for my hubby! From your photos it looks like your chicken is bone in chicken is that correct?


    • marissa says

      Yes I usually use bone in chicken thighs :)


  7. Dave Hauthorn says

    Im a chicken fanatic and have been experimenting with oven fried chicken for years. I will definitely try this. It looks fantastic. Thanks so much.


    • marissa says

      I hope you love it, it’s one of my favs


  8. Sherry says

    I made this tonight. My family really liked it. I did ad more spices to the mix. I also cooked it longer 45 min total to make sure it was done. The butter trick totally worked great.


  9. vera says

    Im making this now. I am using a whole chiken that has been cut up. I didn’t have bisquick so I used a pancake mix. I will post the results. I have high hopes!


  10. Tracy says

    Awful recipe. Cook time was completely off. My chicken was all undercooked. The coating came off one of the pieces of chicken after i flipped it. Also the chicken did not come out looking like the picture. Total photo shop. There’s no way it could be that thick of a coating. I even used egg to help get the coating to stick and thicken it up. Still didn’t look anywhere close to the photo.


    • marissa says

      Please do not CHANGE MY RECIPE AND THEN COME COMPLAIN THAT YOUR “VERSION” DIDN’T TURN OUT. There is NO egg in my recipe, not sure what else you might have changed besides adding ingredients but if you didn’t follow my recipe pretty exactly (or your oven isn’t calibrated or preheated properly) it won’t turn out right. PS your comment was pretty rude, the picture is true (and I’ve taken others on other days) sorry your changes failed you but your comments are certainly not a reflection of MY recipe.

      Yes I could have just deleted your comment but I’ve seen so many comments like these on friends blogs that I feel I have to stand up for us bloggers that take our time and put our hearts into making these recipes available to you guys for FREE. Even if you hadn’t liked my recipe and actually had made MY recipe there’s no reason to leave such a mean comment.


  11. Cindy says

    Trying 2Nite! ️Fingers crossed. “-)


  12. Gigi says

    Hi there!
    Thank you for the recipe! The flavor was good and my chicken did eventually cook through after about 45 min in the oven. Unfortunately, mine looked nothing like the picture… even after following the recipe to a T :(
    Popping the chicken under the broiler gave them a bit of much needed browning. I didn’t realize until after I served my family, that the bottoms were a goopy mess from the flour soaking in the chickens drippings! I was embarrassed watching my family pick up the chicken only to have mush all over their fingers. I did flip the chicken after 15 minutes too, just as the recipe stated. I don’t know what I did wrong, or how to achieve that lovely color and texture in the picture! I wonder if placing a wire rack in the baking dish would help so the chicken doesn’t sit in it’s own juices?


    • marissa says

      Did you use skin on bone pieces (thighs are the best)? And it’s super important to keep to the right amount of butter and do everything in the right order with the pan and butter heated up when you put the chicken in? I’m so sorry it’s giving you trouble mine turns out so delicious and crispy.


Oven Fried Chicken Recipe (2024)
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