How do you cook chicken legs in a crock pot? - Chef's Resource (2024)

Crock pots, also known as slow cookers, have become an essential tool in many kitchens. Their ability to cook delicious meals with minimal effort make them a popular choice for busy individuals or those who simply want to enjoy a flavorful, tender dish. When it comes to chicken legs, using a crock pot is an excellent way to achieve perfectly cooked, fall-off-the-bone meat. So, how do you cook chicken legs in a crock pot? Let’s dive in!


How do you cook chicken legs in a crock pot?

**To cook chicken legs in a crock pot, follow these simple steps:**

1. Start by gathering the ingredients. You will need chicken legs, spices, such as salt, pepper, and your preferred herbs, and any additional ingredients you wish to include, such as vegetables or sauces.
2. Pat the chicken legs dry with paper towels. This helps to ensure a crispy skin.
3. Season the chicken legs with salt, pepper, and your desired herbs or spices.
4. Optional: Sear the chicken legs in a hot pan for a few minutes on each side to enhance their flavor and color. This step is not necessary but adds an extra dimension to the dish.
5. Place the chicken legs in the crock pot. If desired, add vegetables or sauces at this stage.
6. Cover the crock pot and set it to the desired cooking time and temperature. For chicken legs, a low setting for 6-8 hours or a high setting for 3-4 hours generally works well.
7. Let the crock pot work its magic! Avoid opening the lid frequently to maintain a consistent temperature and cooking time.
8. Once the cooking time is up, check the chicken legs for doneness. They should reach an internal temperature of 165°F (74°C).
9. If the chicken legs are not browned enough, you can broil them in the oven for a few minutes to achieve a crispy skin.
10. Serve the chicken legs hot with your favorite side dishes and enjoy!


1. Can I use frozen chicken legs in a crock pot?

Yes, you can cook frozen chicken legs in a crock pot. However, it is recommended to thaw the chicken legs first, as it may result in more even cooking and better texture.

2. Can I cook boneless chicken legs in a crock pot?

Yes, you can use boneless chicken legs in a crock pot. Adjust the cooking time accordingly, as boneless chicken tends to cook faster than bone-in chicken.

3. Can I add vegetables to cook with the chicken legs?

Absolutely! Adding vegetables, such as carrots, potatoes, or bell peppers, not only enhances the flavor but also creates a complete meal in one pot.

4. Can I use a marinade for the chicken legs?

Yes, you can marinate the chicken legs before placing them in the crock pot. This will infuse the meat with extra flavor. However, ensure that the marinade does not overflow the crock pot.

5. Can I use skinless chicken legs?

While you can use skinless chicken legs, the skin helps retain moisture and adds flavor. If you prefer skinless chicken, consider basting the meat with sauce or broth during the cooking process.

6. How long should I cook chicken legs on high and low settings?

On a high setting, chicken legs typically take around 3-4 hours to cook. On a low setting, they require 6-8 hours. Cooking times may vary depending on the size of the chicken legs and your specific crock pot.

7. Can I remove the skin after cooking?

Yes, you can remove the skin from the chicken legs after cooking if desired. However, keep in mind that the skin helps to keep the meat juicy and flavorful.

8. Can I use chicken thighs instead of chicken legs?

Certainly! Chicken thighs can be cooked in the crock pot using the same instructions as for chicken legs. Adjust the cooking time as thighs typically cook a bit faster than legs.

9. Can I use a different seasoning for the chicken legs?

Absolutely! Feel free to experiment with different seasonings, such as Cajun spices, barbecue rubs, or Asian-inspired blends. Adapt the flavors to suit your taste preferences.

10. Is it necessary to sear the chicken legs before placing them in the crock pot?

Searing the chicken legs before slow cooking is optional but recommended. It adds a nice caramelized crust and enhances the overall flavor of the dish.

11. Can I cook chicken legs with the bone-in?

Yes, cooking chicken legs with the bone-in is perfectly fine. In fact, the bone contributes to the flavor and juiciness of the meat.

12. Can I turn the chicken legs during cooking?

It is not necessary to turn the chicken legs during cooking in a crock pot. The slow cooking process ensures even heat distribution, resulting in tender and juicy chicken legs.

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How do you cook chicken legs in a crock pot? - Chef's Resource (2024)
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