#dead on main | void-of-unparalled-chaos (2024)


DPXDC prompt: Dead on main. No trick only treat.

~~Сhildhood friends and deals~~

The Justice League has to summon a ghost from another dimension to address the threat. They don’t know what price the Ghost King will take but there’s little time to bargain. Another spirit threatening them has already seized all the computers on their base.John doesn’t know what else to offer. A summoned ghost starts to look bored. Gold, jewelry? A favor from a member of the League? Like the Ruler of All Dead needs it. No one dares to make another offer, and the King is in no hurry to set out his demands. Maybe try to pull off a soul sale scam?

Suddenly, Red Hood breaks into the hall, walks up to Phantom and shakes his shoulder vigorously.Red Hood: You, get Technus out of here right now. I need access to the files and fast.Phantom: That’s rude, dude. Where did you grow up? in the cave? No "hello, no how are you, Danny", really?Red Hood: I’ll pay the usual price.Phantom: Deal.

What is the price?John sees Batman and gets in his way. The usual price, his guy said. Means Jay was already out of the deal alive and well. This hyperprotective bat would only piss off the ruler if he interfered.

The King quickly deals with his subordinate using a thermos and remains to watch working Hood.Red Hood: What do you want? I’m busy.Danny: You and I have a contract~Red Hood: All right, all right.Jay throws M&Ms right in the face of the ghost. But king doesn’t look angry. He opens the package and starts sorting the candies by color. Phantom quickly eats up all the green ones and passes the red ones to Hood. Jason takes them without any questions.

Strange. John has never seen a summoned creature share its reward with a human. And the son of a bat looks too comfortable with it. Wait, since when do super-powered beings think that candy is a decent wage?John makes one of the most likely deductions using his experience.Constantine: Batsy, how long has your son been sleeping with the King of Ghosts?Batman: He…what?!


Dick *knocking at the door*: Little Wing, you hate ectoplasm and everything what is neon green, so why? He’s dangerous!Jason who turned on the music to not listen to his crazy family: ~He’s poison but tasty~

Dick: NoOOoo


Jason: And now everyone thinks that I sold my virginity to you for a bargain or something, because interdimensional creatures like you aren’t supposed to help for nothing. Like you’re playing favorites. I’m gonna f*cking kill John.Danny: Well, I wouldn’t say no to that.Jason: What?Danny: I mean, to k-kill John, yeah. How dare he..Jason: Omg, you’re still so terrible liar, Fenton.

Danny: Sorry :(

Jason: No. Say it again.

~~~~Twelve years ago~~~~Maddie wasn’t thrilled to learn that Danny was trying to make friends with Todd’s son. Their neighbor was terrible. And his son was definitely a street rat and probably a juvenile delinquent.Maddie: Danny, honey, there’s got to be a reason this boy is talking to you. Even kids from the crime alley are always looking for a bargain they can make or a fool they can fool.Danny: But Jason is so cool! He knows so much about books and alleys and..Maddie: But you don’t want to be a fool, do you?Danny: Okay, Mom, I get it.

So, if Danny wants a cool friend, he’s got to offer a bargain.

He didn’t have a lot of pocket money for every month but Jason needed it more anyway. And his lunch that Jack was picking for him was big enough for two and only bitten on Tuesdays. Nice.Jason: Do I understand correctly? You will pay me and give me food, and I, what? Protect you from bullies?Danny: No! I’m not weak, I don’t need to be protected. Just..maybe we could sit together at lunch and walk each other home sometimes?Jason: NayDanny: But why? You want something else?Jason: Money’s fine but your homemade food is…strange.Danny: I can bring sweets if you want.Jason: Deal. 3 pop tarts for a joint lunch, a party size bag of M&Ms if you waste my time out of school.


Sometimes they share sweets when they hang out but more often Jayson takes them home to save in case his parents have money problems. Sweets have a long shelf life stored and he may not be afraid to poison himself.Over time, candy becomes their currency and a secret language for all occasions.Need help without unnecessary questions? M&Ms. Problems with learning? Skittles. The question is about family? Snickers. There will be a serious conversation? Pop Tarts.

Jason: One snickers and a pack of gum.Danny: Yeah, Jason? What do you want?Jason: My mom wants to meet my friend. Come to lunch on Sunday.Danny: Okay, you managed to pay for my expensive services.Jason:…and you just lost the gum from the deal.


Jason threw a package at Danny: Three pop tarts. We need to talk.Danny: All right?Jason: Why are you avoiding me all week?!Danny: Well, it’s just..you’re Wayne now.Jason. Still Todd. And what about that?Danny: You can hang out with the cooler guys now, I didn’t want to embarrass you.Jason: Bullsh*t! I’m still the street rat, and you’re trying to avoid our contract.me. And I don’t even need money from you anymore. What the hell? I thought you are my friend.Danny: And I am!


Robin: What’s a schoolboy doing in an alley at night?Danny: Um, I…nothing? Don’t tell my parents, Mr. Robin sir.Robin: It will cost you so many Chunky Bars, you have no idea.Danny:...Jason?Jason: N-no.Danny: Damn yes. What are you doing in green shorts on the street at night?!Jason: Cosplay.Danny: Oh yeah? Then I’m just your hallucination. Don’t hesitate to ghost me. I’m going home, Disgrace In Pixie Boots, bye.Jason: fu%&c$#u


When they're 14 years old, Danny is forced to move to Amity Park bc the ecto levels there are much higher than Gotham's is. They try to keep it up, but then Danny dies (he's trying to fit in with the two outcasts, and so he tries to impress them and get in the portal...) and due to the accident Danny loses Jason's number (his phone is just...ash now.).

He sends a package to Wayne Manor, to update him about the lost phone number and to give the subsequent "apology" skittles for not being in touch for a couple months, but because of the nature of Rich People it takes an extra week or so for that to reach Jason after the security checks (i'm making this up)

BUT OF COURSE, during that week is when Joker gets his GRUBBY STUPID HANDS on Jason, and as such the LOA happens etc etc he never gets back to the Manor and isn't even discovered as alive until years and years later. At this point, Jason just thinks that Danny lost touch but he has more important things, revenge things to think about and no, none of this aggression is mixed with heartbreak who do you think Jason Todd is?

And Danny, Danny thinks that Jason just never forgave him. None of the Waynes actually knew about Danny, mostly because Jason and Danny didn't want any of that meddling with their friendship again, so nobody thought to inform him of Jason's death, and the package was just put to the side with all of Jason's other stuff. And if Danny's thankful that fighting ghosts gets some of that aggression out? Well. he doesn't think about the parallels of being a teen vigilante like Jason

After everything is said and done (Ghost King and Red Hood) through some Lady Gotham is a City Spirit that is Severely Cursed shenanigans, they meet in their alter egos. and then.

Jason: You look familiar...

Danny: ...You feel familiar?

Jason and Danny: .................................skittles, asshole.

They figure out what happened and catch up. Now, they text as often they can between Ghost King and Outlaw shenanigans.

Danny, tossing a gummy worm at Jason: At least you've graduated from the booty shorts. Shame. I think you'd still rock it.

Jason, catching it in his mouth and not even looking up from his book: I dont wanna hear that from the wonder twink himself.

They get back into that bickering banter, but don't realize that "backhanded" compliments are still compliments.

Like. When white guys use pretty boy as an insult.


Oh I have SO MANY THOUGHTS about that package, and about Danny accidentally losing Jason’s number during the exact wrong handful of weeks. About how feeling like he’d lost his friend, too, and having no idea why, would have made everything worse for Jason at that time.

I’m thinking about Danny reading about Jason’s death in the news, while knowing that he was Robin, and having some inkling what actually happened and what kind of fight might have brought his friend to an exploding warehouse halfway around the world. About the knowledge of his friend’s death hanging over Danny as he came to terms with his own. About Danny thinking specifically of Jason as he crafted his Phantom persona into a quick, quippy teen hero.

Having some thoughts about Danny always keeping an eye out for the ghost of his childhood friend, in and out of the Ghost Zone. About Danny always keeping a stash of candy on hand, just hoping he might need it again some day. About Danny getting to know and explore the Zone better and better, and how it gets less and less likely that Jason is around and they haven’t met again yet. I’m imagining the hope of seeing his friend fading further and further into the realm of impossible dreams, over time, but Danny still carrying sweets around constantly, anyway, because by now it’s a habit. And a bit of a tribute, too.

Thinking about Jason finally reconciling with the batfamily enough to visit his old room, and finding this old package dated just weeks before he left. About Jason pulling out this brittle, expired old pack of skittles and getting hit by just a wave of memories of the kid who moved away when they were 12, and who he realizes he had, until now, counted among the people who weren’t there for him a couple years later. The candies are a bit hardened and faded with age by now, but he eats them anyway as he reads the letter. He reads what little bit his 14 year old friend had written about the lab accident that fried his phone, and about the “weird stuff happening since then. I’ll tell you more when you call.”

Obviously, Jason hadn’t called.

I’m thinking about Jason looking Danny up, and finding that Daniel Fenton disappeared a year or two ago, just after graduating high school. About Jason wondering how things might have been different for them both if he’d gotten this package sooner; if they’d stayed in touch; if he’d been able to talk to Danny before running off; if Danny had had someone else outside that tiny town in Illinois to talk to about what definitely sounds like a meta power activation story if Jason’s ever heard one.

So Jason adds Danny Fenton to both his list of missing persons cases, and his list of Reasons to Brood, but beyond that there’s not much he can do but experience Feelings about it. Even if Danny didn’t seem to have just completely disappeared from this dimension, Jason’s not sure he’d want to meet again anyway.

And THEN, Danny comes to Gotham to help Lady Gotham with some problem, and Jason and Danny both ping each others’ “another dead guy” radars. They proceed to play an insane game of rooftop tag/cat-and-mouse for a full couple of hours that evening, until Danny finally decides to just ghost up behind Jason and go “boo”. Just to try and get The Red Hood to startle.

He succeeded.

But the thing is, Danny’s only ever known one person besides Mr. Lancer who swears in literary references. The helmet may have a voice modulator, but that’s a pretty distinctive turn of phrase. So, instead of cackling over the way he made Hood jump almost a foot in the air, Phantom just hovers there, staring a moment before muttering, “Jason?”

This is, of course, when Jason actually gets a good look at Phantom’s face. No bat is gonna be as easily fooled by a simple color change as Amity was. Jason’s “Danny?” is confirmation enough, in itself, that Danny is immediately reaching into his impossible pocket space. Jason is just bracing for… something, when he gets a family sized pack of skittles chucked directly at his chest.

Asshole,” Danny growls at him, trying desperately to maintain a glare through the grin that’s slowly overtaking his face. “You will be buying the Pop Tarts for this, boy menace, it’s your turn.”


im kind of wreck about Danny and Jason always searching for each other for literal years

about Danny breaking down to Jazz or Sam or Tuck or all of them. About him mourning and grieving a second time for his lost friend. About how Danny can probably infer a lot of what has happened to him (i hc that ecto kind of has emotional memories too, and that lazarus water is corrupted ecto); his rocky relationship with Bruce, how heartwrenching it must have been to be so at odds with his family, about how to him, Danny left him.

about Jason going to the gym to break a couple of sandbags, refraining from sparring with anyone because who knows if he'll be able to hold back---from killing them, from breaking down, whichever. About isolating himself, barely able to breathe, bloodied knuckles puddling on the grubby gym floor. About Dick or Tim or Cass or any of the bats and birds, or god forbid Bruce finding him there. Because some part of him knew--he knew that Danny was gone, that it was highly likely that he was dead but to find out that he's been dead? To find out that they both died within the same year? To really think about how it was another dead kid whose parents failed him.

about Danny thinking about Red Hood's sharp edges and keen intellect--how Jason's never really shied away from being the Big Bad himself if it meant his people were safe.

about Jason thinking about Phantom's wistful little smile and shy charisma--how Danny's always willing to make it make sense, keeping people feeling safe and cared for in a way they can understand and accept.

about how different they are now, how Danny takes up space now, how Jason takes louder steps now, but how they havent changed.

how Jason is more than willing to break some bones for Danny, and how Danny will never push Jason's boundaries.

i'm a wreck about Danny and Jason grieving for their old friends, and relearning them at the same time.


“Maybe they’ve pavlov’d themselves”

@bloggerspam you cannot make me cry like this over tags this early in the day.


Candy Crush AU

Danny’s family made a lot of fudge.

Danny ate a lot of fudge in high school. It was safe.

Well, ok, physically it was probably only marginally safer than any other food cooked by his parents, and only by virtue of definitely having no meat in it….. probably. It was, supposedly, a Fenton family recipe, though Danny was pretty sure Marshmallow Fluff didn’t actually count as a “secret ingredient”. …Danny really hoped that was what his dad meant by “secret ingredient”.

Potentially dubious nature or no, Jack Fenton was thrilled when his son started taking him up on the fudge offers way more often some time after age fourteen, and basically doubled the fudge production in their home that year. Danny was happy he was happy. And glad to be able to satisfy his sweet tooth with something that was safe — easy.

It was just that convenience stores and large grocery chains had never carried fudge. It wasn’t something he’d ever paid for with crumpled allowance money. Not at age eight when he thought he’d cracked the code to being street wise and cool about friendships. Not at age ten, when he’d gotten pretty excellent at instinctively dodging or catching candy bars tossed at his head, and hadn’t really processed the Snickers in his hand until Jason sat down squinting angrily, like a person determined not to cry, and looking like he hadn’t slept in about a week. Not at age twelve when he’d hovered in the bodega aisle wondering how many pop tarts it would take to cover “my parents have decided to move us to the middle of nowhere, Illinois, but I think we should still keep in touch anyway, even though you’re somehow busy all the time even more than ever these days.”

Danny had stood there so long, the cashier had started giving him suspicious, sideways looks, in true Gothamite fashion. His imagination had begun running away with scenarios in which the guy accused him of trying to steal something, called the cops on him, and, somehow, got Robin on the scene. Jason would absolutely think the whole thing was funny as hell, and probably never let him live it down, which was definitely not the deterrent he held over most criminals, but the swooping embarrassment Danny had felt over the (in retrospect deeply unlikely) prospect of getting caught supplying himself for a very serious conversation before he was ready left him ducking back out the store. He’d gone out of his way the next morning instead, made a whole detour on the way to school and grabbed two entire boxes without thinking about it too hard. Jason had whistled low when he’d dropped both unceremoniously on the picnic table that afternoon. The “Damn, Danny. Are we hiding a body or something?” Had been delivered with that same incongruous mix of levity and concern that Danny knew had gotten Jason through a lot of caring a lot more than was smart or safe for him to really show.

A lot more than was survivable, as it had turned out.

Not that Danny was one to talk.

It was just that eating home made sweets didn’t feel quite as wrong as casually accepting MnMs from Tucker, and wondering if he could have done something if he’d still been in Gotham to accept them from someone else. It didn’t feel as transgressive as eating Skittles when he was too sleep deprived to even explain their latest math classes to himself, let alone someone else. Pretending fudge was his favorite felt less like breaking faith than actually explaining to someone else why he gave everything but the apples a pass at Halloween parties. Those and candy corn. Jason had hated “that waxy sh*t”.

He had never once accepted candy corn. He had never once accepted food out of Danny’s house.

These things were safe. These were things that didn’t taste at all like regret.

And if anything chocolate still kind of always tasted like “Help, no questions asked. You’re the person I’m coming to”? Well, Danny could pretend, at least to himself, that his parents meant it that way. That maybe someday, they might not try to shoot him out of the sky for trying.

Tucker called him on it once, sometime around their Junior year after Jazz had left for college, and Danny had begun playing with the idea of actually learning to cook more than instant noodles for himself. They were pretty sure his diet still mattered, especially since he’d started actually working out in human form.

“Wait,” Tuck had asked, crunching a potato chip as he scrolled the local social media and hero-spotting sites for embarrassing blackmail material a check on public opinion of Phantom this month. “Jazz did all the grocery shopping for the house before? I swear I’ve at least seen you pick up, like…” He trailed off, then cackled, saving a particularly unflattering shot of Danny’s face as he took a collision with a full-sized and very hyper Cujo yesterday. “I’ve definitely seen you buy stuff you never personally ate. You buy candy like, all the time. And you never eat any of it except, like, the peppermints.”

Danny had taken the totally mature and transparent route of ‘distraction by way of complaining loudly at the next photo Tucker found’. It was easier than explaining that no one in his family ate what he’d been regularly spending allowance on for the last three years — it was for someone else. Definitely easier than admitting out loud that it was more of an… observance, at this point — a refusal to openly stop, to give up — than an actual hope that he might need it at some point.

Sometime, between his parents’ disaster of a college reunion, and getting dragged into a ghostly mirror image of his own high school, it had occurred to Danny that living over a literal portal to the afterlife might, possibly, let him see someone he knew again, too. If anyone was stubborn enough….

With the buzz and the slightly-manic buoyancy of all mildly-desperate hopes, he’d run to a corner store after school. To grab skittles. Because he’d mailed the last ones, and he needed some on hand. So he’d be ready when they met again. So he could ask all the things that had been running on repeat in his mind since they’d started using the word hero for what he was trying to be, here.

Please, teach me your flippy tricks. Show me how you did that thing where you made guys who tried to hit you fall with their own momentum. Rate my quips, I know you would have opinions. How on earth did you manage to do this kind of thing and still get homework done? Am I doing this right???

… do you regret doing this? With how it turned out?

… do you still dream about dying too?

By Junior year, Danny knew ghosts from pretty much every part of the Zone that was Earth-adjacent, one way or another, including several whose domain covered the entire Earth at least. He’d made a habit of asking, once there were ghosts he knew enough to have a civil conversation. He’d looked out for a familiar face each time he went somewhere new. He’d poked for any information on “the kid in pixie boots”, just to see if he could annoy Jason into showing up at his door faster. This approach had, admittedly, led to a weird encounter with a ghost who might possibly be The Peter Pan, but it was worth it. He had to try.

By the time he and Clockwork, who would definitely know, were on casual speaking terms, the list of probable, unchecked places had dwindled so much that Danny found he was too afraid to ask after Jason again. He didn’t want to hear it was hopeless. He wanted to keep replacing his candy stash, updating his latest supply as his choice of conversations evolved.

Over time, teach me how to do this skittles became, be my backup? The rest of my team would love you MnMs, to Can I think out loud at you? You don’t actually have to say anything back bubblegum. For a while, he settled out at a continuous stream of I need to talk about family. I need to talk about my parents. Snickers.

He bought a lot of Snickers, Junior year.

Eventually, by the end of high school, Danny had settled back into a steady alternation. 1) Skittles: not for big, world-ending questions, but more just to think about what Jason’s takes would have been on the insanity that had become Danny’s life. Did you ever meet inter dimensional beings? I met alien ghosts the other day, want to compare notes? I still suck at English class, sorry, I know you had opinions on this book but I definitely can’t replicate the essay you probably had just… ready in your head. 2) Caramels: one of the world’s more impossible candies to talk and eat at the same time. They’d only really started using those in that last year or so in Gotham. After Jason started at a new school and they began meeting at parks and libraries, instead. Can we just hang out? Just do our thing side by side? No talking required.

There were exactly two store-bought types of candy that Danny actually ate anymore. Peppermints at school because, for all that he hated the flavors of Christmas, the mint feeling was just reminiscent enough of his ghost sense to keep him awake in class. And sometimes, on patrol, he’d break out the caramels. They felt a bit less like sacrilege than anything else. No talking, no expectation he’d hear an answer. Just sweetness with the slightest bitter bite of sugar heated just to the edge of burning. Just two dead guys, out on patrol.

After high school, for a while, Danny stopped buying candy altogether. He’d timed the conversation after graduation, after turning 18, so he’d be able to leave if he had to. Still, he’d had hopes.

His hopes ended with a broken portal, an extended stay in the Ghost Zone while he regained his bearings, and the knowledge that fudge was another thing, now, that was going to taste like regret.

(I have a Jason half planned along this train of thought, but this is all I can manage in my lunch break)


prev tags:

Sweet and Sour.

He wakes to the taste of burnt pennies and, somehow, a jolly ranchers.

He wakes to darkness and the smell of dirt and wet wood.

The jolly ranchers bothers him the most.

He starts to scratch at this tongue, it feels awfully dry, before the confines of the space around him makes him go into a blind panic--all he can think about is that he needs to get out, and so he does.

With bloody, ruined fingers, splinters in his palms and scratches all along his arms and legs small mercies for shoes he reaches and reaches and reaches. He's not exactly awake but he knows he has to leave, so he continues to reach.

He smells top soil and metal and sewage and city urban smoke. He smells Gotham--he's dragging his foot and he's bleeding, he knows--but he smells something in the air too; he smells something sweet, almond-y.

He follows it blindly, until he can follow it no longer.


When he wakes again, its to bright lights and dusty white walls. He's laying in some kind of cot, under a scratchy blanket that does him no favors. His shoes are gone, but that is all he can really register.

The darkness comes and goes, and he is still not exactly awake, but he knows something is wrong.

A woman comes by, and offers him green jello.

It's sweet.

When she tells him to follow, he does.


When he wakes for the third time, he's truly awake.

He wakes up drowning.

He tastes battery acid and pixie sticks, and he can't breathe; all he can see hear and feel is green.

When he surfaces, it's to a crusty old man and the woman who unceremoniously tossed him into the pool of liquid green he's currently standing in.

He recognizes her. Talia.

More importantly: he remembers.

She tells him he wasn't avenged, and all Jason can feel is rage.

The rage is all consuming and grips him by the neck.

He feels like he's being dangled off the roof of Wayne Industries.

He makes his plan with the taste of pixie sticks staining his teeth.

He spits it out. It sizzles green on the dirt floor.

He has work to do.


Jason wakes to the sound of the living room window sliding up.

The tread of footsteps, barely a sound, belies who it is. He groans, grabs a gun and trudges out his room to meet his meddling brother and find out what he wants this time.

Dick is sheepish, and the excuse he gives to explain why he's there is pathetic and not even worth the time it took for him to think it up.

Thankfully, the pit rage is less of a monster and more of a yapping sh*tzu these days. Jason won't look a gift horse in the mouth.

Dick stays for breakfast, in as much as it can be breakfast at 4pm on a Thursday. It feels normal. It feels almost good.

When Dick leaves, he tosses a lollipop at Jason with a parting shot about sweet tooths and how smoking will kill him eventually.

Jason looks at the lollipop and thinks of another set of blue eyes and snarky comments said in a much younger voice.

He thinks of Alfred's cookies. He thinks about how he hasn't bought any candy in years. He thinks about jolly ranchers, and green jello, and pixie sticks. He thinks of skittles, and M&Ms, and snickers.

He pops the lollipop in his mouth.

The next time he's out and about, he buys a bag of caramels and a pack of bubblegum.

He throws away the cigarettes.


Candy Crush AU ~More What If~

Undead ones form strong bonds among themselves. Some ghosts communicate by transmitting thoughts or memories, others share emotions. When Danny learned of this feature, he spent a long time trying to send a ghost 'radio signal' to his friend.

But the ability to communicate was not guaranteed. Some types of spirits could not communicate in this way with other types of the dead, while others simply did not possess it instinctively and had to learn it first (as Danny).

Phantom’s efforts were to no avail. Soon, instead of full-fledged messages, Danny began sending just some thoughts or lines of songs to his best friend. They went into the void anyway, so no harm from practice.


For Danny their first connection was like a co*ke and Mentos geyser with aftertaste of Sour Acid Candy. During a week his tongue tasted various sweets he hadn’t touched in months. Was it adrenaline, rage, fear or a new hope? Jason? Jason? Need to find him. Everything mixed into a molotov co*cktail and Phantom didn’t know where to run. He resumes the search with renewed vigor anyway. It doesn’t matter if it’s his friend talking to him, or if he’s already losing his mind. Giving up hope means losing, and Robin didn’t teach him how to lose.


And, of course, when Danny met Jason he sent such a strong "Found Him! Happy! Happy!" message without address that he had received congratulations from ghosts from Wisconsin to Far Frozen and even far for a few seconds.

Only when Danny talks with Jason he learns that around the time of onset of his strange sweet symptoms, Jason was placed in the Lazarus Pit.

The taste/emotional swings made the Phantom vomit food many times but Danny thought it was worth it because it made him not avoid Gotham but look for every opportunity to come back and question the local ghosts about Jason. Well, in the end, Lady Gotham brought them together.


Meanwhile, Alfred, who was finding strange messages near Master Jason’s grave, finally breathes a sigh of relief. Sometimes the notes were funny, like ( "I would kill for a Batburger now, Jason, I swear I would"; "They don’t bring knives to school, Jason, crazy outsiders!") and accompanied by a harmless candy wrapper. On days like this, the butler could have pretended that second Robin had visits from an old alley friend.

But more often than not, these messages were sad and he was afraid that the unknown person might do something to himself. The Grave on such days was surrounded the scent of a viscous caramel. The howling wind was bringing melodies and fragments of song lyrics ("I miss you more than life"; "I think I’ll miss you forever. Like the stars miss the sun in the morning skies.")~~~~~~

For them, this communication becomes natural. They still give each other candies but learn to taste each other’s mood.

When they want to transmit a message from a distance but speaker can’t concentrate, they’re looking for candies as possessed. Jazz has a picture of Danny with chipmunk cheeks and a comedically focused look on his face because he shoved thirty mints into his mouth and lectured Jason in his head.

~~~~~~~King Phantom and Red Hood: *sit at a Justice League meeting with stone faces*.Danny and Jason inside: *talk sh*t about Batman in Jelly Beans signals*Martian Manhunte: 'It's a terrible code, Skipper. I can't make it out.'


When Dick shares liquorice pipes with Jason after the patrol, Red Hood looks at his brother with great suspicion and almost asks what he did but stops in time.

Tim, who decrypts their signals, is secretly producing caffeinated candies for his own use. Now Red Robin’s not allowed on patrol with snacks. Also Bruce soon discovered that his Liquor Filled Chocolate Bottles lost all the filling and their cavities poured with red bull.

The swear jar remains empty when Jason and Danny are visiting Manor but the expression on their faces when they give marmalade citrus slices to each other makes it seem like they have an argument that would never have passed Alfred’s censorship.



This feels like that post about people meowing at their cats and the cats hearing them say random words. Dick is basically meowing random words into the aether!

Cat: Meow (Good Morning)

Human: Meow (Tax Benefits!)


If I can add a little something a little off topic: I think that Martians don't taste food the same way as humans. A bit like cats who don't taste sugar or certain birds who don't pick up the spicy side of 🌶.

This will add confusion regarding the sweet code for Martian Manhunter


Martian Manhunter definitely processes sweets differently from humans. If I recall correctly, he has problems with Chocos, DC’s version of Oreos. Eating a pack of Oreos it basically his version of cracking open a cold one after a hard day at work. He’s even gotten to the point where it was an actual addiction for him.

So if that’s the case, I’m thinking that depending on the sweet, it looks like Danny and Jason are basically dealing hard drugs right in front of him.


I mean, red hood is a crime lord. So from him it seems logical for Martien Manhunter.

But Phantom? He's a king, he's supposed to set an example! (as Aquaman or people like to remind Aquaman)

He should probably talk about it with the others! …But at the same time he became curious about the sweet code


Sorry, I did one jajaja on his reaction to oreos and it happened:

Manhunter: Batman, I think Phantom and Red Hood were talking about expanding influence on people. And this time, I’m pretty sure I got it 65 percent right. There were candy eyeballs, cookies, and a damn oreo. Maybe it would affect kids in Gotham. Are you sure your son doesn’t make a living selling drugs?Batman: *tired sigh of a man who’s hearing Martien Manhunter’s crazy theories 15 times a day*.

~~~~~~~What Danny and Jason were really talking about:Jason: So about the last book I read, protagonists did not fit into the timeframe at all and so the topic raised by the author was revealed on..Danny: Hey, Jason, have you ever thought about youtube channel or smth?Jason: Well, B’s gonna be furious if I start show my face online. I’m not officially resurrected yet and people can connect the dots. I’ve always been a bookworm.Danny: Hah. "Guys, the continuation of this cycle of books sucks so much that I crawled out of the grave to tell you how this author screwed up".Jason: Lol, that’s right. I swear, if Talia hadn’t found me first, I would have been found scratching the library door that morning.Danny: You know what, do it like Red Hood. Get into the minds of young readers, make them love literature. The kids in the alley love you, so they’re gonna like to know your hobbies outside of work. Just add more books to the reviews from the school curriculum and it will definitely improve their performance in the classroom.Jason: I don’t know, we don’t spend much time together, and a new hobby just will cut of more…Danny: Babe, the last thing that protected you from the bullet was pages of Franz Kafka. 'cause you forgot to wear the damn armor but you remembered to shove the book under your leather jacket. You sure as hell love literature. If you were a ghost, I’d say it’s your obsession.Jason: ...Bastards paid dearly for ruining that copy. But it was a really hard cover.Danny: So, if talking about books with people who at least understand what you’re saying makes you happy, go ahead! I can just lie around and be eye candy while you’re busy. There’s always more paperwork I need to deal with.


Kids quickly discovered they really enjoy watching book reviews from the coolest crime lord in Gotham. But even more they like watching live streams.

When Hood gets really excited, he starts talking so funny! At first only the blue-eyed twink lying in the background during steams understood Red but gradually children made up their dictionary:Jason: You see this moment? It’s such a fudge! But if we... look, just read next ten chapters, and oh! Pure as dark chocolate!Danny: Come on, it’s more like a lollipop.Jason: How dare you say such things! You! Who only with my help wrote an essay about it. Lie back and look at the stars with your mouth shut, you’re only here as decoration. What a shame!Danny: Okay, okay, I’m just gummy worm with you.Comments:User1684: I’m telling you, they’re definitely cherry candy.User$532: Ohhh rainbow cake. I love their interaction.

User1114: People, wake up, the guy is probably afraid for his life. Why youtube doesn’t block it? This criminal makes him participate!User3714: Lol, let’s dedicate this moment to thank Red Robin for this channel. In Gotham we have the best hackers.RedRobinsFake:Thanks for your support!User1114: Boy, blink twice if you’re a hostage.Red Hood's Voice: I’m f*cking trying, but you can’t see it through the helmet.Danny: *Looks the forty minutes into a camera without a blink and makes hiss*.Red Robin's Voice: On behalf of Batman and his birds and bats, we declare that.. khm.. the civilian on video is a voluntary participant. Danny, stop looking like you’re trying to steal the viewers' souls, 'cause they were worried about you, and now they’re writing about #FreeRedHood.Red Hood: All right, guys, stop. I knew what I was doing when I signed that contract about selling my soul. Oops, I mean the wedding contract. It’s so easy to confuse them.~Black Screen~Danny: Oh…I'm soo sorry, Sugarboo, I didn't notice that i did that.Red Hood: Don't be silly, I love when you goes more eldritch as a little treat.Danny: It wasn’t Eldritch, it was just weird. I’ll show you what the Eldritch form means tonig-Red Robin: Stupid lovebirds, why do you always forget to turn the sound off?!D&J: 'Cause you are doing it?Red Robin: Yeah, because you keep forgetting. Just finish the broadcast, is that too much to ask?Danny: Sorry, we have one living braincell for two.Red Hood: Yeah, too much information.


Bruce *watches the video at midnight then breaks into Jason’s room*.Danny with a body of a constellation that contains strange star patterns *turnes black holes eyes while hanging over Jason’s book and working like a lamp*.Jason *throws a packet of popcorn at the head of his dad*: Back off, pervert!Bruce: I was just worried about your safety. Kids these days…*leaves and closes the door behind him*.Danny and Jason: *high five*.

~Video Questions from followers~Danny: Hey, I’m here for about 30 minutes while Hood's cooking for us.Question from Loyal Henchman: Hello, you as a concubine are handsome, but what about the silver-haired and green-eyed guy? Did they break up?Danny: Heh, damn it, what’s an old-fashioned name? I’ll take a screenshot of this and hang it on the wall. No, we’re in a triad.Child of the Darkness: So you won’t be upset if I praise another guy’s suit? Black looks so hot! (Hood, sir, don’t kill me)Bird Fan: Hey, Danny, right? Why aren’t you cooking? Red Hood likes to cook or he just doesn’t trust lovers with food (like you can poison it or smth).Danny: Of course he likes to cook but it’s not just that. Phantom and I, well, we just eat. If Phantom cooks, the food will be poison. Like, he will not poison the dishes, but they themselves will become deadly in any case. And if I do the cooking, I’ll end up blowing up the kitchen even worse than the explosion that killed the second Robin.The sound of a plate falling and swearing from the kitchen.Danny: Oops, it seems your humble servant has no dessert for dinner.Red Hood *Enters the room with plates and sits next to Danny*.Red Hood: Hey, honey, you’re not gonna be jealous that at Harley and Evie’s anniversary is gonna be only Phantom's performance, right?Danny: Performance, which performance?Jason: Oh, you know that girls are so excited about his "Lip Sync Battle - Tom Holland" act.Danny: ...And when did he say yes?Red Hood: Oh, it’s like his brain is filled with cotton candy, he's always talking about whatever he wants.Danny: Oh. Yeah, yeah, well, he definitely promised it as an apology to you. Right.Red Hood: I’m glad you remember. Have a cookie, sweetie.

Danny: Red, you forgot to bring the tea.Hood: Oh. I’ll be right back. Love you!Danny: Love you too!…..Danny: Okay Siri, find tickets to the nearest portal to ghost zone.

Red Hood: The nearest portal is you, idiot!Danny: *Sounds of suffering*.


Superman *wants to make sure that the civilian’s not being coerced into dating Red Hood and Phantom*: So, are you okay with this? One of them is dead, you know?Danny* portrays horror*: What? Just one? What will I tell my parents?Superman: W-What?Danny: It’s not gay if he’s dead, so we say in Amity Park! Jason lied about his funeral? I’m such a lemon caramel about it!Baby *runs up and kicks Superman in the knee*: Get out! No Meta or alien in Gotham!The other child: Yeah, get away from the boss’s love, they’re so cherry co*ke and all, you know, adult stuff.Baby: Fly to your sh*tty Metropolis or I will spit on you my "Love is" gum!Danny: aww~


Blob Ghost: Meow (What do you want to tell us, a living thing?)Dick: Mui (My grandson’s bike ate ficus)Blob Ghost: Meoow (We still love you, our silly non-talking man).Dick: See, Phantom, they begin to understand me! Soon I will seize power over your subordinates.Danny: Sure.

#dead on main | void-of-unparalled-chaos (2024)
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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

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Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.