9 Thanksgiving Recipes You Can Make Now and Stash in Your Freezer (2024)

9 Thanksgiving Recipes You Can Make Now and Stash in Your Freezer (1)

You never thought hosting Thanksgiving dinner would be easy. But how the heck are you supposed to referee the drama and refill the wine glasses when you've got turkey timers to check and mashed potatoes to stir?

This year, go easy on yourself and whip up these nine (freezable) Thanksgiving recipes ahead of time.


Hors D'oeuvre: Gruyere and Hazlenut Crackers
The dough will keep in the freezer for up to two months. A few days before, slice it up, bake and serve (with creamy store-bought cheese). Get the recipe.

9 Thanksgiving Recipes You Can Make Now and Stash in Your Freezer (2)

Hors D'oeuvre: Cranberry Meatballs
Freeze these bite-sized bad boys for up to one month in advance. Then thaw and serve with a side of cranberry sauce (no, you don't have to make it from scratch). Get the recipe.


9 Thanksgiving Recipes You Can Make Now and Stash in Your Freezer (3)

Hors D'oeuvre: Mushroom Turnovers
Before you cook 'em, layer the turnovers on a baking sheet and freeze. Next, transfer them to a zip-top freezer bag--they'll keep for up to one month. Get the recipe.

9 Thanksgiving Recipes You Can Make Now and Stash in Your Freezer (4)

First Course: Butternut Squash Soup
Whip up this savory (and seasonal) dish weeks in advance--just hold off on adding the crème fraîche until the day of. Get the recipe.


9 Thanksgiving Recipes You Can Make Now and Stash in Your Freezer (5)

Main Course: Turkey
While we probably won't be trying this one ourselves, it is possible to make turkey in advance--the secret is freezing the perfectly cooked meat already sliced. Just thaw it out in the fridge the night before, and you're good to go. Get the recipe.

9 Thanksgiving Recipes You Can Make Now and Stash in Your Freezer (6)

Side: Garlic Herb Mashed Potatoes
The key to making sure these guys keep is using lots and lots of full-fat milk. Another tip: Divide a big batch of spuds into smaller containers before freezing to help maximize the flavor when you reheat. Get the recipe.

9 Thanksgiving Recipes You Can Make Now and Stash in Your Freezer (7)

Side: Green Bean Casserole
After this cools, add a layer of plastic wrap and a layer of tinfoil to your freezer-safe casserole dish (an aluminum food container also works for storage). Pop all that cheesy goodness in the freezer and it'll keep for up to two months. Get the recipe.

9 Thanksgiving Recipes You Can Make Now and Stash in Your Freezer (8)

Side: Ciabatta and Sausage Stuffing
Good news: All stuffing keeps for weeks in the freezer! Just be sure it's completely defrosted before reheating. Get the recipe.

9 Thanksgiving Recipes You Can Make Now and Stash in Your Freezer (9)

Dessert: Apple Pie
Fruit pies tend to freeze much better than custard ones. Transfer the fully assembled creation to the freezer and cover with layers of plastic wrap (and tinfoil for good measure). Then, the night before, it's bake time. Get the recipe.


9 Thanksgiving Recipes You Can Make Now and Stash in Your Freezer (10)


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9 Thanksgiving Recipes You Can Make Now and Stash in Your Freezer (2024)
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